Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsA great philosopher named Ronald Reagan once said "Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July. Democrats believe every day is April 15." Whichever side of the aisle you're on, best wishes as we celebrate the greatest holiday of the greatest nation on Earth!
Bonus: Take a couple of minutes to watch this wonderful salute to America from GoDaddy. It's great!
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsJust as the Eskimos have 39 words that mean "snow," the President has approximately 1,000 phrases that mean... well...nothing at all. Regarding urgent international crises, his policies have consisted entirely of being given "huge pause," having "deep concerns," and feeling "not reconciled." That's not leadership - that's constipation.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsThe EPA suppressed evidence that global warming isn't as big a problem as the Democrats made it out to be, until "Cap and Trade" could be (very quickly) voted on. And now we learn that polar bear populations aren't declining, and are in fact at optimum levels...and they just like standing on icebergs.
So remind us - why are the Democrats attempting to dismantle what's left of our economy?
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsThe earliest newspaper reports declared "High Court Rules for White Firefighters." No. The Supreme Court didn't rule "for whites," it ruled against racial discrimination.
This isn't rocket science, people. You can't hire or fire, promote or demote anyone just because you don't like the color of their skin. Do we really want a new Supreme Court justice (for life!) who can't or won't understand that?
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsRemember when legislation that will change our country forever was more newsworthy than celebrity deaths?
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsDuring his ABC (Dis)infomercial, the President made clear that one of the primary ways the government will save money on healthcare costs is by telling people when they have to die.
In all seriousness, this isn't hyperbole or semantic nitpicking on the part of Hope n' Change. Tom Daschle, one of the principle architects of the proposed healthcare plan, said that Americans will have to grow more comfortable with the "European model" and accept a "hopeless diagnosis" if their treatment would be unacceptably expensive.
Keep in mind that with Social Security and Medicare failing, it will also be "unacceptably expensive" for the government if citizens simply keep living long after retirement. Which is why they're taking steps now to keep that from happening.