As the old saying goes, "Everybody loves a whiner." No wait...it's everybody loves a winner.
Which is why it's odd to hear Barack Obama whining and complaining that Democratic voters who were so fired up by his previous promises of rainbows and unicorns are now, in his words, lethargic, lacking in seriousness, and acting in a manner that is "inexcusable."
In an exclusive interview with the hard-hitting political journal "Rolling Stone," the Petulant of the United States seemed short-tempered about voters who are developing long memories. Apparently reading from a teleprompter programmed for a Sports Illustrated interview, Obama said that no Democratic or Progressive voters should "stand on the sidelines in this midterm election," nor should they "take their ball and go home" just because they expect a shellacking.
The Coach in Chief then expressed exasperation with disappointed Democratic voters, and said they just need to "buck up."
Presumably, many who previously voted for the president will return that same sentiment to him ...and the horse he rode in on.
I, for one, hope he goes to his room and pouts for, say, 2 years, 118 days. It must suck to go from being the messiah to just being the mess. What a baby!
This clueless jackass is so out of touch... I guess that's what you get when you elect an empty suit w/ delusions of competence...
That makes me laugh, Colby M - sounds like something that would happen if the teleprompter screen went haywire:
"Er, er, ah, ah, I-ah, I-ah the mess."
I guess it's official - Barack Obama is now "Jimmy Carter 2.0" (remember when Jimmy gave a televised speech claiming that America was in a "malaise"?)
In about a month we get to apply our voting feet to Democratic rear ends and butt them out of office. Can't wait to push the all R button. I'll risk some lousy Republicans to get rid of all elected D's.
That glow coming from Commander Crybaby isn't his halo. It's the radioactivity that's keeping all his Democrat (former) buddies well clear or running for the hills. Obama must be feeling like his disciples have denied him thrice. Right now it sucks to be him or anyone within spitting distance of him. It would be funny if the implications for our country weren't so dire.
Hear that sucking sound? Its the democraps puckering up as they prepared for a good old fashion November "D-holing" ("D" as in Deliverance). Can't wait he hear them squeal like stuck little piggies.
Readers- I can't remember when I've enjoyed reading the comments more. November can't possibly get here soon enough!
If we don't see some righteous changes after this election, I will be surprised!The polls I see night after night are consistently down on the Obama nightmare and falling daily.! I love it! Ol Bill Clinton went through this too, but he was smart enough to move to the middle and get some decent things accomplished.Was glad to see him go though!!
pryorguy- One point I'd like to emphasize: the November elections won't be the end of anything, but God willing they'll be the beginning. Similarly, the 2012 election won't be the end... though if it rids us of Obama, it will be a wonderful thing.
But we need to be looking at the longterm and a major shift in our country's relationship between the people and the government. Promises that can't be fulfilled need to be broken...which won't be the fault of the responsible people in office, but the fault of those who bought votes with false promises.
It is our hope that the election of 2010 will be historic for being the first - but not the last, or only - election to restore sanity and return to the virtues that made this country great.
I suspect that Mr Obama received the same advice to "Buck up" shortly after he took the job and started whining about it. I also think he didn't hear that "Buck" correctly.
That explains a lot, doesn't it?
Anybody wanting a copy of my bumper music I play after each of BHO's speeches just check my sight for how to receive one.
OK, so I thought this was a DAILY conservative cartoon? On vacation, Stilton? We miss you out here.
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