Friday is the Whitehouse's favorite day to release embarrassing or damaging news, in hopes that nobody will hear it. But thanks to Hope n' Change's "Occupy Press Room" protest, we were there (with our sleeping bags and bongo drums) to hear that the president has just cancelled a key component of Obamacare because it's already failed financially.
Specifically, this was the so-called CLASS Act which was supposed to be Obamacare's replacement for private long term healthcare insurance. Unfortunately, the numbers which Obama produced when pushing his healthcare "reform" proved to be totally bogus and, far from saving taxpayer money (which was the claim), the long term care plan would have gone broke almost immediately.
What Obama and the other geniuses hadn't considered was that a lot of sick people might sign up for long term care insurance...and a lot of healthy people wouldn't (unless compelled at gunpoint, like the rest of Obamacare). Which would be bad enough when trying to balance the books, but it turns out that if EVERY American worker (healthy or sick) had signed up for the plan, it still wouldn't have had enough participants to break even. Apparently, the government never actually stopped to think about how many people actually exist.
An assistant secretary at Health and Human Services now admits that the original actuarial research into the plan was "quite thin," but cheerily notes that the program's spectacular failure has given bureaucrats "a much broader understanding of how the long-term care market works."
Keep in mind, this is the same braintrust that cobbled together all of the other numbers which supposedly show that Obamacare can work. Only their final conclusions weren't based on either math or expertise in insurance or medicine. It came only from cooking the books and lying to the American people. But if Obamacare collapses (as it is predicted to) after eliminating private health insurance companies, it will be impossible for our nation's healthcare system to ever recover.
This story is huge. But will it be big enough to still be considered newsworthy by Monday? We doubt it.
Because as inept as Barack Obama is at providing long term healthcare, he's shown himself to be remarkably shrewd about judging Americans' short term memories.
With the cover Barack Hussein gets from the mainstream news media, I'm doubtful this will become big news. However, there are cracks showing (Fast & Furious, anyone?) so maybe it will come out. We can but dream.
Classic! lmao
Great Cartoon as usual! It sure has been fun watching the Anointed One's run unravel.
On another subject...I'm starting to feel, in the election of 2012, that I'm gonna have to hold my nose and vote for someone again! I totally love Herman Cain, but am not sure he's quite ready for the big time (I'm beginning to wonder if anyone is, kinda like when ya get married!). I know it can change between now and then, but I feel Romney will be the man, and...again, I'm not excited about the choice I have, although my dog would be preferable to what we got last time! If Romney is the one, Herman Cain would be a great runnin' mate to balance out Romney. Just thinkin this morning...have a good day.
San Fran Nancy Pelosi said that "We have to pass it to see what's in it." We're now seeing what a huge turd Obamacare is.
Anyone who is surprised about this announcement hasn't been paying attention ... unfortunately that happens to be a majority segment of the electorate. Everyone with a modicum of common sense has been warning of this (and more) since before the stupid thing was “passed”. Love the comic … classic and TRUE.
Side Note: The only thing that would make the portrait (above) better is if BHO were wearing a Hope n' Change watch.
Romney is horrible...look up online where Obama consulted to get Obamacare!!!!! Romney is definitely "More of the same"..... no offense though, pryorguy! :-) I'm totally for Cain...although my second choice would probably be Newt. I think all the country needs is strong leadership skills right now, and that Cain is our man for that. Obama couldn't even lead a horse to water, let alone make him drink.... but I don't think Romney can beat him, frankly....I think they're too much alike, and Obama can use that to his advantage.
This whole administration is a joke. Was reading this morning about what the Reps threw back about the Buffet bill thing....HAHAHA...too funny. Crazy. Its a circus in Washington. Plus Obama starting another war, plus of course the Health bill being a joke...wow, wow, wow....
"Because... you have to let us pass the bill before we can figure out it won't actually work" - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
What a maroon...
Suzy, Herman Cain is the ONLY one I am excited about too! I'm afraid Obama will outsmart
Romney in a debate also, like I said...I just want a choice I can feel good about!!! I'll take Herman if we can get him!Go Herman! Poor guys only got a million bucks though at this point...not looking good.
@JustaJeepGuy- To my way of thinking, this can only become one of two things: a huge, mainstream news story...or a huge, mainstream news coverup. We'll know which in the next few days.
@Shang- Thanks!
@Pryorguy- I'd hate to enter the voting booth pinching my nostrils again, but I'll do it if necessary. I like Cain immensely, but don't know if he's up to the job (then again, he'd HAVE to do better than Obummer). Romney has slick (slippery?) rhetoric, but his actions haven't been mainstream conservative. Perry, the governor of my state, is a good guy - but it's time to stick a fork in him; he's done. Obama would make mincemeat out of him in a debate. Newt is great, but I can't imagine that he (or anyone I haven't mentioned) has a real shot. Still, NONE of them stink up the room the way John McCain did as a candidate (I respect the man himself, just hated his candidacy).
@Flyboy- Good point; now that we've passed it, we can see the embedded pieces of corn.
@Chuck- Unfortunately, very few people are paying attention. And a lot of people will probably assume that Obamacare is chugging along fine, even after the failure of the longterm component. Sort of like passengers on the Titanic feeling confident because it's the other end of the ship that's sinking...
Suzy- As much as Romney seems like "more of the same," it's my hope that a sufficiently conservative House and Senate could put genuinely conservative bills in front of him to sign.
@The Dark Knight- Unfortunately, the only thing Democrats learn from failure is "we should spend even more next time."
Romney's barely even a "squishy". He's Obama-lite.
You have to chalk another one up to the faceless federal bureaucrats. Not only did they pick Solyandra's failure to the week, but even they have to concede that ObamaCare is a fraud. It's the elected leaders who keep pretending it's not. They're no better than Wall Street.
Stilt, this is pathetic! Obama has screwed up the economy, shown himself to be totally incompetent, dishonest, unqualified...and the GOP cannot come up with a strong enough candidate to make us feel we have a really good chance to get rid of this guy! Maybe if the right had the unions, the underinformed, the african-americans and George Soros in our corner...but wait, we would be the LIBERAL LEFT if we had that!
@John the Econ- Even though WE know that longterm care (under Obamacare) failed because it was a fraud, that's not the way I'm seeing it reported. Instead, the AP said it fell victim to the partisan and political fighting in Washington. What? WHAT?! Politics had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. The MATH didn't work - never did, and never could!
Sorry for using my "outdoor voice," but this pisses me off.
@Pryorguy- Yeah, the left has unions, hippies, radicals, minorities, the news media, and George Soros...but we have clipart, whiskey, and a bad attitude! It's clobberin' time!
I dunno...Cain is running good at the polls...and look at the finances...he has done what he's done so far on WAY less money and absolutely no debt! He can handle his finances better than any of the others!!!! I think the more ability he has to explain his policies to the American people, the more votes he's going to get. People are sick and tired of Washington....they're ready for a real guy. And Herman Cain may not have made it last election, or the election before...but I think the time is right for him to step in and take advantage of the fact the public has had it up to *here* with Washington politics.
He can make it, if we all get together, grassroots, and make it happen....as soon as its cold enough I'm wearing my Herman Cain sweatshirt everywhere and putting bumper stickers on my cars (haven't gotten them yet) which are things I've NEVER EVER done in ANY election....I just think its now or never.
re: The Next One....
Isn't it a shame that our usual choice is "The Lesser of Two Evils"...?
If Obama is re-elected(heaven forbid!), maybe there will be at least a conservative majority in congress, and Obama will be de-clawed and won't totally run this country into the ground!
This 60s-like protest is ridiculous, just like back in the 60's, plus it is very dangerous, with all the ultra-lefties condoning it, plus I understand it is in other countries now, so people are fed up, sure, but these guys are being told they have a right to be taken care of by their government totally, get their 'fair share', whatever that is (it means 'more').
Who knows, ol' Herman might just pull it off, but thats no the way elections have been of late. The money makes the difference, sad to say.
@Suzy- One of the (many) things I like about Herman Cain is that he's ready for bold steps. I think America is way past the point of being saved by half-measures and CYA rhetoric.
@Jazz- It is disappointing. But we can try to comfort ourselves with the thought that the government is more than just the president... although a real leader in that position can certainly affect real change, and make a material difference in the mood of America.
@Pryorguy- Unfortunately, even if Republicans keep the House and win the Senate, if Obama is re-elected then America is toast. Because nothing good can happen, and nothing bad (like Obamacare) can be repealed...and after another four years, it will be almost impossible to change courses. The one hope for that scenario is that the Supreme Court could strike down Obamacare. If that happens, Barry Soetoro can sulk in the Oval Office for four years, federal government will be essentially toothless, and it will be up to the American people to find their own way out of the wilderness (not necessarily a bad thing).
"Leader"? Even in the WH (at least since Reagan) they prefer committees and managers (and he wasn't much better). Generally, a real leader would get crushed and frozen out by his/her party's hierarchy before getting a chance to do anything, or else become isolated in office by party apparatchiki ("hacks"), so as to not embarrass anyone by accomplishing anything ... or at least, not much.
Still and all, the day will come (and it's not long off) when we will once again have leaders. At that time, we will all have to be more careful as to who we follow. That's my opinion, and you're welcome to it!
"If Obama is re-elected(heaven forbid!), maybe there will be at least a conservative majority in congress, and Obama will be de-clawed...."
I'm afraid even an overwhelmingly conserative Congress will not be enough to control this President. For the past 3 years, Congress has allowed itself to become ineffective, powerless, useless in the eyes and mind, not only of the Obama administration, but of the American people, as well. Crudely put, they are about as much use as a steer in a herd of cows.
And given the liberal trend of the Supreme Court, the justices will probably be out there cheerleading Obama on.
The Obama administration will simply rule by Executive Order and our Glorious Leader, supported by his left-wing cronies, will continue his orchestrated quest to destroy our country.
It is my belief is that this administration has managed to destroy the checks and balances system that has restrained our government from the worst excesses of other governments. The questions now are... Can the government be fixed? And if it can.... How? And If it can't........... ?
Yes, I see what you mean. This jerk's gotta go, thats all there is to it. There is too much at stake...this our HOME for goodness sake! And, here is a man with evil intentions on our home. And, just as in any city, evil people have plans to take or destroy what is not theirs...and seems nothing can be done until they actually attempt it and some damage has been done. Anyone like that just hacks me off!
Let's imagine the 2012 presidential debates...who is there that is unafraid to call Obama on his dishonesty, his ultra-poor record on the economy with his stimulus plans, his crony investments in green companies, and a host of other ridiculous pollicies? Who? Or, will it just be another civilized debate allowing Obama to completely annihilate his opponent? Don't think it cannot happen!
If I may expand a bit...I would be so bold as to contend that ANY caucasion male would lose a debate to ANY POTUS if that POTUS were a member of a minority(in this case, African-American). The challenger would be seen as either a racist or a misogynist in many people's minds and probably lose the debate because, in many cases, perception is everything.
@Jazz- These days, a real presidential leader would have to lead by giving citizens a clear direction to take, and the inspiration and motivation to take it. Implementation would then come at the ballot box, influencing the "politics as usual" crowd. Mind you, I don't see it happening, but I can dream.
@gray lady- You bring up a hugely important point, and I'm embarrassed that I'd skipped over it so far. THE Number One reason Obama can't be re-elected is because he'd get to make more godawful Supreme Court appointments. The destruction this could cause is unimaginable.
@Pryorguy- Whoever runs against Obama will be labeled a racist...even if the candidate is Herman Cain. Members of the media (including, outrageously, white pundits) are already declaring Cain to be a self-hating racist who wants to shed his skin. (Spoiler alert: tomorrow's cartoon and commentary continue on this particular theme.)
You really do have an oustanding and unique blog page here, Stilt...I appreciate it.
@Pryorguy- And thank you, too!
Just a reminder: As badly as McCain sucked, Romney couldn't even beat him. And you expect me to hold my nose (again) and vote for Romney?
Why vote for Slobama when I can have Obama? In skydiving terms, I can refuse to open my canopy and slam into the earth at 120 MPH or I can open my canopy and hold down a steering toggle, corkscrew down and slam into the earth at 50MPH. The only practical difference is open versus closed casket but the net result is the same. No thanks.
I think skin color is the #3 thing I like about Mr Cain. "I have twice as many black parents as the president" ... In order to keep their heads from exploding, the tards will tie logic in a knot explaining how Cain is NOT an "authentic black man" (his dad stuck around, worked, inspired his kids to work to achieve, and he rose to the top on his own merits) as opposed to Obama (Daddy ditched him, momma bed-hopped for a while, ditched him, grew up doing drugs and shooting hoops, everything was handed to him and he firmly believes he's 'entitled'...).
@Angry Hoosier Dad- I hear you, but as gray lady pointed out it's imperative to go to the polls to vote AGAINST Obama no matter who's running against him, if only to deny him the opportunity to make more Supreme Court selections.
@Pete(Detroit)- That's exactly what the media and race hustlers are doing already. Metaphorically, they're trying to lynch Cain for not staying in his place.
Since I believe Slobama and Obama are heading in the same direction, why would I believe they'd appoint different justices whose job is to help them get there? The only benefit to Romney is that, since he's white, the Senate might not be so craven cowardly as to give him whatever he wants so as not to be accused of racism.
@Angry Hoosier Dad- Even though you (and I!) might not like it, the choice between someone who will do the wrong thing and someone who might do the wrong thing is still pretty clear.
Although I just heard Rush mention that Romney did some sucking up to the OWS crowd. I don't know the details yet, but it makes me queasy just thinking about it.
We will just have to accept that you have more faith in Romney than I have. To me, he is no more Republican than Mayor Bloomberg; the very embodiment of "in name only". But that's OK. If we agreed on everything one of us wouldn't be thinking for himself.
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