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For this we climbed 15,000 feet? |
The halls of History already ring with many a lesser phrase. "Four score and seven years ago," "Give me liberty or give me death," "Ask not what your country can do for you," "I have been to the mountaintop," and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" all fall by the wayside when compared to Mr. Obama's brilliantly galvanizing insight.
Can any of us, in our heart of hearts, truly deny that our current woes - personal, professional, or political - were caused by falling for the okey-doke? Of course not. We are all only human, and it is widely known that the devil mixes his okey-doke with truth to confuse us. And sometimes he or she mixes the okey-doke with promises of subsidies and entitlements, especially during election years.
While it may be debatable which of the remaining presidential candidates is throwing around the most okey-doke, there's no question that the total quantity is rising a lot faster than ocean levels and is a significantly greater danger to our world and way of life.
For this reason, after nearly 8 years, Hope n' Change is finally taking the unprecedented step of actually agreeing with something Barack Obama has said: "Don't fall for the okey-doke." Not now, not ever again.
Wait - what's that you say? You don't actually know what okey-doke means...?
Well, truthfully, we're not sure either. But we suspect it might be Kenyan for "bullshit."
Why yes, that is Kenyan for barn dust. It's also South Los Angeles black slang for a con.
Surprisingly enough, I actually watched Øbozo's speech. Not only did he do the Okey-Doke, but he also endeared the audience with a huge amount of good old down-home stuttering and general babbling.
Evidently he thought he could wing it teleprompter free.
He thought wrong.
What a moron. We've sunk to new lows, at least until November that is. I'm gonna crawl back under my rock. Don't bother waking me.
Either his handlers screwed up his meds, or someone hacked TOTUS.
I wouldn't even care QUITE so much if the Media, the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party in all but name, hadn't been telling me for years that this was the Smartest President Ever (when we never hear about books he's reading, just ESPN Sportscenter, Game of Thrones, and other pop-culture entertainment).
Sorry, I haven't seen Obama do anything that convinces me he has anything better than a room-temperature IQ, a seething hatred for this country, and an aversion to hard work that seems akin to a vampire's desire to avoid sunlight.
His HANDLERS are smarter, but how smart do you have to be with the Media lying for you, shilling for you, attacking your enemies for you, and opting not to cover anything that might be damaging?
President Boyfriend must be protected.
At. All. Costs.
I saw the video clip of the TOTUS-less POTUS yesterday and just about died laughing. It took me right back to the last election and my favorite bumper sticker ever. SCOAMF rides again. Good Times, Good Times.
Even the Devil can quote Okey-doke to fit his own purposes.
Wow. I had to find the speech on line...what a moron. Perhaps he thinks his legacy is so secure he no longer needs a teleprompter. At least he didn't say....if I had a son, he'd look like Harambe. Which wouldn't be much of a stretch.
WOW!! After a speech like that a bust of obobobobobo will be made and put into the White House right next to the greatest speaker of all time, Winston Churc..... oh wait .... never mind.
When I saw him stuttering so badly, I thought he was channeling Max Headroom. What a POS.
Nail...meet hammer!
How do you spell itititititiiifififififififififif and eheheheheititit ya know ehehehehehe on a teleprompter? I mean those guys are GOOD!
(It sounded so.... so..... natural!)
I think lamont should retire to Okefenokee where he can dance the Hokey Pokey with his Wookiee Nookie. He said some other stupid thing early on, but I can't remember what it was, (Not the 60 states comment), but something to substitute for the "signature" black "mofo" cliche, or a sexual innuendo, (or "in YOUR endo" for "bathhouse barry"), if I recall correctly.
A phrase we can all live by for sure.
Talk about okey-doke. He okey-doked enough people to get elected twice. I guess he knows whereby he speaks.
I guess that's the reason he NEVER goes off book.
Holy CARP that was bad!
Even if Hillary makes it, at least we'll get a DIFFERENT bunch of idiots handling her
(and EEEEWWWW!!!)
To be fair, do remember that he knows he's talking to people who voted for him, twice. So he does have to dumb things down a bit if they're going to take anything away from the encounter.
The race to the bottom continues unabated...
Off Topic just a bit, but related to the ACA: This link is from a Northern NY newspaper
Sounds pretty rosy doesn't it. Does this lady have any grip on reality or has she discovered a way which no one else has thought of
My first thought was that this should have been during one of his campaign speeches he stuttered (oops, I mean uttered) before he was elected the first time. I think his IQ would have been obvious, even to the left, and the results of the election would have been completely different. I just sat there and could not believe a president of this United States of America could be so fricking stupid, on camera yet! What our enemies must think! I can see them all gathered together, watching and re-watching this film clip and realizing they have had the advantage for almost 8 years. God help us. Trump had better get elected if we have one okie dokie chance of saving this country of ours.
"Okey Doke" and variants are used all over the world; having been spread by Americans who were there primarily defending liberty or doing business and foreigners who saw reason to come to America. But it's DEFINED as being 20th century American in origin, first appearing in ~1930. It's probably more American than Apple Pie. That's why Barry Sotoro doesn't think anyone should fall for Okey Doke; whaever "falling for it" means after spewing his own brand of horse shit. And BTW: horse shit is a lot more global.
@Readers- I just shake my head when I look at political discourse these days. Obama stutters, stammers, and invokes the holy okey-doke. A recent analysis of Trump's public utterances rates his vocabulary as being that of an 11-year old. And Hillary's words, often shrieked, have no substantive meaning at all. At least Bernie Sanders sounds hilarious.
@George Glazener- Interesting piece about single payer care. The article says it would be entirely funded (in New York) by a system that makes employers pay 80% and employees pay 20%. But...the coverage is universal, and not everyone is employed or employable. So will the cost of insurance be a penalty imposed only on those who work or provide jobs? And how and why would that "bring costs down?" Madness.
I don't know about O'Liar's IQ, but his BQ (bullshit quotient) is world class. I make it a point to never, ever, EVER watch him speak, so... when he did the okey doke, did he stick his left foot in and shake it all about?
@Colby; You and me both brother! I paid too much good money for my TV sets to have to throw objects at them once a week.
My God, you are a translator too! I never knew you spoke Kenyan.
Now please translate all the male bovine defecation this POS, community organizer, half breed
idiot has said over the past EIGHT plus years that allowed him to be elected in the first place as POTUS.
Sorry Stil, I just carried away, but feel much better.
@george glazener, thanks for pointing out another ignorant hippie in government, proclaiming that "Health care is a fundamental human right"
This is an oft-repeated meme of the left. They love proclaiming things as "rights" with absolutely no awareness or concern about who gets the burden of those "rights". What it really does is expose their ignorance of what "rights" are.
How can something be a "right" when it imposes upon the rights of other citizens? Providing this "free" health care "right" to people unable or unwilling to pay for it themselves necessarily means that the labor and property of other citizens will have to be seized. And what do we call it when the labor of one citizen is sized for the exclusive benefit of another? "Slavery".
She says that funding for the system would be based on a shared 80/20 employer/employee payroll tax contribution, eliminating the “regressive tax” of premiums, co-pays and deductibles currently imposed on patients regardless of their ability to pay.
Interesting that she doesn't give any hint as to what that "80/20" tax might be. Is it a fixed amount per employee or some percentage of that worker's wage? Hey, the employer gets the "80" portion, so why should I care? People will start to care when they find out that that 80-times-whatever turns out to be more than the output of that employee is worth, and that their employer replaces that employee with a machine, outsourcing to China, or just closes up shop because it's not worth the trouble anymore now that s/he is emburdened with paying for everyone else's rights. But hey, once they lose their job, their health care will still be free. They could then join Nancy Pelosi in becoming an artist or something.
This is just another front in the ongoing "war on the middle class".
Maybe Obummer's been sniffing too much cokey-coke?
I have to wonder if, during the Fall of the Roman Empire, did those citizens also debate whom was the lesser of two evils while Nero played golf...err, the fiddle?
Is there anyone better than Stilton. Easy answer. An emphatic 'No'
Is it okey doke to get all wee-weed up?
If only even ONE "Law Enforcement" officer in this entire country would honor their very oath of office to the Constitution.
But no. They will instead keep on doin' WHATEVER they are told, as long as that paycheck keeps comin' in.
@ Geoff: The Roman citizens didn't have a choice....but if the "leader" got out of hand, he was somehow offed.
That's because the Praetorian Guard knew they would no longer get paid if they let him continue, Judi King. Our Praetorian Guard will never do that because our "leaders" have learned from the Romans and from Mussolini and the Ceausescus. The Only Ones will get paid REGARDLESS of what's going on. Which is the reason for the push to get rid of cash. And the Only Ones will do WHATEVER they are told, as long as that paycheck keeps comin' in. Which is why our "leaders" stand behind the Blue Wall and laugh.
The Praetorian Guard was an elite military unit hand picked by an emperor as his personal guard. They had great power and that was more what they were about than money. They only assassinated less than half of the dozens of emperors that were killed. Some were killed by family members, etc. Some committed suicide rather than be assassinated. Most, if not all, of the motive for murder was a power struggle. So, as great power equals wealth, your point, MARK MATIS, may be part of a motive.
The opposite of OKEY doke is JIVE.
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