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Barack Obama has just announced his new "Nuclear Posture Review" for the United States. And the posture is, pretty much, to grab our collective ankles.
The review explicitly lays out the rules for anyone who wants to attack the United States without worrying about getting nuked in return. Poison gas? No problem! Cropdusters with anthrax? Bring it on!
The president's reasoning seems to be that there will be less incentive for rogue states to acquire nuclear weapons if we assure them that they can use non-nuclear weapons on us in relative safety. No, really!
In Obama's land of unicorns and rainbows, a world with fewer nukes is a wonderful place to live, even with the occasional smallpox attack or water system spiked with cyanide. Whether that will be true in the real world is something we just became much more likely to find out...
Well said Stilton. *well said*
Interesting concept. Does that mean that if police leave their weapons at home then muggers, rapists and murders will stop using their guns and knives?
Maybe Obama is just trying to level the playing field. Sort of like affirmative action for countries that want to do us harm. We'll handicap ourselves so they have the opportunity to beat us. Sort of like promotional tests in police/fire and other departments.
"affirmative action for countries that want to do us harm."
WELL said.
What an ASShat this man is..
I think what we have here is a gutless swine in office . The stance that should be taken by the United States of America is this. Anyone who attacks us for any reason should expect retaliation in a most harsh form where the number of civilian casualties accrued are inconsequential and nuclear weapons will be used when deemed necessary at our will without obtaining any prior permission. It is time to stand up and be accounted for instead of being demoralized and chastised by a leftist concubine.
It seems clear that under these rules if Israel takes out a nuclear site in Iran Obama can use Nuclear weapons against Israel. What's the problem? Also, if the USA is hit with smallpox and 20 million die, the attacking country is safe...... News for Obama. Ever seen "Passenger 57"??? President Biden will strike given the "green" alternative. Wonder which tree they will use for the coconut?
I'm no Obama fan, but this just isn't true. The countries must be part of the NPT and we reserve the right if attacked with chemical of biological weapons.
C'mon you're just making stuff up now.
Anonymous- Actually, we're not making stuff up. Oh, we simplify (of necessity) while linking to longer and more authoritative news sources. But the essence of the cartoon & commentary are accurate.
The US does reserve the right to counterattack in the event of biological or chemical attack, but if the countries are signatories to the treaty then we won't use nukes - we'll use conventional weapons and/or ground troops.
Of course, the deterrent effect from HAVING nukes is that they're big, messy, and not particularly discriminating in who they fricasee...which is why foreign governments have an incentive to police their own extremist elements. With nukes taken off the table, that particular deterrent goes away...and makes our country less safe.
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