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To help grease the skids for Barack Obama's proposed "Cap and Trade" carbon dioxide tax, Time Magazine published an article called "Putting a Price Tag on the Melting Ice Caps." Predictably, they estimated the damages to be so astronomically high that the president's intent to downsize American industry while pumping trillions out of the economy seems like a bargain.
There's just one problem: the same day Time's scare piece hit the stands, researchers announced that arctic ice was actually growing dramatically, owing to "unusually cold weather."
Also "growing dramatically" is the scientifically-supported opinion that man-caused Global Warming / Climate Change is a myth.
The Democrats' "Healthcare Reform" was never about healthcare, and always about redistribution of wealth. Similarly, "Cap and Trade" is not about energy or the environment, but is also about redistribution of wealth. It is an ambitious and all-encompassing strategy of "Stealth Socialism," attempting to fly under America's radar.
And that should put a chill up enough spines to assure that the ice caps will never melt.
Didn't anyone see "The Day After Tomorrow"? Global warming will eventually cause nearly the entire northern hemisphere to freeze over. It's sort of an antonym.
I appreciate the work you put into your daily commentary.
Read today's WSJ editorial about California's new global warming law AB32. The law creates a statewide cap-and-trade program. The claim is that it will grow 10,000 new green jobs. Whee! Nevermind the likely rate hikes and job losses as businesses leave California. The benefits of the law are "speculative and uncertain" and "ignore economic reality." An all too familiar pattern.
Ducheznee- Isn't it funny how huge changes in the Earth's climate happened many, many times in the past without human involvement? And why anyone would think that taxes could play any part in changing the course of such global upheavals? (By the way, did you know that liberals think "The Day After Tomorrow" was a documentary?)
Anonymous- Sometimes it seems like the easiest way to come up with effective legislation is just to do the exact opposite of whatever California has decided to do.
It doesn't matter how much money these dorks throw at the so called global warming the earth is going to do what it wants to do and there's no stopping it. Then there's a little problem these dorks always overlook and that all the countries who produce far more toxic waste then we ever could to make the very products sold to use for 1000% profit produced by the people who took our jobs from America. Why are all these little matter overlooked? Money talks and BS walks. Lifes easy when you understand the basics.
"Green Jobs" is code talk for more bull$h!t...but hey that's just me talkin'.
Buzz- When I hear that the funds will be used for "growing green jobs," I visualize some sort of mold growing in a petri dish of taxpayer money.
If the dip in the whitehouse would fund solar, wind, sea and geothermal plants across the entire usless desert, alon the shore, at every geothermal location and atop so many windy hills and get us off coal, fuels, etc I'd be all for it as long as he mandated all of these projects be built and completed in five years on time or the firms that won the bid get fine $1M. Instead the oil compnaies pay off the clowns in the congress and senate and we keep paying the middle east to fund terrorist to kill us. We're real smart aren't we? Just think of the jobs this would create during the construction phase and the maintenence afterwards.
Wow, it's amazing when someone decides they are going to be conservative or liberal (or dem or rep) that they have to side with all bullet points for their team! There is never grey area or open thinking accross the fence, but I digress...
I thought I would comment as I found you comment funny about "the same day" another report came out stating the opposite and that the link your site is another right wing conservative source...not a neutral third party (I know there is no neutral with you types) or scientific journal.
Also, even if the ice is getting thick for one year that is simply "weather" and not long term climate. What is your answer to the retreating glaciers...oh yea the party line is "that is what they do before every ice age"...
Think for yourself for a change. You can be a fiscal or jesus/rush loving conservative (thus hating Obama by default) and still error on the side of the environment and your children's future!
The worst part about my children's future is what's in that White House right now....and the health bill that just got signed...and the taxes that are being raised, and socialism in general.
It totally won't matter how much methane the cows are letting off or how much aerosol hairspray I use or whether or not I recycle if my kids don't have the opportunities to make a good life for themselves like our forefathers did. Freedom is what America was founded on...not flip flops and organic deodorant.
Robert- By and large, we appreciate your comments (and please know, we welcome honest disagreement), but your arguments are pretty lazy. There are any number of legitimate sources we could link to (not that it's our job to find links for you) which cast serious doubt on manmade global warming.
Ignoring for the moment your tendency to stereotype ("there's no neutral with you types"), what are the scientifically relevant, NEUTRAL sources that support the idea of manmade global warming? You didn't like our links, but provide none of your own.
Then, having made no attempt to support your argument, you start ramping up your accusations and making them unpleasantly personal. No one here "hates Obama by default." We do hate his policies and goals, for reasons which are clearly delineated on a daily basis.
You then sneer at fiscal conservatism and people of faith. Nice.
So let's see what we're dealing with here; you believe in manmade global warming, but offer not a scintilla of proof. By your own admission you are intolerant of others, and against fiscal responsibility.
And finally, you have the gall to say that we should think of our children's future? Global climate change may not have been proved, but there's no reasonable doubt that the crushing and unsustainable debt that Obama and the Democrats have put on our children will make their futures very bleak indeed. And you, Robert, no doubt helped.
And by the way, the word is "err" not "error." Thanks for playing our game, and be sure to pick up your lovely parting gifts on the way out!
Suzy- Very well said!
Stilton @ Robert ==> Perfect.
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