Egypt is in flames. Rioters fill the streets, tanks are rolling, and revolution (if not outright anarchy) is in the air.
One of our nation's largest and most important allies in the Mideast may soon fall under the control of the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood, and president Barack Hussein Obama has said...well... absolutely nothing.
Oh, Robert Gibbs has made it clear that the president is tirelessly "monitoring" the situation, presumably by having aides shout updates to him from the sidelines of the Whitehouse basketball court.
Of course, this is the same president who reacted to the peoples' uprising in Iran by watching the bloodshed in the streets, then suggesting that he'd like to "see how things play out" before commenting.
But unlike the president and the Sphinx, Hope n' Change actually has an opinion and is willing to voice it. What we're seeing in the world today (and not just Egypt), is the violence and chaos that one would expect if the world's stabilizing superpower suddenly ceased to be of any meaning or consequence.
Because under Barack Hussein Obama, that's exactly what has happened.
UPDATE: Since we wrote the commentary above, Barack Hussein Obama has actually read a teleprompter statement about Egypt which someone wrote for him. As nearly as we can tell, he very strongly supports both sides, thinks that Facebook service should be restored so he and Hosni Mobarak can "poke" each other again, and he believes that Egypt should pursue a future which is more hopeful and more changeful.
In other words, he still hasn't said squat.
This is going to be Obama's Jimmy Carter moment. Hopefully the only one, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Maybe if the MusBros "win" they'll open th border w/ Gaza, and let the 'Palestinians' emigrate? No? Just become a pipeline for rockets, and stuff? Well, the Israelis will put a stop to that, I'd think...
Sad fact is, as big a dick as Mubarak is, there's lots worse options...
Another "Jimmy Carter Moment": Throw in 20% inflation and we're almost there. The only question remaining: When and from where will the next "Reagan" emerge?
Don't expect much out of Obama. Remember, "American Exceptionalism" as now dead as an element of US foreign policy.
The new and improved America just sits back and watches what happens.
"I like to watch..."
/Chauncy Gardiner...
Its really very unsettling to have a leader in America who can't lead.
Very unsettling.
Suzy, not sure if it's CAN'T or WON'T, but certainly it's DOESN'T...
Am still convinced that he never wanted to BE President, just wants to play one on TV
Pete, we know his wife hates it...she openly complains about living in the White House. What an ungrateful, spoiled elitist she is. Bleh.
As soon as he said, "I want to be very clear..." it was obvious he was going to say nothing. "Clear" is Newspeak for "content-free word froth."
Gee, the egyptian folks cant find work, are broke and unhappy with their leader! Sure glad we here in US dont have those problems???!!!???
OMG!! WE DO!!!!
Comrade Barry will focus his laser like mind on Egypt, there is just a few details left to work out on that success story known as recovery summer 2010.
Just curious what exactly people expect him to do? I'm not a big fan of Obama, but its a foreign nation, and the people are rising against a government they do not want governing. Should we send in the CIA to ensure a brutal but "friendly" dictatorship remains in place? I mean, that of behavior worked so well for us in the past, and in no way helped sow the seeds of distrust and hatred of America in the third world we now are reaping.
We still have a chance to change our government peacefully at the ballot box. We don't have to end up like Egypt. The question is will be avail ourselves of that opportunity and move back toward a more perfect union or will we squander it by voting for more of the same. The latter choice will almost guarantee that we descend into chaos and anarchy, which is exactly what boy-king wants so that he can suspend the constitution, legal or not, and impose an Obamonarchy...for our own good, of course.
Heard the financial genius Larry Kudlow's radio show today (Larry is the CNBC conservative-in-chief).
Larry says the press and governments are not telling the truth. This is all Ben Bernake's(sp?) fault by trying to tweak inflation in the US.
Obama's policies have tweaked inflation in the middle east FOOD PRICES. The riots are FOOD RIOTS.
Expect food inflation to touch the US soon, espeically with Obama doubling down on failed ethanol polices...corn grown not for food...but for stupid "green" ethanol.
Dave- Granted, the direction for what Obama should do isn't entirely clear. However, he has all the intelligence and policy people speaking into his ear, so it's not too much to hope that he could offer a little insight and influence into the matter. On previous occasions (like Iran), the things he should have done and said were more obvious...but he still didn't do them.
What should King Hussein do? I'm no expert on foreign policy but hasn't he been sold to us as some sort of "genius". I heard some moron on NPR say that King Hussein is a "certified intellectual"! By the way, where does one go to obtain such certification? But that being said, let's face the facts, King Hussein is a complete fraud. He doesn't say anything because this is ALL above his pay grade.
Anon - Gee, you mean that turning food (corn) into fuel (at a net energy loss) produces a shortage of food (corn) and starvation / riots? Who would have guessed?
Dave - "We can sympathize with the people who have legitimate grievances with their government. We would like to offer the support of our country for a peaceful resolution to this difficult situation, and will work with whom ever is in charge if we can aid alleviating the distress of the people"
Which, if Anon (or Mr Kudlow, rather) is correct and we are directly CAUSING the issue... well!
Well, we're in worse shape over here, why aren't these things happening in Washington Dc.?
Irwin in Houston
Obongo and his prog/socialist cronies won't do any more than take notes on these situations in an attempt to form a game plan for implementing their complete fascist take-over when this kind of thing happens in America. Word is already out that Dems upset by Obongo's lack of mentioning gun-control during his failed SOTU address have been appeased by info that he plans to unveil a re-vamped plan for disarming America in a separate speech during the next couple of weeks. The gist is by parleying the current riots against government in places like Egypt with the recent events in Tuscon, he hopes to play on the fears of armed revolt and increased political assassination attempts to get it passed. Why else do you think Obongo had "Uncle" Hu over to talk about 'Human Rights'? He's looking for advice & loop holes.
OMG how could we have been so obtuse?
The only people in this world with the balls to stand up and revolt against corrupt governments have been the Moslems. Today Egypt, tomorrow Lybia, who knows where next?
Obammy and his Mammy are clearly calculating that within two years there will be rioting in Dc. leading to an overthrow of the US gov but since hes already a secret muslim (to us, not to them) he will lead the revolution and bring Sharia Law to the Us. the next day.
"gather your armies..."
Irwin in Houston
Stilton - on a slightly different topic....Did something unfortunate happen to Johnny Optimism? I haven't seen him around in over a week. Did he roll himself to Canada for free healthcare or something? Did an Obamacare Death Panel revoke his wheelchair benefit and force him to run for his life? Just asking because we care about the little tyke and Lance.
Bobo- D'OH!!!! Because Johnny isn't topical, I only update the site every couple of weeks (with new cartoons scheduled to appear on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). Things here in Jarlsberg Land have been hectic recently, and I forgot to check on Johnny Optimism to make sure that he hadn't run out of material.
I'll post another cartoon immediately and get more programmed into the system. Rest assured that Johnny isn't going anywhere (what can I say, I love the little guy and his faithful dog Lance).
And readers - if you aren't reading "Johnny Optimism," you're missing out on good, depressing fun! As Johnny says, "What doesn't kill you makes you stranger..."
Give Obama time to do what he needs to do. After all, he won the Nobel Peace Prize based on the "hope" he'd do something to further peace!!!!!! (The exclamation points are for the Nobel Committee.) In all seriousness though, this has been a mess for a long time. Condaleeza Rice was warning Egypt to work toward more freedom for its people years ago. As I recall, the liberal elites called her naive. Clearly the people in the streets don't like the current regime yet Mubarak doesn't sound like he's going to leave any time soon.
This kind of thing is why America should be much more self-sufficient. Not only would that create more jobs and in the long term help our economy (I realize not the short term) it would protect our economy from plunging if there is unrest in another country with which we deal.
The problem with America today is that everyone is ADHD...nobody wants to work towards a long term goal...everyone wants to see a better life NOW. And the short term stuff is creating a long term problem. We need to grow up and get over things for the short term, and work towards a long term solution.
Suzy - "We need to grow up and get over things for the short term, and work towards a long term solution"
Dayum, that sounds a LOT like personal responsibility and rewarding good behavior. Thing that honks me OFF about modern corps is they're all about the bottom line, NOW!!!
No one to take the long view...
Meanwhile, we have a series of 'new' VPs rotating in for a few years, at $$$/per, and the people that actually service the customer keep taking it in the crotch... Meh.
Suzy & Pete- Not only does no one seem to take the long view these days, the government is happily stealing from our future generations to buy votes now.
It's funny (and not in a ha-ha way) to think about the way Unions are celebrated for ending "child labor"...and yet the government is taking money from our young (and even unborn)and basically forcing them into unpaid labor for the state.
... concerning Facebook, Barry's latest suggestion is to change the "Like" button to "Bow Deeply".
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