The Windy City is about to become the Hot Air capital of the world, thanks to Barack Obama's announcement that he is moving his reelection headquarters to Chicago, which represents "real" America better than Washington DC does.
Presumably this is true because Chicago, and the rest of Illinois, has gone into the economic dumper with unfunded government promises which can't be honored.
And Chicago has other "real American" features such as last year's murder rate of 448 people. That means that in an average week in Chicago, more people are murdered than were killed in Jared Loughner's shooting rampage in Tucson. Perhaps the president should remind Chicagoans about "civil discourse."
But Chicago does have good qualities which make it an attractive place for Mr. Obama to launch his next presidential bid. It's the sort of friendly place where a land developer like Tony Rezko might pay for half your estate just on a whim. A place where Mr. Obama can walk just a few steps to reminisce with his old bomb-making, flag-stomping terrorist pal Bill Ayers...or swap fashion tips with dapper Nation of Islam-founder Louis Farrakhan - both of whom live in Mr. Obama's expensive neighborhood, albeit without known financial support from Tony Rezko.
And what could possibly be more "real" than the spiritual uplift Mr. Obama will feel when returning to his Chicago church, and a good old-fashioned "God DAMN America!" sermon from his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright? Reverend, your chicken is coming home to roost.
Yes, Chicago is where the Obama magic began. The magic which all of America is now experiencing!
Which is why we say, in a way that we sincerely hope will heal and not wound, "Windy City? Blow me!"
Is mentioning The Left Reverend Jeremiah Wright and "chicken" in the same sentence a racist comment?
Just wondering...
Let's not forget Rham Emmanuel, the man running for mayor, even though he's not a citizen...
Well things work better if he is closer to his mob headquarters....the DC mafia just isn't the same.
The Windy City, and all it represents, is going to be gone with the wind. The TEA party is like Sherman through Georgia, and the Democratic-socialists & RINOs are in a fading retreat as they try to hold on to their elitist and aristocratic ways. I think, sometimes, Sarah Palin is our Scarlett, able to hold it all together and come out on top. Though Appomattox is still far away, like in 2012.
Go Packers!
Jim I dunno if Palin is gonna make it...she has too many haters from both parties....
I notice the media has already chosen their moderate Republican to push on us....Romney.... publishing straw polls already as exciting revelations.
I'm already gonna start getting grumpy about the primaries because here in PA we are one of the last states to vote and usually the candidates have been chosen by the time its our turn. I didn't even go to the polls last time because McCain had already been declared the winner. Primaries really need to be redone. They don't work fairly....plus the fact the opposite party is allowed to vote against the good candidates to try to get someone who will be beaten by their own guy more easily. I better get off this soap box before I write 10 pages on it. Grr.
The media wants you to believe that Palin has too many haters from both parties to be a viable candidate. They push this meme because they are as terrified of her as are their fluffees in the Dem party. They push Mitt and Huck because they know Duh Won can and will beat either of those guys, even in a lousy economy. Palin has not announced and her army has not mobilized. When she does, we will. This too terrifies both the left and the elites in the GOP. I wouldn't say they are working together to destroy her, but they are working separately toward the same end.
BTW, we have the same problem here in Indiana. By the time the primaries came to town in 2008, my chosen candidate had dropped out and I was stuck with McCain (for whom I voted because of Palin, not in spite of).
As someone who lives just south (Praise to God) of Chicago, and Cook County, let me add my own theory on why our "President" has decided to make Chicago his re-election HQ...
It's a much shorter commute once he gets his ass handed to him Nov'12
Oh.. and to my Indiana neighbor, Angry Hoosier Dad... you nailed it my friend
Chicago is ACORN central. The zerO can best mobilize his community organizations & unions from Chicago where his ties can best be hidden.
DarkKnight - I love the short commute comment!
We have the same situation in Arizona when it comes to choosing who will run for president. By the time we have our primaries the candidate list is whittled down from the good, the bad, and the ugly to just the ugly (not that I think Sarah is ugly, mind you).
How do we get this situation changed so we all vote on the same day like we do for the general election? Is it purposely setup this way so the political parties can control the outcome and force whomever they think is their best candidate upon the rest of us who vote later in the season?
I don't believe the people in the states voting first are any more enlightened about the candidates than the rest of us, but for some asinine reason, we defer to their judgment and selection. I say Bull-Pucky.
I think it's wrong, just plain and simply WRONG! It takes away my (and yours) freedom of choice for the candidate I want to represent me in the highest office in the land. I don't think our forefathers meant for it to be this way.
I agree with you Bobo...
The fact that, in this day and age, we are holding primary elections the way they were held during the days of travel by rail is ridiculous
I couldn't give a rat's behind what the voters in Iowa think so why do I care that "Mitt Romney won a straw poll"?
National Primary Day and Election Day.. simple
In Re SPalin - as much as I like her, personally, I don't think it's time yet - still more baggage than traction. That may change.
Agreed, the way the primaries are set is silly, but no, no idea how to go about changing it
Not all states allow you to vote for the other guy - you have to be 'registered' iirc... MI lets you vote which ever way you like, but only ONE party - can't 'split' the ticket...
Yes, the LSM is 'pushing' all the tired old RINO re-treads, we just need to continue to ignore 'em...
Woah! Correction!
Maybe BO is going to The Windy City so the stink will be blown away?? I really like DarkKnight's explanation, though!
Palin? Romney? Huckabee?
As much as I would love to see somebody like Pawlenty or Gendall (sp)in the White House, I would gladly vote for Palin, Romney or Huckabee over BO. Like Rush Limbaugh said, what would you do if you were in the voting booth and there were two choices, Palin or Obama? I think the answer is clear, and, yes, even the RINO McCain would be a vast improvement over what we now have.
So.... let's all write to our local offices of the Republican party and urge them to move the primaries up to match Iowa. Even if all the state primaries were 2-3 weeks apart, I think that would be good enough to avoid future RINO's getting the nod.
I personally would like to see the primaries moved to May at the earliest. Iowa should be required to hold its straw poll much later than it does. Why do we need a presidential election "season" that essentially lasts two years? A year and a half would be bad enough.
Pete (Detriot).
Poor widdle Wahm! I wonder if the people who filed this lawsuit and the two judges will all mysteriously receive dead fish in the mail.....
I have so much i would like to say, but its way too much, so I just agree with all you fine folks!
Readers- Busy day for me (outside the blog, that is) so I don't have time to say much. But I'd like to see a system in which each year the order of primaries is selected by lottery, giving different states power (or at least a voice).
Stilton...I'm curious to know why you would prefer a lottery to a single-day primary?
Suzy- Because there are some benefits to having the crowd being gradually thinned instead of one all-or-nothing day...and the process of having multiple primaries allows us to get to know more about the candidates, as well as forcing them to get to know US (state by state) a bit more individually.
Here’s the deal in Illinois: The only thing the Democratic politicians care about is keeping their political power. These are the few groups that have influence: Cozy Cronies that give campaign contributions to get state contracts; Public Unions, Private Unions and folks on the Government dole. That’s about it.
And unfortuanltey, that’s all they need to maintain their power here. They don’t care about the voters, the debt, the unemployment rate or the state’s slipping credit rating. They will spend money (tax, borrow, whatever) until the cows come home to keep their core groups content therefore securing their power. Pretty simple, really.
Barack Obama was & still is an Illinois politician.
Wonder if he will still want to come here if Rahm does not get on the ballot and he's not Mayor.
That's true...I guess a lottery would have benefits...certainly as it is now, its unfair that certain states have the most "say" in who wins...
It's going to be very easy for whoever runs against Duh Won next year. All they'll have to do is channel Reagan: "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"
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