A baffled world is still trying to figure out exactly what caused Barack Obama (described by many as a "loner") to go on a sudden, unexplained shooting spree in Libya.
Among those a bit hazy about the alleged president's motivations and goals are the members of his hastily-assembled "international coalition" to prosecute the war, which includes Arab states that thought the action would consist only of jamming Libya's radar rather than firing off million-dollar American cruise missiles like they were ten-cent bottle rockets.
Republicans are demanding answers about what the heck the actual goal of the mission is, since Mr. Obama has remained coy on the subject.
And Democrats are not only questioning the constitutionality of the entire action, but are suggesting that it may be time to impeach the previously Chosen One. Or failing that, at least take a much closer look at the whole "birth certificate" thing.
In any event, anyone looking for answers had better look fast. Mr. Obama has already announced that he plans to "transition" the actual work of fighting the war to his international "partners," and end his personal involvement in the Libyan theater of war "in a matter of days and not a matter of weeks."
Because like a child easily bored with a new toy, his attention span just can't handle anything longer.
"Let me be clear - SQUIRREL!!!
When you've said it all, Stilton, there's nothing left to say but "Amen".
I'm with Hoosier....
Me too.
Yep, that sums it up well.
@Pete - too funny!
What gets me is the anti-war left that is all for this:
ED SCHULTZ: Now aside from all the reasons for this mission, you will never convince me that Gaddafi didn’t have a hand in the Lockerbie bombing. You’ll never convince me that Gaddafi hasn’t supplied resources to terrorists. Given the fact that Americans died on that 747 over Lockerbie, I’m all for this mission. I think the President of the United States Barack Obama deserves the benefit of the doubt and our support.
Wow, is that an endorsement of the "Bush Doctrine", or what?
@John the Econ- Exactly. If there's no really cogent reasoning, then go with "well, the guy is an asshole who deserves to be taken out on general principles."
The other thing I keep shaking my head over is Obama's assertion that he can just pull our involvement out in a few days at a time of his choosing, as if War was a basketball game with set time limits.
Wars don't end when you don't feel like playing anymore...they end when one side or the other is beaten beyond continuing.
In a related vein: They Know Who Wears the Pants In This Country.
PrediDEBT 3M* has outdone himself this time!
* 3M: Marxist Muslim Metrosexual
A basketball game? We all know what happens when Obama plays basketball....
Listening to Gadaffi ranting He thought He heard a reference to President JugHead. Later, he was almost certain he heard the words "Dumbo" and "Magic Feather". That tossed it.
@Anonymous- And hearing "Michelle's Yams" was the last straw!
Stilt (2 above) "it is expensive to win a war, but it costs you everything you own to lose one"
and no, sorry I don't know the source...
You are so right about the 'short attention span' comment...I read a psychological breakdown on people such as the One, and thats only one aspect of people such as he is. They also feel that they can make pretty much anything happen through their powerful gift of persuasion. He would truly make a great Anti-christ, except he would get bored and want to move onto something else....probably to being God!
Do you think he doesn't already think he's God? You've heard the joke: What's the difference between Obama and God?
God doesn't think he's Obama.
Ya got a point there, buddy. Hopefully the nightmare wont last past next year or so.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. (1st Obama 55:8)
(formerly Isaiah 55:8) ( I think!)
pryorguy--- Obama can't be the Antichrist (beast) because the bible says he will rise up (be born) "in the middle of the ocean". There are only one of two places that qualify as being "in the middle of the ocean. In the ancient world that would be Crete. In the Prehistoric -- Atlantis. Modern times? There isn't anything in the "middle" of the Atlantic. Arctic? -- no land mass. Pacific? There is the Sandwich Islands which were discovered by Capt Cook, but those were renamed..Oahu, Maoi and uh.. uh.... What was the big one called?? um...
I fear a deeper problem, one that the Obama administration is having some success at: adding to the precedent of whittling away at the sovereignty of the US of A, placing resources of the United States under the control of an international 'committee rule'. I think I've read that an Obama executive order has already placed Interpol documents and records beyond the reach of U.S. law and beyond the reach of investigation by US officers and Congress. Doesn't that make Interpol the de facto top law in the U.S.?
I don't think Obama is inept or naive, I think he is destructive on a less discriminating level than people are used to. He is monstrously good at parsing his language. Listen to his speeches sometime with "Marxist ears" on and it starts to make sense that he vacations so much. I believe he feels, along with whoever is on the other end of that so-expensive Blackberry, that he has indeed, to paraphrase his latest speech's claims,
"delivered change" THEY "can believe in."
Hope someone can tell me how very wrong I am.
@Anonymous- Great post, and you need to start entering a name so we can call you something other than "anonymous."
And sadly, I can't tell you how "very wrong" you are because I agree with you. I think Obama really wants to "normalize" our country until it is only equal to the least of other nations. Which doesn't mean that he's humble... it means he sees bringing America down as Step One in his longer-range plan to be president/king of the world.
Regarding "parsing his language," Obama was famous (infamous?) in college for debating - and having BOTH sides believe he was agreeing with them. And now he's saying that Gadhafi must go, AND the US has nothing to do with regime change. He is on both sides of all issues, so he can always side with the winner.
Oil for Blood! Oil for blood!!! Call Code Pink's Topless Warriors! Oh, and Hand out the vomit bags!
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