Monday, May 20, 2013

Call To Inaction

obama, obama jokes, political humor, benghazi, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, tea party, irs

Ha, ha - just kidding!  Hope n' Change has absolutely no desire to see the Whitehouse burn to the ground with everyone inside, screaming for help which would never come. Quite the contrary, we have exactly the same amount of genuine concern that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had for the diplomatic mission in Benghazi and its ill-fated occupants.

However, if we were eager to see the Whitehouse go up in a roaring inferno (which we're not!), turning the many empty suits to soot, it might be because of the flaming lies which continue to spew out of the place.

On the Sunday morning news show, "Fake the Nation," Senior Obama Advisor Dan Pfeiffer stated that it was "irrelevant" where B. Hussein was during the Benghazi massacre"irrelevant" who changed (ie, falsified) the talking points, and that laws concerning the IRS terrorizing of Tea Party groups are - you guessed it! - "irrelevant."

Clearly, the message from the administration is that we shouldn't get so attached to government officials, government buildings, or the truth.

All of which will help console us a lot if the Whitehouse just happens to go up like the Hindenburg one of these days. We would, as a nation, have to face it bravely...then cheer ourselves up a few hours later by going to Las Vegas.


Grafton Cheddar said...

Vegas, baby!!! Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Big Gay is irrelevant.

Colby said...

There is a special place in hell for some of the White House squatters, and no, it ain't air conditioned and they don't serve chilled drinks with little umbrellas.

No need to worry that the president would be harmed if the White House caught on fire. I think he actually lives in a hollowed out volcano guarded by sharks with "lasers" on their heads.

Gang of One said...

No matter what the illiberal Leftoids scream, chant and generally obfuscate and there are plenty of them, none of these scandals are going away any time soon.

It has gotten to the point where Obama cannot even see how it is he, and he alone who is solely responsible for actions taken by his administration and the agencies in the Executive branch.

Jim Hlavac said...

Well, the president said he wanted to transform the nation -- and look he did: we live in Scandalnavia now!

What a fine place -- so much liberty no one is even in charge of the place -- and yet almost a constitutional monarch. Underlings feel free to do what they want, and the king is clueless. Amazing.

All kidding aside, the president is not getting out of this mess he made. And the nation may well see it can get along without an activist president -- could be a silver lining to the whole thing.

Emmentaler Limburger said...

What pains me is that there would be no possibility of a marshmallow or wienie roast at such a conflagration. Not only would HHS have deemed them both inappropriate foods for those suckling off government healthcare, but Bernyankme's "quantitative easing" has already ensure we cannot afford them.

Gang of One said...

It looks like I am inundating you with links. NRO has a good piece on the irrevocable fact that these scandals are what they appear to be. And for good measure, we have a front-line report on the nature of the IRS debacle.

John the Econ said...

And signs of the disease keep spreading. It now appears that the Justice Department was snooping on Fox News reporters as well.

I supposed we should be pleased that the Federal Government is finally getting serious about their "leak" problem. The difference is that if this had occurred prior to November of 2008, a Democrat-controlled Congress would already have impeachment papers drawn.

Like it has been said here numerous times previously, it's too much to expect that this war between the media and Obama will last. The MSM certainly wants to put Obama in his place, but they also certainly don't want their Progressive dreams help up any either.

The problem is that the dominant MSM culture has this notion that their big government Progressive fantasy can be achieved and controlled without big government intrusiveness. And it's completely hypocritical; they're totally fine if you as a private citizen, business owner, or incorrectly-political activist get your civil rights trampled all over. It's really okay that Tea Party people get suppressed, investigated, audited, fined, etc.
But if their sacred cows get touched, look out!

Frankly, it's like watching Iran and Iraq at war. I'm rooting for neither side, but am pleased that it's taking place, and that both sided will emerge weaker and more humble.

But don't expect that it will last forever. As soon as they figure out that Conservative values are re-emerging at their expense, they'll get over each other and join again against their real and common enemy, freedom.

Sparky said...

I totally agree Stilton and with all the comments above. I really like the "sharks with lasers on their heads". I'm so tired of the contempt for what's right we're getting from our (and I use this term loosely) Law Makers. Since today is my birthday I may finally 'invest' in a flame-thrower. I think it would be a real crowd pleaser now, don't you?

graylady said...

As for the White House, "you will not find a more wretched hive of scum and villany." The whole place could go up in flames, just get the art works (I mean paintings, statuary and historically important documents, NOT Michelle) and non-political staff out first. Lock the political bastards in their offices and let them roast.

Sorry I seem to be stuck on the Star Wars quotes (been watching all six movies with the grandkids) but they just seem to be so appropriate, given the tyranny of Obama's evil empire.

It's No Gouda said...

I dunno about the White House, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing Crapweasel imitate Icarus.

txGreg said...

I hear that the Øbama administration will be announcing a new Press Secretary soon. He's former military and is very adept at dealing with situations like those in which the White House currently finds itself.

It's No Gouda said...

txGreg, there's another "former military" guy around who could probably do as good a job as Carney....Baghdad Bob.

Chuck said...

It all just keeps getting worse and worse, but I can't shake the feeling that nothing will stick to any of the criminals, including the criminal-in-chief. This will all blow over (LIV's have short attention spans, and most of them are blissfully unaware of any of it anyway).

Necron99 said...

@Dr. J, I'm right there with you.

And to quote Bane again;

"The fire rises!"

Colby said...

Now THAT was funny! Shultz would be a perfect replacement for Jay Blarney.

Grizzly said...

I just know it's all too good to last, but in the meantime I'm in my lawn chair with my 6-pack and a big bag of popcorn, enjoying the spectacle.

CenTexTim said...

Much as I wish that all these scandals would bring down the buffoon currently wasting oxygen in the White House (perfectly good oxygen that could be used to fan the flames), I have to agree with Chuck:

"...I can't shake the feeling that nothing will stick to any of the criminals, including the criminal-in-chief".

The proof is in the polls...

Sparky said...

"... I can't shake the feeling that nothing will stick to any of the criminals, including the criminal-in-chief." I'm getting that awful vibe too with the Polls still favorable for Turdboy. The MSM is still mostly quiet about the scandals. And with modern technology, most people seem to be tuning out listening or caring about politics in favor of on-line games, the new crap they call "music", etc. I guess time will tell if there will be any justice.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Readers- I haven't been able to join in the comments today (Monday) but will try to get in a lick or two on Tuesday. In the meanwhile, you all are clearly capable of keeping things lively without me!

Colby said...

@CenTexTim & Sparky Hudson,
I was pretty dismayed by the "proof is in the polls" statement. I clicked on the link, and there it was. The Clouded News Network says 53% think BO is doing a good job, and a paltry 45% think he isn't. Rassmussen's poll looks a bit different. 47% approve / 52% dissapprove. Yeah, the IRS / AP / Benghazi stuff won't stick to the anybody who deserves credit, but it's sure fun watching all the White House traitorous bastards squirming. When BO isn't golfing, surfing (or skeet shooting), he's probably busy moving Harry Truman's famous sign from one office to the next.

We appreciate any licks you add, but understand you may have some other priorities from time to time.

I saw a great bumper sticker today; I gotta get one: "I'm not a racist. I don't like Biden either."

mjloehrer said...

The 'Fire in the White House' is an absolute classic. I love it when other sites pick you up, aka, iWonTheWorld.