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Remember when Janeane Garofalo was funny? Okay, neither does anyone else. But she still gets airtime with the likes of Keith Olbermann to declare that the Tea Party Protests were "...not about bashing Democrats, it's not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party was about, they don't know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up. That is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. And there is no way around that.”
Yet strangely, it appears to be liberals in general - and Janeane Garofalo in particular - who are obsessed with race and who are quick to use vicious stereotypes ("teabagging rednecks," anyone?). Seriously, if Janeane Garofalo has any faith in Obama whatsoever, shouldn't she be able to defend his policies instead of hiding behind ugly and untrue accusations of racism?
Just love your commentaries along with the comics... sometimes I think the commentary is the best part and the comic just an illustration!
I have always found it strange that while they supposedly want our country to unite and "not see color", they remind us of our "racism" every time we turn around.
Isn't a "stereotype" a widely-held belief? I must say I've never heard the term "teabagging rednecks" in my life.
On the other hand I believe - as Dr. King preached - we should judge people by the content of their character, and not by the color of their skin. This leads me to note that the protests were certainly full of characters.
Tao, I'd certainly heard of rednecks before, but I must admit I got an education when I found out what "teabagging" is. Funny that the term seems more familiar to liberals than conservatives...
I fully subscribe to Dr. King's dream, and think that his legacy and vision has been tarnished by too many charlatans since we lost him in the 60's. I'd still like to see his dream come true.
And you make a good point about the "characters" at the tea parties. In the coverage I saw, there were certainly a number of people who made me groan...but I'm glad to say that there were far more people who seemed well-informed, patriotic, and respectful...even while being fed up with issues that have nothing to do with race.
The "coverage" made a point to show the worst "teabaggers"...as a matter of fact, I suspect maybe a few were actually "media plants" but of course that will never be proven.
MLK wanted all races to have equal opportunity to use their talents and skills to full advantage to obtain the "American Dream". Unfortunately today that has not been seen, as somehow we are being taught to think that minorities are somehow "lesser" and need things "easier". I think that while the government thinks they are doing as MLK would have liked, they are actually going the opposite direction.
President Bush, who some of us still appreciate and respect, referred to the "soft bigotry of low expectations."
I think that's the clearest and most accurate summation of the problem I've ever heard, and I regret that neither the phrase nor the wisdom behind it has been widely embraced.
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