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Johnny Optimism
Check out Stilton Jarlsberg's other webcomic "Johnny Optimism!" Updates M-W-F!
In the face of a collapsing economy, rampant unemployment, and global instability, Barack Hussein Obama took office in 2008 promising Hope and Change. The "Hope" thing didn't really work out, but we got plenty of "Change" as everything got worse. And now, the jug-eared jackass has a second term.
That's why at Hope n' Change Cartoons, we're creating conservative smartaleckry to provide a little laughter in these strange times. Cartoons will probably be posted Monday and Wednesday, and definitely on Friday. Additionally, cartoons and graphics will be posted randomly on our Facebook page and Friday we'll add the week's postings right here to kick around in one of the greatest comments sections on the Web.Note: please feel free to repost our cartoons on your favorite blogs!
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friends Although it may seem like the Obamas are wasting money like mad, don't forget that they're growing their own vegetables now. Hey, every little bit helps.
Speaking of thrift, Michelle Obama is the first First Lady to have a fulltime makeup artist on staff. Oxymoronically, the makeup artist's job is to help Michelle achieve her "natural" look.
Speaking of thrift, Michelle Obama is the first First Lady to have a fulltime makeup artist on staff. Oxymoronically, the makeup artist's job is to help Michelle achieve her "natural" look.
Isn't that the job of most makeup artists?
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