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Despite a trillion dollar stimulus package which didn't stimulate squat, unemployment under the Obama administration has now reached 10.2%...unless you count the people who have given up looking for work, or accepted parttime jobs. Then the figure is 17.5%
To fight this trend, the president has...uh....hang on, I'm sure something will come to us...oh yeah! He's pushed healthcare reform that will raise costs and cause employers to cut jobs! And he raised the minimum wage, causing employers to cut jobs! And he's devaluing the American dollar with soaring deficits, causing employers to cut still more jobs!
In fact, all of the evidence indicates that the president wants high unemployment to force people to accept more government control over their lives. But of course, we shouldn't jump to conclusions...
A deja vu...
Bill Clinton's Dire Warning In 1993 on the Economy If We Didn't Pass Health Care Reform That Year
In fact, all of the evidence indicates that the president wants high unemployment to force people to accept more government control over their lives.
Stilt - Your analysis is confirmed by this writer :
The problem is not that Obama doesn't spend enough time on the economy — his philosophy isn't capable of (or interested in?) stimulating growth anyway.
Not only does this cartoon keep me informed of the issues of the day - it also gives me job advice. I never thought to wear pants! ;-)
It's Veterans Day - remember to say thank you.
Pants! Why didn't I think of that? *headdesk*
And don't forget those BVDs, either!
Wow pants!!!...go figure-- Now I see why everybody at work calls me the little guy.
Buzz- It could be worse; they might call you "squirt!"
Don't forget Obama is taking care of all of his Wallstreet buddies at the expense of main street. What other industry has the rules of the more you screw up the more the government bails you out. Employment on Wallstreet still looks pretty good.
The Fed needs to be audited and the banksters and their coconspirators should all be lined up against the wall...
Of course that will never happen with Obama, Bernanke, Geithner, and Summers in charge.
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