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When tallying the number of jobs "created or saved" by the Obama administration's massive spending packages, it seems that some of the best results came from places that don't actually exist.
Millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars have gone to congressional districts which can't be found on any map, but which we're quite sure have turned out substantial vote totals for Democrats in past elections...
Hope n' Change Extra: our special investigative team has obtained this exclusive photograph of the Obama administration's foreign protocol advisor!
Totally not surprised. Just wonder who is going to get thrown under the actual bus for leaking these juicy tidbits and why people aren't in the streets with pitchforks and torches yet.
Red- It sounds like similar stories are coming in from everywhere, with jobs "created or saved" being numbers pulled out of thin air, while the very real money gets spent on giving people raises, bonuses, or buying luxury goods and services.
And actually, this might be a good time to open a franchise called "Pitchforks n' Torches R Us"...it could be bigger than Starbucks!
Obama Hints He May Be O.K. With Being A One Term President
Philip- The only way Obama will be satisfied with being a one term president is if, at the end of four years, he's made King of the United States, or Emperor of The Entire World.
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