One day after telling Illinois citizens "I need you to send a message to folks in Washington: stop drawing lines in the sand," Barack Obama is heading to the beaches of Martha's Vineyard to draw lines in the sand.
Facing harsh criticism of the president's 10-day vacation in the midst of staggering unemployment, stock market panic, and several wars, Whitehouse spokesman Jay Carney told the quickly-scribbling press corps that "there is no such thing as a presidential vacation," before adding "and there's no such thing as golf," then closed with "and I'm not really even here."
While in Martha's Vineyard, the president will rest up from attacking millionaires and billionaires by mingling with vacationing millionaires and billionaires, in much the same way that Jesus used to hang out with sinners. He will also walk on water if his busy schedule allows.
But that may not be possible; along with all of the lighthouse tours, golf, ice cream, golf, bike rides, golf, miniature golf, and golf, the president has got to nail down the Super Secret Jobs Plan which he has announced he will reveal in September if his scriptwriters can think of anything by then.
So have a great non-vacation, Mr. Obama, and from all of us here at Hope n' Change Cartoons... don't hurry back!
Sorry Stilton, gotta rant...
OK, so Duh Won is a vile, duplicitous, conniving, commie-muslim, America-hating son of a bitch. That's a given. What he can't get through Congress anymore he's using the overreach of regulatory agencies to achieve. What do we do about it. Nothing...for now. Go ahead and complain to your congresscritter if it makes you feel better, but most of them are neutered and about as useful as ta-ta's on a nun. The only ones with full-time functioning gonads are the Tea Party-ish Republicans in the House (thankfully) gumming up the works for Turdboy.
We have to let the primary system play out to determine who the Republican challenger will be next year. I'm not at all shy about who I support, but she may not run and even if she does, she may not win the primary. If so, who can I support? Don't know yet. Whoever that is, I will have to be convinced they are not just a slow train on Obama's track (cough-cough, Romney, cough). The stakes are so high and the price of failure is so dear that "not Obama" is not enough. Some Demonrats are hinting that if Obaka is not reelected, there will be race riots in the streets. I don't believe it but OK, I can deal with that better than food riots or gas riots or no-job riots. Elections have always been about competing ideologies in the past. Not this one. This one is about survival and I think it may be our last chance to preserve our system of peaceful transition of power. The choice could not be more clear. I am praying that we choose wisely.
Good Rant! yes, yes and YES!
Not so sure about the race riots, though. Have you heard Maxine Waters? If she tells her constituents to take a dump on poor widdle BO, he is toast.
The Martha's Vineyard thing makes me pissed, but then again, it WOULD be nice if he would just stay there for another year and a half. He's gonna come back with some idiotic plan to force "rich" people to hire poor people, even if they don't need more employees. Or, he's gonna ask for another trillion or two to "create" some more jobs at $275,000 a pop.
something way off the subject... Saturday is national Go Topless day. I'm sure glad I'm not going to be on the beach with any Wookies!
I feel sure that the Pretender-In-Chief is enjoying his non-vacation now that he's thrown America under the bus(es)... to the tune of $1.1 million each. http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/ht_barack_obama_bus_dm_110817_wg.jpg
That sure is a nice signal to America that you're serious about the "shared sacrifice" during these difficult times, Mr. Present! But not to worry! I'm sure your Super Secret Jobs Plan will save us all! NOT!!!
Oh, and by the way, Colby... I do believe Go-Topless Day is Sunday, not Saturday.
Go Topless Day - Maybe Obama will be dumb enough to cut his head off so he'll be topless.
How did I not hear about national Go Topless Day? Am I really that old? Sigh.
Before this POtuS went on vacation he basically ordered amnesty for all Mexican illegals who do not have criminal records. And in the name of National Security. If this can't be undone, I fear we just lost the next election. I hope he gets sand in his tenderist areas. And jellyfish stings. And sunburn on his white half.
From the President's spokeshole: "The president knows we must do everything we can to promote economic growth, restore confidence in our nation's future and restore the sense of optimism for future generations," the statement said.
If he only actually meant that.
The President's vacation (of the type very few American's can afford these days) is no bother to me. It's because every day that the President and Congress are not in Washington, the safer we all are. Until there is a fundamental change of philosophy amongst our elected officials, each day that Congress in session only represents more instability, overregulation, expense, crony-capitalism and just plain outright corruption at the expense of us all. I'd be thrilled with if they all just extend their vacation for another 17 months or so.
And what does Congress-in-session and National Topless Day have in common? At both, you'll be surrounded by boobs.
Earl: If you are in this country illegally, are you not, by definition, a criminal?
My brother actually posted, apparently in all seriousness, on his facebook page "we don't have a spending problem, we have a revenue problem."
And he's a science teacher.
Some days I'm just as glad he's not speaking to me anymore. Not sure how the folks handle it.
AHD, I'm reminded of the scene in "Indiana Jones and the last Crusade" - "He did NOT choose wisely"
John, the problem w/ Congress and NTD is the same, as well - quality control. Typically, the people you WANT to see doing it are NOT the ones who show up...
But, for anyone who lives near, here's a list of places they plan to 'demonstrate'...
The man goes on vacation? He seems to always be on vacation; how can he 'go' on one?
A jobs plan? His health care fiasco, I'm told, would create 4 million new jobs, or 400,000 or something. Well, at least for 400 lawyers to try to get rid of the thing.
But "long term unemployment" support is apparently already part of the "secret" jobs plan. And to be paid to do nothing, now that is a skill indeed.
Man, am I hoping for change.
(I wonder if there's any in the couch cushions?)
And "go-topless day"? Why, we've been without a top for quite a while, and now we've hit bottom. Though, true, in another sense, if we were not on a spinning top for a day or two, that too could be good. A little stability never hurt anything. So going topless could be good, or bad, either way.
Oh, oh, That top go-topless day (looked it up) -- well, that's a shocker! [Could I really be that gay? :)] But, do you really want to see Nancy Pelosi topless? I didn't think so.
And the Republican contenders? My my, they seem to be rather more insistent I get myself all gooey eyed over such toplessness as might be referred to here, than they have a thing in their minds on how to solve the problems of everyone else. For they seem to think my not caring for topless days of this sort is the very problem for you all. Which is very weird, to be considered so important to the scheme of things; almost the lynchpin of it all, even.
I do demur, and will not take the honor.
And well, I think will all muddle through. We made it through one Great Depression, we can make it through another. I hope. Tighten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
@Angry Hoosier Dad- I enjoyed your rant and agree with it! I pray that we don't end up with a Republican candidate for whom we'll have to hold our noses, McCain-style, to cast a vote. That being said, neither Hell nor high water will keep me out of the voting booth in November 2012.
@Colby- I agree that race riots are unlikely (or at least no more likely) if Obama loses the Whitehouse. Blacks are asking what Obama has done for them, and realizing the answer is "not a damn thing." They may be starting to realize that Obama isn't an advocate for anyone or anything. Instead, his advocacy is against capitalism, individualism, and constitutionality.
@Anonymous- Yes, the presidential buses were purchased from Canada, showing that Mr. Obama is unaware of the difference between "Buy American" and "Bye Americans." And because I care so deeply about the factual content presented on this site, I've confirmed that national "Go Topless Day" is indeed Sunday, August 21st. If Michelle Obama takes part in any marches, I sincerely hope she'll "lead from behind."
@Anonymous (five above)- Obama is already gutless and shameless, so "topless" would probably make very little difference.
@Angry Hoosier Dad (again)- Like you, I hadn't heard of "Go Topless Day" either. And I usually do such a good job of staying abreast of the news...
@Earl- Leave it to Mr. Soetoro to give the country a going-away present like this on his way to yet another vacation. This is huge, and I don't like it one bit. Where the hell does the Constitution say that one branch of the government can decide which laws to enforce or not enforce (thereby making the other two branches irrelevant)? (Please press 2 to hear this rant in Spanish)
@John the Econ- I, too, wish all the politicians (especially The One) would continue vacationing until we can elect their replacements.
And as you point out to Earl, it honks me off that people who are here illegally are not considered criminals. You might as well excuse all the bank robbers for making "undocumented withdrawals." And here's a bulletin for the president: all of the millions upon millions of dollars that are spent annually to provide services to ILLEGALS have been stolen from the American taxpayers as surely as if a thief was holding a gun to their heads. And this is still true when it's Barack Obama holding the (mostly) metaphorical gun.
@Jim Hlavac- Yes, the worker bees in the administration are already chumming the waters for Obama's "big announcement," making ridiculous claims that extending unemployment creates jobs and boosts the economy, and getting more people on foodstamps creates jobs and boosts the economy. Presumably, having Black Panthers threaten white voters will also "create jobs and boost the economy" and become an officially funded program.
Knowing that Obama is going to make this "big speech" is like circling the day on the calendar you have to do your "prep" for a colonoscopy. You know it's coming, and you know exactly what the day will produce.
Regarding Nancy Pelosi showing her stuff on "Go Topless Day," the sight might be so disturbing that a lot of Log Cabin Republicans will be created. Granted, they'll need seeing eye dogs to help them find the polls in November...
John: Apparently not, when you can count on their votes.
@Pete(Detroit): Your brother is a "science teacher"?
State employee, eh?
If he honestly believes we have a "revenue" problem over a "spending" problem, and he is, in fact, educated in "science", perhaps he has the key to inventing a perpetual-motion machine. That could solve all our problems!
@Pete(Detroit)- Woops, somehow I missed your earlier remarks. I'm with John the Econ when it comes to your "science teacher" brother. And as John points out, maybe a perpetual motion machine is a good "scientific" example for your brother to consider:
Premise 1: $1 in Unemployment Benefits translates to $1.89 back into the economy. (per Obama admin)
Premise 2: The economy can then "harvest" the 89¢ and put the original $1 back into Unemployment Benefits.
Premise 3: The $1 again becomes $1.89. The "harvest and replant" cycle begins again.
Premise 4: Put all working people on Unemployment Benefits, to maximize the money-making potential of this cycle.
Premise 5: Nobody ever has to work again, 100% of our money remains intact, with eternal 89% returns (actually much more than that, assuming it will take less than a year for each dollar to be spent).
Premise 6: There's a science teacher somewhere who believes this would work? Discuss.
@Earl- Technically, illegal aliens can't vote. Which is why it's so critically important to eliminate proof of identity at the polling places. How much longer do we want to be a heartless country which disenfranchises the citizens of other nations at our polling places?
@Earl's first statement ... I heard about this on my local talk radio yesterday. I have NOT read the actual order, but if the news reported it correctly (usually this station does) the order said they could not deport anyone who is not guilty of a serious crime. Is not coming into our country without sanction a serious crime? Therefore, if there are any prosecutorial types in the country who really HAVE A PAIR they CAN deport them all, under the Obummers new rule. Just sayin' ...
Jim: I was doing fine until you wrote "Nancy Pelosi topless". Now I need to purchase a new keyboard which I suppose is one way to stimulate the economy.
re: Go Topless Day and Nancy Pelosi - it's not commonly known, but in her younger days Ms. Pelosi had a rose tattooed on her left breast.
Nowadays, of course, it's a long-stemmed rose...
I'm sure Jim can back me up on this...
Contrary to myth, seeing the pale, sagging, raisin-like ta-ta's of Nazi Pelosi cannot turn a man gay. Eunuch perhaps, but not gay.
@Doc N.Nevada- Just so we're all on the same page, "breaking and entering" and "theft" (of goods and services) are no longer prosecutable crimes, right?
@TheOldMan- And those new Braille keyboards are really expensive, too.
@CenTexTim- Ba-da-BOOM! And as the old joke goes, Nancy tried to get a tattoo of Elvis on the top inside of her left thigh, but didn't like the look of it. She then had the tattoo artist try again on the other side, and was still dissatisfied. She subsequently dropped her drawers for Barney Frank and said "Who does this look like to you?!" Barney thought, then said "I don't know who the sidemen are, but the guy in the middle is Willy Nelson." (Thanks, goodnight, and don't forget to tip your waiters!)
@Angry Hoosier Dad- You're probably right. After seeing Nancy, I would imagine that sexual orientation (and indeed, sexual interest of any kind) would disappear entirely.
Alright now, lets stop picking on poor Nancy. You know all those face lifts probably pulled her honkers up to at least belly-button height.
If you want a REAL mental image on "show your boobies" day, how about the Secretary of Homeland Defense?
I'll bet you never imagined your awesome Martha's Vineyard cartoon and commentary would digress into Nancy's and Wookie's boobs, did you?
@Colby- Evolution in the day's topic is to be expected. Like the Constitution, a Hope n' Change cartoon is a living document. That Nancy Pelosi screws around with.
With regards to topless day, lets not forget Helen Thomas. Any takers on who wants to look first?
I heard that Pelosi has had so many face-lifts that if she has one more, she'll have a beard.
We are NOT doing NTD here in Houston because it is too stinking hot and ridiculously sunny and if you go outside without a wide-brimmed hat and long sleeves you will DIE! Think ants and magnifying glasses.Maybe come December if it cools off any.
Meanwhile, terrific comments by everybody. I'm too hot and tired to add anything, but no need.
Helen Thomas?!! AAARRGGHHH!! Now I have to go wash my brain out with soap.
@Colby- Helen Thomas topless would look like Jabba the Hutt cuddling Sharpei puppies.
I was so sure that cartoon was leading up to M.O. on the beach ...
Stilton, your $1.89 economics analysis reminds me of Groucho's mid-Depression schtick: 'What this country needs is a seven cent nickel. Just imagine, you could buy a two-cent cigar or a two cent newspaper and get the same nickel back in change. Why, one nickel carefully spent could last a family a lifetime'.
Of course, Groucho and his audience knew this was absurdist humor. For a Liberal, it's an economics PhD thesis.
Good example on "unemployment benefits" Stilton. It's Keynesian nonsense like that which defies all logic that gives "economics" a bad name.
Using the same kind of logic, we ought to raise the "minimum wage" to $100/hour. After all, liberals swear raising the minimum wage has no effect on unemployment. Then everyone would be rich, and we'd be rid of poverty once and for all.
@Chuck- Nah, it's too early in the vacation to go after Michelle. Today's cartoon was transitional to gently ease us from the topic of the Bus Tour into Martha's Vineyard. As the Wicked Witch of the West once said, "these things must be done delicately..."
@Andrew- Thanks for sharing the Groucho quote! I hadn't heard that, and it sums up the idiocy of the situation far better than I did!
@John the Econ- I genuinely don't know if the Keynesians are idiots who believe what they're saying, or are actually sentient beings who are willingly lying. Paul Krugman, on the other hand, is clearly an idiot and a liar.
Not all Keynesians were idiots. Keynes himself having seen the failure in much of his own theories through the depression was repudiating many of them before his death. Actually, I have a fair amount of respect for Keynes as a man, mainly for his intellectual integrity. Once, when being badgered by a reporter for changing one of his position that he concluded was wrong, he said "When the facts change, I change my mind -- what do you do, sir?"
Could you imagine Paul Krugman or Al Gore saying something like that?
The biggest problem with Keynsianism is that it serves as the perfect intellectual basis for statists, liberals, socialists, et-al to justify massive government expansion and control over everything. They don't really care about the nuts-and-bolts of the theory; just that it justifies government reach, pork barrel spending, and their general waste and sloth. Activist leftist intellectuals in academia like Krugman are more than happy to provide the academic support for such policies.
Keynesianism in America was pretty much dead and settled by the end of the Clinton era, when it was Reaganomics that clearly succeeded in an era of somewhat restrained government growth combined with massive economic expansion. But amongst the statist faithful, it was never dead. The slowdown post dot-con crash and 911 was more than enough for a neo-Keynesian resurgence. When a confused and distracted Bush signed off on it, (cheap money, stimulus, etc) the seeds were firmly planted for the mess we're dealing with today.
Of course, Obama doesn't really care about Keynesianism either. He's a Marxist. In pure Marxism, "Capitalism" is something to be eliminated and money really doesn't matter because the state directs, takes and provides everything. But like with the other statists, Obama goes along with Keynesianism because it serves his political agenda.
@John the Econ- Thanks for the additional information and clarification. When I attacked Keynesians, I was specifically referring to the politically-motived types who use Keynesian theory to give cover to their own devious little plans.
And I agree that Obama isn't really a Keynesian and is more of a Marxist. He doesn't see Keynesian policy as a way to re-energize our economy. He's sees it (accurately) as a way to continue destabilizing both the economy and our basic social structure.
Thanks, Stilt - will pass the $1.89 story along!
Just coming inside after two hours in the Houston heat, trimming the blessed hedge. Was tottering badly but refreshed myself by reviewing all the latest comments herein while sipping Dos Equis (a fine Messican beer for those unacquainted). Proving once again that all human problems can be overcome by the determined application of truth, humor, and the proper amounts of beer and high explosives. Although, in this case, I elected not to employ the high explosives as the neighbors gripe about the noise. If I could get paid $100 an hour to NOT trim the hedge, I would gladly stimulate the Mexican economy by buying more of their excellent cervesa, thus, by the Groucho Amplifier Effect, so well explained, above, ending illegal immigration.I stand ready to do my part in this noble cause, whatever the personal cost, so long as it doesn't involve any real work and only emplys other people's money.
@Doktor Paulie- Glad you're feeling refreshed! You raise some interesting ideas; if illegal Mexican immigrants entered the country driving a large load of Dos Equis, I'd say we'd be breaking even on the deal (not perfect, but an improvement over the current system).
And it seems like you should be able to get a government grant for NOT trimming your hedge; after all, the hedge is a totally "green" engine which absorbs deadly toxic carbon dioxide and releases fresh, life-giving oxygen. And allowing the hedge to grow would let Obama boast about the expansion of "green energy" programs.
By the way, if you submit a grant proposal and it works, let me know. I'll join you in Houston for a cold beer, and we can watch your hedge grow.
@SJ: TREMENDOUS idea! I shall write the grant app immediately. While I'm at it, maybe I can get BATF to throw in some assorted automatic weapons and a resupply of high explosives in case I need to "trim" the hedge afterall. Home owner's association, you know. Will keep you posted.
Dok P - you might have better luck w/ the BATFE if you suggest you'll be selling them to Mexican Drug Lords (for more of the lovely DX, natch - gosh, I miss that stuff. Can still get it at most Mexi restaurants, and your better beer stores, but it's pricy)
(Apols for the side track, but it's early, and I'm letting my geek flag fly... The typical 'dark' Mexican beers - Dos Equis, Negra Modelo, and I think Pacifica too - are pretty much the sole remaining commercial examples of "Vienna Lager." Major defining characteristic being the slightly spicy, almost cinnamon toast character of the malt. In 1864, the French invaded Mexico, and installed Maximilian of Austria as emperor, and Vienna Lager became popular, Mexican brewers (or imported ones from Europe) learned how to make it. Max was executed in 1867, but the legacy of his favorite beer lives on, possibly as it is such a wonderful compliment to the typically spicy Mexican cuisine. Oddly, it fell out of fashion in Europe some time around World War One, whether from grain shortages, loss of persons w/ the skills to make the grain w/ the proper character, or just changing tastes in general. In any event, the style lives on in Mexico, for which we are very grateful.)
@Stilton, you are correct that Keynesianism is the perfect vehicle for the corrupt statists. The only thing Keynesianism honestly stimulates is the unholy feedback look between politicians, government workers/unions and crony capitalists. The rest of America just gets bled dry.
@Pete(Detroit)- Thanks for the history lesson! Not only was it interesting, it's also useful information in these days when the news almost demands keeping a brew handy.
@John the Econ- Nice unholy trinity you've described there!
@Pete(Detroit) Thanks for your suggestion. Will incorporate in grant app. Got to work some skydiving in for @AHD and I, too. An evil and nefarious plan begins to take form, involving Mexican cartels, automatic weapons, skydiving, and getting paid for NOT trimming the hedge with high explosives.
I will now take a medicinal cervesa, lie down, and contemplate the possibilities. I am very glad to do my part to keep the Vienna Lager VERY much alive. Will support the other brands soonest.
Doc P - "Nefarious Plan" - From your description, I'm seeing something that looks like the preview for a movie w/ Nick Cage and Steve Carrel... maybe a coupla those topless skydivers for camouflage..
Maybe get Matt Damon cast as both halves of the 'good twin / evil twin' pair, and we could watch him beat his own ass.
Damn, this movie just keeps getting better.
Still need to work in The Shrubbery... (NIE!)
@Pete(Detroit)- Eat your heart out, Judd Apatow! With the brain trust we've got around here, we can be making successful comedies in no time! (All we need is that NEA grant to get us started...)
To All, life is too short to drink shitty beer....(when dining au Mexican, I prefer the Dos Equis Dark)(If I sound like a beer snob it's because I am.)
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