After 3 years of everything conceivable getting worse for Americans, even Barack Obama's supporters are starting to ask him what the "Hope" and "Change" he promised was supposed to be. Pressed for a definition of these vague terms, Obama has now clarified "Osama bin Laden will never again walk the face of this Earth. That’s what change is!"
OHhhhhh! Somehow when he was describing "Change" during the campaign, we assumed it would involve less brain matter spattering across walls at high velocity.
Of course, he also promised "Change" in the tone of rhetoric in Washington - and he's certainly delivered on that score, too - by making it exponentially worse. In the same speech in which he was licking Osama's blood off his alleged trigger finger, the president said that evil Republicans are putting "the very core of what this nation stands for on the line. The notion that we're all in this together, that we look out for each other."
Frankly, it strikes us as odd that the president claims "we're all in this together," while trying to incite half of the country to take up arms against the other half. Maybe we don't quite understand his definition of "looking out for each other."
And what are we to make of Obama's accusation that Republicans are against people succeeding "no matter what you look like?" Seriously, if he was any faster at whipping out the race card, he'd be dealing Blackjack in Vegas.
But at least we don't actually have anything to fear from Barack Obama's violent new definition of "Change" as killing your political enemies - right?
Maybe yes, maybe no. Because Homeland Security has now been tasked with collecting personal information and keeping data banks on anyone in the country who uses "traditional and/or social media in real time to keep their audience situationally aware and informed."
Which means there's a pretty good likelihood that they're keeping an eye on Hope n' Change Cartoons.
I just hope that there won't be an ugly midnight visit from Seal Team Six when they find out that my real name is Bill Maher.
Come and get me, coppers.

Come and get me, coppers.
READERS: Blogspot has made some odd changes to the comment section which I find unnecessarily confusing and unattractive. Well, okay, hideous and illegible are actually the words I'm trying to avoid. For now, if you click on the "Comments" link below, it will open a new "pop-up" page where you can read and leave remarks more or less the way you could before. I'll also continue trying to find a way to restore things to the way they were.
Bill Maher! Nice!
Blackjack? "BLACK" jack?
Does that not seem like a racist comment there Stilt? Shame, shame on YOU...
Apparently, the three legs of his campaign stool are: A do-nothing congress, those awful Republicans and I-killed-Bin Laden. As stools go, it's a bit smellier than most and in need of flushing.
I think the "look out" in Øbama's "look out for each other" is probably meant as LOOK OUT!!!, INCOMING!!! or, more specifically, LOOK OUT!!! THOSE TEA BAGGERS AND REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO KILL YOU!!! INCOMING!!!
"We're all in this together"-funny, I don't recall being invited to any of his extended vacations to Hawaii, or even an extravagant White House party. Hell, Barry didn't even ask his illegal immigrant welfare fraud auntie to go with him! I guess he's talking about just the wookie & rug-rats when he talks about "togetherness".
I've always argued that Obama would end up being a 3rd Bush term. And it seems that Obama himself is now openly admitting that. After all, by eliminating OBL (supposedly his biggest achievement to date that he's willing to publicly take credit for) wasn't he was just carrying out long established Bush policy?
Also, the Obama Administration has again reaffirmed who they really believe the real enemies of America are, specifically those who strive to "keep their audience situationally aware and informed.” Marxism does not/can not tolerate free speech.
@Pete(Detroit)- I hope saying "blackjack" won't be considered a black mark against me, and subject me to blacklisting or blackmail.
@Angry Hoosier Dad- Clearly, you've identified the major features of Obama's stool sample.
@Emmentaler- Good catch! Now it all makes sense! LOOK OUT! OTHER AMERICANS!
@Flyboy- In fairness, when Michelle took a $500,000 vacation to Africa, her daughters were listed as "senior staffers" (true fact). That being said, the Obamas clearly have an odd conception of "we're all in this together" because we're sure as hell not all enjoying the benefits that the First Couple and their political cronies do.
@John the Econ- I have zero doubt that the wheels which were set in motion under Bush kept turning until OBL was dead and cast adrift. Obama didn't make it happen...he just had no way of preventing it from happening and maintaining political cover. There are unsubstantiated but credible reports that the only reason Seal Team Six was finally given a "go" was that Bin Laden's location was known to enough people that the window to go get him was rapidly closing - and Obama still dithered (taking counsel from Valerie Jarrett, who was against the operation) until he had no other choice but to either kill bin Laden or face the political fallout for letting him escape.
Moreover, it was Joe "loudmouth" Biden who immediately revealed who the kill team was (putting them and their families at risk) and gleefully announced that we had all of bin Laden's computer harddrives - essentially rendering much of that precious intelligence useless by giving the bad guys a warning that it was time to scramble.
Regarding this administration's desire to do surveillance on those who "keep their audience situationally aware and informed," it's pretty damn chilling. But I hope whoever has been tasked with watching this blog is laughing, clipping Hope n' Change cartoons, and posting them on their cubicle walls.
Hey! I went to share this on facebook - your blog is now a blocked URL after having been reported as "spammy or unsafe."
WIll post on the Digital hairshirt to get the funny out!
@The Digital Hairshirt- It's seemed like there's been a problem for quite awhile posting directly to Facebook (copying and pasting cartoons works, though). On the plus side, when I go on trial for using social media to keep my audience informed, I can use Facebook's boycott in my defense.
I saw that story earlier about the thugs at DHS collecting personal information of journalists and bloggers. That was bad enough, but what made it worse was the revelation that "the NOC Monitoring Initiative has been happening since as early as 2010 and the data is being shared with both private sector businesses and international third parties." (quote from the same link)
That raises several points, the first being that since the program began in 2010 obama can't blame it on Bush.
Second, assuming DHS has the right to collect the info (HUGE assumption), what is their justification for releasing it to businesses and foreign parties?
Third, where's the outrage? If this isn't an egregious violation of civil rights I've never seen one. I understand that the MSM is obama's lapdog, but it seems that even they would raise a ruckus about this. I guess they've totally gone over to the dark side (oops, that last remark makes me a racist).
We have got to get the loser-in-chief and his cronies out of office this Nov.
@CenTexTim- I think the "outrage" is missing because the MSM and Lefties know perfectly well whose information is being collected, used and abused. At the point Obama and the Dems are praising Occupy Wall Street (while that group sets fires, smashes windows, and rapes women) you can be sure that Homeland Security isn't wasting resources by tracking them. No, the real threat to this administration isn't from people screaming to overthrow the system, it's from people who are preparing to vote based on actual facts and a devotion to Constitutional principles.
Regarding the release of the collected information to third parties, I hate to think of the repercussions. In today's high tech world, it's awfully easy to give your political enemies a world of headaches without getting your fingerprints on the evidence.
What the lefties, including the MSM, don’t understand is that they really ARE just useful idiots. History shows that once the transition to socialism/communism is nearing completion, those useful idiots are marked for elimination. There can be no unfettered voices talking to the people. Protests cannot be tolerated, unless they are orchestrated by the government. There is no free speech … and there will be no one left to defend them, either. There are only the Rulers and, at the bottom of the ladder, the masses. And they better be very compliant masses.
The ruling classes always prefer an unarmed peasantry...
@CenTexTim, could you imagine the outrage in the media had such an edict been issued during the Bush years? The talking heads on all the alphabets would be going 24/7 for months.
However, do keep in mind that this works both ways. Sooner or later, many of the "occupy" kiddies will want to grow up and get real jobs. (academia doesn't have room for all of them) It amuses me no end that employers these days already run job applicants through social media searches to see just what kind of person they're hiring.
@Chuck- Great summary.
@Pete(Detroit)- That's true except when they want arms going to the Mexican drug cartels.
@John the Econ- I remember when the Left had their knickers in a twist over the possibility that actual terror suspects could have their library reading lists subpoenaed. You'd have thought it was the end of the world. Now? Not so much.
And I must admit to a curmudgeonly delight in the notion that many young people will be bitten in the butt by their indiscretions on social media when they go looking for jobs.
@ CenTexTim… The libs & MSM only complain about privacy issues when they can blame Bush and the Right ie, Homeland Security Act
And, uh, oh yeah, my name is Jan Schakowsky
I heard some of BO's "We gotta do this together" speech, and he was implying that the founding fathers never intended for us to be a nation where individuals had to fend for themselves. His implication was that the founding fathers wanted us to be socialists and pool all of our resources together. No shit, that's what I got out of it. I wonder if he really believes this malarkey.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the founding fathers agonize for years trying to create a nearly non-existent government that would create as much personal freedom as possible and still allow for national defense? The original idea was to LET every man fend for himself and make his own way without the government's involvement or interferrence. Grrrr...
And for the DHS?... my real name is Rachael Maddow. And I'm pretty sure Pete in Detroit is really Michael Moore, but I have no proof and don't want to rat on him.
And isn't it pathetic when poor widdle BO has to pull "I killed Bin Laden" out of his butt as a poor-assed attempt to appeal to conservatives? Sorry dude; that one little bitty thing does NOT make up for the Mount Everest of bullshit that you have piled on our heads. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and you are only taking credit for years of work by the military AND George Bush.
I refer you all back to this: http://pateratic.com/?paged=13 OnStar's brazen invasion of privacy kind of pales in comparison, hey Chuck?
@Readers- Eek! What fresh hell is this?! Suddenly all of the comments are in italics, and there's a "Reply/Delete" button under each entry. Blogger has sprung some sort of weirdness on us (unless it's an unavoidable side effect of being routed through the servers at Homeland Security).
Just wanted you to know that this isn't my doing!
Interesting Stilt - I don't see 'delete' - that must be a reflection of the amazing godlike powers of being the blog owner.
Colby - I really hope I don't come off as being THAT mental, nasty, and just plain gross. Was willing to cop to being Al Frankin, but since you called me out as Jobba the Slut - WELL! I'm just going to slink off and pout for a bit, and you just WAIT until we can get Todd Palin on your show, Rachael. You will WEEP at his utter manliness, and your pathetic "lovers"...
I'm testing the "Reply" function right now! Hey look, it works!
@Colby- You understood the Bamster's speech perfectly. I doubt that he believes the Founding Fathers intended for this to be a socialist nation, but it's a certainty that it's what Obama wants...and what he's trying to sell to the public.
@Emmentaler- OnStar's invasion of privacy really does pale in comparison.
@Pete(Detroit)- Yes, I checked and only I (in my infinite wisdom and/or inebriated whimsy) can delete posts. Not that I ever do.
And gosh, who knew we were all closeted liberals (and not just ANY liberals, but famous ones!) The Hope n' Change database at Homeland Security probably has warning bells ringing like a pinball machine!
@JustaJeepGuy- Congratulations on being the first person to use the exciting new HnC "reply function!"
On the downside, to FIND anyone's reply it's now necessary to scan ALL the messages (and not just the most recent ones) to look for activity, while squinting at hard to read and slightly effete-looking italics.
I'll play with Blogger's new rules for awhile and see what the upsides and downsides are. I hope readers will give me feedback on what they like or don't like about it - and I'll try to fine tune things (if I can).
Dr. Jarlsberg:
As you know, I'm a big fan of your "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip, and I just discovered this comic strip when I saw it reposted at the FREE NORTH CAROLINA web site.
So, I've embedded an automatic Internet link to it in the sidebar of my own personal web site, "OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE".
Gosh, gee whillikers, you must have some sort of monumental brain in order to create all of this stuff!
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
Joke as we will about being on some terrorist watch-list, the potential for abuse by this regime is horrifyingly real and a clear and present danger to our freedoms and the Republic as a whole. If this continues, the only question is who will take "kinetic" action first: The government against us or us in self-defense?
Pete, that is too funny! Michael Moore WISHES he was Jabba the Hut! He could just throw conservatives in the pit or freeze dry them.
And wouldn't Rachael Madcow LOVE to sink her fangs & claws into Todd Palin. Imagine what Sarah might do to her.... in a dark alley....
@Colby, I'm guessing Rachel Mancow would be more interested in getting her hands on Sarah rather than Todd.
@Stilt, I don't believe you're really Maher. You're funnier than he EVER was. Maher is a hack with a team of writers. I'm guessing you fly solo on this endeavor.
@Colby, you have to remember that such speeches are not directed towards people like us; those with a knowledge and sense of history. They are meant for the Obamatons; those who have been deliberately deprived of our own history and others seeking "community organizer" degrees, or those who star or watch "reality television"...
With friends like Bill Maher, you're safe, doc.
@Angry Hoosier Dad- The fact that I joke about something (everything, in fact) doesn't mean that I don't take it dead seriously. At the very LEAST I'm upset at the money (which we don't have in the first place) being spent to monitor journalists and citizen-journalists. More concerning is the concept of a federally-funded ideological enemies list...especially under an administration that has recently endorsed "reluctant" assassination of citizens without trial and open-ended prison confinement without due process. And now that Obama has said that his idea of "Change" comes out the muzzle of a gun, we should ALL be worried.
@John- Funny, since I know you're a military man (and THANK YOU) I assumed you started over here at Hope n' Change and found Johnny through the links. But the other way around works too! Thanks for the link - and I hope you enjoy going through the archive of over 1000 HnC cartoons here on the site!
As far as my monumental brain goes, I think it's more of a serviceable brain combined with a bad attitude (grin).
@Colby- Is it wrong of me to think "that's hot" when you ask us to imagine what would happen between Sarah Palin and Rachael Maddow in a dark alley?
@8oroadster- Hey, don't blow my cover. I'm hoping at the very LEAST to get Maher's ass kicked.
@DonSurber- With friends like Bill Maher, NONE of us is safe.
Stupid new format rules don't 'placehold' anymore either - USED to be that 'refresh' took me to the last comment I read, now it appears to drop to the bottom.
Boo that!
@Stan da Man- Frankly, I hate everything about this new format and am actively trying to find out how to turn back the clock.
Until then, I'd encourage people NOT to use the "Reply" button under each post, but rather to go to the comment box at the bottom and enter your remarks there. You can easily address individuals by calling them @Stan da Man or @DonSurber or @BarrySoetoro or whatever.
My apologies for this foolishness.
ha!Great! now ya gotta hit 'post comment' and it takes me to this separate page!
Well, at least the Italics got fixed... It was a good system, and it worked - why the hell did they have to fix it?
And yeah, Stilt, the thought of a Palin / Maddow match up in a dark alley *is* kinda hot - I'm sure it'd get better ratings than Chris Matthews.
Crap, I hit 'anon' not Name/URL - yeesh, I HATE it when dorkons "fix" things...
@pryorguy- Frankly, I'm fuming about this change. But Blogspot is a free service, so there's not a lot of leverage in trying to get them to change things quickly. I'm hoping that the "old style" will be returned soon, but if not I at least like this pop-up better than the craziness with the "threaded comments" which allow multiple conversations to spring up like snakes on Medusa's head.
One of the things I like about the comments here is seeing how the conversation evolves over time - and the fact that you know that the bottom comment is the most recent one (without trying to compare time stamps).
"Progress." Bah!
@Anonymous- This is definitely one of those cases where "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
@Pete(Detroit)- I've already forgotten where I read this quote earlier today (maybe WSJ?), but it certainly applies: "The cause of most problems is solutions."
@stilton: One word: Wordpress. Not owned by Google (but probably still by a libtard...). I like that you can download it and roll your own. Of course, I'm a technoweenie and that's pretty much how I live my life: rolling my own.
(This separate window do suck 2. And "Preview" puts you at the top of the page. Genius. Sheer genius...)
@Emmentaler- I looked into Wordpress once upon a time, but wasn't able to figure out how to use it. When I start reading about cascading style sheets, my life passes before my eyes. Still, if things can't go back to the way they were relatively soon, I may look into other methods of hosting (if anyone has suggestions about servers or Mac-friendly software, I'm listening). Or maybe Homeland Security would just let me post the site on THEIR servers; it seems like it would be a time saver.
@Stilton: the theme customization in WP ain't so bad as the read makes it seem, but I understand - especially when you mention Mac friendly :o)
@Emmentaler- Actually, I don't think Wordpress cares about Mac vs PC (it's all code), so the main problem is just me trying to wrap my head around it. I only mentioned the Mac connection in case there was something else entirely to use, like iWeb or whatever the heck Apple calls it (which makes a pretty, but not very customizable site).
The new comment format has a huge advantage for dial-up dinosaurs like me. I get the comments in a separate window, rather than having to wait for a whole page to load, simply in order to read the comments. So it has that going for it.
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