Joining in the spirit of "looking back," Hope n' Change is reposting some cartoons and links showing how Barry has "honored" Dr. King in the past...
Jan 18, 2010

During the week of Dr. King's birthday, Barry helped clear the New Black Panthers of charges of voter intimidation, just because they happened to brandish weapons, threaten people, and use racial epithets while demanding that voters cast their ballots based on the color of Obama's skin.
Oct 17, 2011

Jan 16, 2012

Barry sends out a "personal email" to his minions, telling them that the First Lady is having a birthday and the best possible gift in the whole wide world would be money for his re-election campaign. The message ends with a quick and passionless "PS" saying "This weekend people are getting together to volunteer in their communities in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day."
Hey, we suppose it's nice that he remembered at all while reaching for all those wallets...
Appropriately, the MLK statue was made in China. - You know: that place Democrats are trying to turn the US into.
Jeez, ya know... it feels worse now than 50 years ago.
Hey Barry! (and Bill and Jimmy and Jesse and Al and...). Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, and you weren't in it! So what makes you think you belong at ANY function honoring the anniversary of that speech? As near as I know, that speech was all about ending the divide between the races; something which you dread and strive daily to avoid!
I am no big MLK fan, but do believe he actually WANTED to end racial divide. Some say he was a Republican; others say, "No way, he was a Democrat." Truth is, he took care to not align himself with any political party, and I think that was because it would create more division, not less.
Can't wait for ol' Teddy to start spewing his hate and baseless nonesense today!
Thanks for posting, Stilton.
Concrete sentiments, expressed in that last panel...
Stilt, think you missed it yesterday, Ted was actually agreeing w/ you in his last comment - the Dow is so high because of the inflation (devaluation) of the dollar, brought on by run away spending and irrational money policies, especially including Quantitative Easing. Inflation, of course, being most detrimental to the poor.
One thing that DID stick out to me yesterday out of all Ted's drivel was being grumpy at O for not clamping down on banks... Apparently, he does not realize the role that the Fed played in the housing collapse by FORCING banks to make a % of 'bad' loans to people they knew damned well could not afford them, effectively ensuring that said people would have their lives ruined by bankruptcy, loss of house, etc, etc.
Again, hurting whom, the most? The Poor, of course. Hmmmm, policies that look fuzzy and feel good on the outside, but are deadly when actually engaged - like a teddy bear full of razor blades.
How Progressive.
@Pete - are you sure those were "concrete sentiments," or were they in fact concrete sediments? Cause they sure remind me of the sinking feeling I get every time I hear from our Government.
txGreg - NICE!
Stilt: Thanks for your gracious contributions today, very well done as always.
My thoughts on this MLK day: "Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech. I truly believe Dr. King REALLY wanted peace and harmony between ALL races, creeds, and colors; and made that his main mission in life. I feel that he DID accomplish many of his dreams before his life was cut short by an assassin who many believe was a Black Panther Party member, and not James Earl Ray. Although Dr. King never said he was a member or supporter of any particular political party, he did somewhat have the persona of a Democrat, with his dozens of extra-marital affairs. God Bless you Martin Luther King, you did a lot of good, and I personally wish you could be here today.
So, here we are, 50 years later, and I am wondering what the h-e-double hockey sticks Barry Hussein Soetoro is doing giving a speech honoring a person devoted to bringing people from all backgrounds together, when the last 5 years of his Regime’s modus operandi has been to divide and create hatred amongst the races and classes. I sincerely hope the ‘anointed one’ does not use this opportunity to attack the ‘evil rich’, or to bitch and complain about how racist this country is, even though he himself has thrown gas on the racist fire".
Just heard on the news that the Fort Hood Terrorist, Nidal Hassan was sentenced to death. I hope he is doused in Pig's blood before they blow his brains out, or at least his 72 virgins all look like Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Watching Black Jesus Hussein Soetoro at the MLK tribute; truly amazing how 'black' he can talk when he is in front of blacks. What a phony-baloney.
I firmly believe that if Reverend King were alive and here with us today, he would be appalled by the state of race relations in America. I also firmly believe he would be in the company of individuals like Dr. Ben Carson & Lt. Col. Allen West calling for a reafirmation of the Constitution & Bill of Rights, rather than the likes of 0blammie and his cadre of Race Hustlers & Limousine Liberals. I am almost definitely certain he would consider his "I have a dream" monument a bit premature and would denounce, in his genteel tone, the scoundrels who would invoke his name to further their campaign of hate.
Of course Ole Minstrel Teddy would be in the crowd shouting him down and calling him an "Uncle Tom".
Obama's just pissed off we're not calling him King Obama.
(Hope you and your family are doing well Stilton. I'm so grateful you can keep posting. We need your humor during these difficult days so much. Y'all are still in our thoughts and prayers. God bless.)
I can see it now... if MLK were able too see lamont insane obama palaver his snake-oil bovine exhaust he'd have a NEW catchphrase... "I've got a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!"
I only caught Ted's yesterday comments today. I was better off when I forgot his name...
I still don't understand how any objection to Barack Hussein is evidence of racism, except that some people only see things through the lens of racism. Apparently Ted doesn't know that Frank Marshall Davis (known, card-carrying communist) was a huge influence on Barack Hussein, or that Barack's mother and grandparents were if not card-carrying communists, then at least communist sympathizers.
Frank M. Davis was a communist solely because he thought there was no racism in the communist world. He judged everything on that basis. What about Ted?
I haz a sad: Comments are closed on the Obama golf shot post. Pleeze ... just let me say in regards to that ... why do I hear Springtime For Hitler In Germany when I see that picture?
Thanks, I feel better now.
President of the Ministry of Silly Walks?
@JaJG - I think it is not impossible that Frank Marshall Davis is Obama's real father.
@Readers- Great comments! I'm stretched thin today, so will try to do a "hit and run" with some responses...
@Coon Tasty- You'd really think that SOMEwhere in America, there would be someone who could carve a monument. But nooOOooo...
@Grafton Cheddar- In a lot of ways, I agree. I think there's been a huge "bell curve" effect. 50 years ago, the cause of integration and racial harmony was climbing that curve. Today, the "peak" is far, far back in the rearview mirror as black culture slips into deep - and carefully plotted - decline.
@Colby- King was no saint, but his ideas for uniting Americans were pretty good. Unfortunately, those ideas run completely contrary to what the Left has done almost ever since.
@Pete(Detroit)- If that's what Ted meant, he should have said so. The DOW is not "adjusted" for inflation, it simply reflects it.
And as you point out, Mr. Brist seems clueless about why the big bad bankers made all of those loans to people who couldn't conceivable pay them back.
@txGreg- You've just cemented yourself in the pun hall of fame. Or shame - I'm not sure which.
@David in Socal- If nothing else, Barry could have been a great race healer. He chose instead to be the greatest race divider in the Oval Office in living memory.
And regarding Nidal Hassan, I'm still waiting for Barry to give him a presidential pardon. After all, it was workplace violence, right? Just a guy having a bad day, right? By the way, I'd say your idea about how to carry out the will of the Court sounds pretty good...
@Necron99- I believe the term Ted used about Dr. Ben Carson was a "self-loathing black man" or some such crap. It seems that Ted gets angry when black people don't live down to his precious profiles and stereotypes.
@Sparky- Thanks for the kind thoughts (from you and many others) Truth be told, these aren't easy days. And that's pretty much all I'll say on the subject for now.
@Bruce Bleu- Can't you just picture Dr. King waking bold upright in bed, sweat dripping, with visions of Obama still running through his head?
@JustaJeepGuy- In Brist's world, the rules are simple: criticizing a black man is racist unless he's Dr. Ben Carson - who, in Ted's mind, needs a taste of the whip to remind him of his race and place.
And I had to laugh at Ted's stunning (and yet not surprising) ignorance about the many Muslim and Communist influences in Barry's life. I really don't think Brist knows anything about the jug-eared jackass in chief.
@Anonymous- Sorry about closing off the comments on the other page; it was starting to get confusing and I thought we should all be laughing, arguing, and making up funny names for Tad Pist on the same page.
will a vision be revealed in a blinding flash on the road to damascus? least there's a precedent.
you said,
"...with visions of Obama still running through his head?"
might you be referring to "sugarplum fairies", (but considering lamont on that Pee Wee Herman bicycle with the pussy helmet I fear I'm being redundant)...
I just wanted to opine one last time on our dear friend Ted. When I say "one last time" that's exactly what I mean. I do not foresee ever responding to him again. And not out of anger or frustration, but because I know all I need to know about Ted. When he stated that obama is too far right for him, well, that's all I needed to hear. Any further interaction with him is pointless. He is completly predictable and nothing said here is going to change his mind or even take a moment to stop and think "hmmm maybe I need to rethink that position..." I enjoy a lively debate but I prefer it to be with other open minds.
Ole Minstrel Teddy is a caricature, of a caricature of the little white militant jack ass who was hanging out with the Black Panthers during the Washington protests segment of "Forrest Gump". You remember, the one Gump beat down after he slapped Jenny?
@Anonymous- I'm not sure I'd associate Barry with any blinding flashes, though he has given me quite a few blinding headaches.
@WMD- I couldn't agree more. If I had a way to adjust the spam filter here, I'd just tell it to nuke anything coming from Brist's IP address. I can manually nuke his comments - but usually hate to do so if some of the regulars here have taken the time and effort to pen a rebuttal. Still, Ted is wasting our air with his idiocy. He is beyond logic or salvation with his ululating adoration of all things Obama.
@Necron99- Wow, I'd forgotten that scene but just tracked it down on Youtube and it was great. Truth be told, I don't think you're ever going to find Brist voluntarily in a room (or community) where blacks outnumber whites. Liberals tend to love their "African Americans" from a distance.
Stilt, I wouldn't suggest nuking Ted, let him rant. I mean when he says stuff like the Republicans wrote the ACA, even though, If I recall correctly, only one (R) in both chambers combined, voted for it, I literally spit up my adult beverage laughing out loud at his ridiculously absurd assertions. He must get his news from "The Onion" or some other fake news org.
So he is good for a laugh and yet he is sad and pathetic at the same time.
And thanks for the support.
Even though I don't mind a disagreement, as long as it's with reasonable people too, I'm glad that Stilton nukes Teddy boy. I can't take the abrasive vulgar language. It's OK to disagree but not to be so nasty. I think it shows a low intelligence and a definate lack of good breeding to use vulgarity. Thanks Stilton for getting rid of The Mosquito before he offends my ears too. ~:)
A less well-known King speech. I don't think Obummer, Jackson and Sharpton care to have this one receive the attention it should.
*Hat tip to Rush Limbaugh who played an excerpt on his program yesterday.
@It'sNoGouda; Rev. King's "Blueprint" speech of 1967 are timeless brilliant and poignant words for anyone of any age.
I doubt they would make much impact on today's youth and the prevailing "video game mentality" they have. They're not interested in a"Blueprint" unless its;
1. A 'Walk-through' (i.e.: Someone else doing the work and you just mimic or follow their lead cashing in on said other's experience of trial & error.)
2. A 'Cheat Code' (i.e.: The proverbial Easy Button that saves you from actually having to develop any skill what so ever to succeed.)
3. And 'God-mode' (i.e.: The freedom to run amok like a feral animal doing whatever you please without any consequence to your person.)
Like beating elderly Veterans to death, shooting foreign exchange students because you're bored or passing laws & signing executive orders regardless of how unconstitutional they are.
Did anyone else notice that the Negroes Arguing And Causing Problems didn't invite one single Black conservative to attend/speak at the rally? Not one.
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