Believing with all his heart that "when the going gets tough, the tough go golfing," the president has not missed a stroke to evince any particular interest in the violent race riots in Milwaukee, nor the human suffering of the victims of catastrophic flooding in Louisiana.
Of course, the White House is quick to report that the president is being kept "fully informed" of every tragic, heart-rending development...except when he's lining up a drive. Or if he's putting. Or shmoozing with his wealthy buddies. Or driving Golf Cart One wildly around the course, making siren sounds, while sucking down lungfuls of the primo bud that he had Malia buy for him.
Now that we think of it, maybe that's not the kind of "carrying on" the stoic Brits had in mind.
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Hilariously, nobody really wants the job because people who get too confrontational with Hillary have a disturbing tendency to end up suddenly dying of natural causes. And believe us, there's nothing more natural than dying when you have 87 stab wounds and a few bullet holes in the back of your head.
Still, Hope n' Change would be happy to assay the role just for the opportunity to finally tell this wretched woman exactly what we think of her and why. Heck, we'll also insult her husband, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Chelsea, and the entire Clinton Foundation for no extra charge!
After all, they can only kill you once.
This is known as 'Arkanside' -
the amazing ability to to commit suicide with several rounds to the back of ones head, sometimes including reloading, with a 12 gauge shotgun.
It's not for the faint of heart or those particularly squeamish.
The odd and amazing thing is almost all of them have known the Klintoons well enough, to the point of them almost getting to testify against them, but alas we will never know.
Another odd thing is this appears to be a communicable disease among some, usually contacted by close relatives of friends of the Klintoons.
(some times know at the kathleen willey syndrome that fatally attacked her hubby)
There have been numerous cases of this.
The most destructive, worthless president ever. Including Wilson. If only I never had to hear another thing about him once next January rolls around. Alas, only if I rip my own eardrums out or croak. And that last comment is not an invitation, Clinton hashashin.
“It needs to be someone who is naturally smart, glib and utterly irreverent,” said Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, who oversaw debate prep for Al Gore and John Kerry. “You can’t learn to be utterly irreverent.”
I nominate Ann Coulter. Ann could make an absolute fortune and I would pay (even if it meant a donation to the Clinton [Mob] Family Foundation) to watch that beat-down.
And speaking of suicides, the hildabeast would just love for every Constitutional Conservative to accidentally commit suicide. That would make her job soooo much easier. Annnnd, soros would probably give her a raise ... so to speak.
I'll bet the reason Ă˜bama has been so friendly to Iran recently is because he heard mention of Persian "Golf", and he simply wants to play a round. Of course, the resulting divot (that used to be Israel) will be tough to replace.
Dave from the Cheesehead Nation
My favorite days of the week are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I get to read something informative and entertaining. But then I am brought back to reality when I realize the sad state of affairs. Keep up the good work Dr, and all of you who submit comments. Last night I made my usual call to my 93 yr old mother. She is more attuned to national politics more than most other people. Her comment was, "Obama can't serve a third term, can he?" I tried to reassure her that he will be gone next January. She was born when Warren G. Harding was president, and commented that, " This is the worst presidential election ever! They all lie, and I don't know which one is worse."
It astounds me that more of the ignorant do not pay attention to the Clinton baggage. The MSM is basically an infomercial for the Crook 24/7. At least there is a little action on her health issues which is a lot worse than noted, but Doc, you are more attuned to this than I. There are so many similar traits for different maladies, it would take Houdini to accurately diagnose them. Then, the Clinton body count. Unbelievable that this has been ignored for so long, including Benghazi which seems to cover gun running. I hope that one day a live knowledgeable person will blow the whistle but I have little hope as witnesses expire even on the way to the courthouse.
"Heck, we'll also insult her husband, Huma Abedin...."
Just stop there. Just...stop...right there, okay?
Tucci, you mean like chelsea's daddy, janet reno?
I work on a golf course and the ONEderchild playing a hole that has no rough puzzles me. They ALL have roughs, it's the higher grass on each side of the fairway Of course, the moron could have wandered onto the driving range.
My friends in the disaster relief world are telling me that the situation in Louisiana rivals that of Katrina and Sandy in the scale of widespread damage, number of homes destroyed and people displaced. Can you imagine the furor had Bush gone golfing in the wake of that? Of wait, we don't have to.
Now of course, I've always argued that politicians are at their least destructive when away on vacation, so that Obama is golfing again doesn't bother me in the least. But I do consider this yet another exposure of media hypocrisy and bias. Obviously, there isn't an economic or race angle to exploit this time, so everyone is staying on vacation, except for the thousands of selfless volunteers who at this moment are headed south to help.
Hillary's Test Prep: I'd love that job. For starters, I'd show up in a Don't Tread on Me T-shirt. I'm sure things would quickly go downhill from there...
One set of laws for me, another for thee: Well, this was inevitable.
Feds torpedo Navy sailor's 'Clinton defense'
"A Navy sailor facing prison time for taking photos of a classified area on a US nuclear attack submarine is asking a federal judge for leniency, citing the government's decision not to indict Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information."
Nice try though, dude.
I truly pity the fool who has to be Trump for Billary's debate practice, but this got me to thinking about Trump's search for a Shrillary stand in. Whoopie Goldberg comes to mind. She can shriek "RACIST" with the best of them, and is fully capable of making outlandish statements with zero basis in fact.
O'Liar's favorite courses actually do not have roughs. But they do have that pesky windmill thing, and who the heck can EVER hit the clown mouth!?
Seriously, it just occurred to me that, when this turd goes golfing, the Secret Service likely empties the entire course of other golfers. Now wouldn't THAT piss you off if you just paid a small fortune in green fees?
Meanwhile, while Obama golfs, the dolt Joe Biden, in a campaign appearance for the shrew, pointed out the man holding the nuclear football. Remember, this was Obama's first presidential choice, his selection of a running mate. We should have heeded that warning (as if there were no others). I remember his choice was based on Joe's foreign policy experience. Excuse me while I choke. This was a tacit admission he knew nothing about such things but now excoriates Trump for his ignorance of foreign policy. I hate, loathe, despise, detest, abhor and execrate this poser. I'm counting the days and hope he does no more harm, although I did hear today he's ready to give up control of the internet. That won't have any adverse consequences, will it?
@Shelly, the mere fact that Joe was picked because they Democrats were desperate for there to be an adult on the ticket should tell you all you need to know about the pool of viable talent they actually have to choose from.
Ahhh... Joe Biden. Proof that ANYBODY can make it in politics.
@Colby Muenster: Seriously, it just occurred to me that, when this turd goes golfing, the Secret Service likely empties the entire course of other golfers. Now wouldn't THAT piss you off if you just paid a small fortune in green fees?
They'd likely get a refund - so, once again - small business takes the brunt of Duffer In Chief's actions...
Looks like the spambots are getting more sophisticated...
Stilt, feel free to take this with the troll...
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