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Boo Radley isn't going to like them, either. |
When white lunatic Dylann Roof murdered nine black members of a South Carolina church, Barack Obama made clear his belief that nobody acts alone (even if they think they do), and larger sociological connections - and corrections - must be made.
While that point can and should be debated (Obama himself denies his own "logic" every time a Muslim carries out an act of terror), it can't be debated that, even worse than a lone psychopath, there is something sicker and more inherently dangerous about a group of hate-filled people who joyfully torture another human and broadcast it to their friends. That's symptomatic of a culture of sociopathy, malignant and metastasizing.
While it's easy and appropriate to lay some of the blame on media celebration of thugs, ho's, and the gangster life, we believe the larger share of guilt belongs to generations of Democrat policy makers - Obama most decidedly included - who have destroyed black families, the educational system, and the nation's inner cities in order to provide an unending source of enslaved voters who must rely on government entitlements for survival.
Add to this the Obama administration's 8 year history of stoking racial fires, showing antagonism towards police, and their active encouragement of rioting in black communities as an appropriate and "understandable" response to acts of imagined racism.
All of this has created a sickness in the soul of too many black Americans that is as representative of Obama's "legacy" as anything could possibly be. If the man had an ounce of honesty or integrity, he wouldn't be traveling to Chicago to boast of his "accomplishments" - he'd be going there to apologize.
We'll be talking more about this in the near future, but just to give everyone time to adjust to the idea (including ourselves), we're officially announcing that Hope n' Change Cartoons will be turning out the lights here on or slightly after the day Obama leaves office.
Hope n' Change has existed with a specific purpose in mind: to comment on the many disasters associated with the Obama administration and the culture of liberalism, and to address those issues with enough humor to boost morale for those on the Right who've been fighting back. That job has been completed and we've got the empty scotch bottles to prove it.
Mind you, we don't expect the world of politics to get any less ugly and ridiculous now - far from it. These are going to be tumultuous times and no political satirist is going to run out of raw material while Donald Trump is in office and Obama is heckling from the front row.
But we're looking forward to finding new projects to work on, both personal and professional. A lot has been "back burnered" in the past 8 years, and we're not getting any younger (although oddly, we are getting more distinguished looking). We plan to do more things which are creative, fun and funny - and don't come with rigid (albeit self-assigned) deadlines throughout the week.
A few additional points:
• We intend to keep up an easy-to-find public profile.
• This site will remain intact and we'll do whatever is necessary to keep it visible. There's a lot of history here!
• Our Hope n' Change Facebook page will continue, although whether new cartoons get posted over there will be purely a matter of whether or not our graphics Tourette's syndrome kicks in.
• Johnny Optimism will continue as usual. Sick kids and life's unfairness never get old!
• If you're on our mailing list, we're going to maintain the database so when we create another blog, write a book, or just want to stage a huge reunion party at some centrally located bar, we'll be able to reach you. If you're NOT on the mailing list, then add your information here before the end of the month. It's free, there's no spam, and future historians will list you among the pantheon of heroes.
There's a lot more that needs to be said, but we'll save that for another day. For now, just know how sincerely appreciated you are - and let's continue business as usual while enjoying the countdown to Barack Obama's final day in office!
Thank you Mr Jarlsberg. Your commentary on Hope and Change has been masterful - witty and highly pointed. Even here in Australia we are counting down the days.
Best wishes for your next endeavour
I'll certainly miss your commentary as I have greatly enjoyed it over the years.
I will temper the loss with the wonderful feeling of Obummers leaving.
Aw, man, another wonderful site going away. At least you're doing it because the right side (in many, many ways) finally won. We lost so many good blogs and websites over the last 4 years due to the Ragnarok of Obama's government and all his flying monkeys.
Can you at least go out with Busty Ross jello-wrestling Lefty Lucy?
Or maybe have Busty Ross keeping on the (head)lights for the archives (You are going to keep up the archives, aren't you? We don't want history repeating itself and with rumors of the Wookie possibly running for 2020 or 2024 and Chelsea getting her feet in the door soon, we need reminders for us who are losing our long-term memory (ha, not me!))
Thank you for being the eternal burr under His Majesty's saddle blanket. Enjoy your change of pace and please bask in the warmth of your achievements.
Thank You for so many thought provoking laughs, and in my case, inspiration.
Good Luck in what every projects you turn your amazing talent toward. - Jan
Thank you so much for providing so much insight about the way our country has been changing, and confirming at least to me, how important our freedoms have been. You have been a fresh breath of air, with your thoughtful, factual, and humorous analysis of the leadership failures in this country.
The best of luck on your future endeavors. Your commentary will be really missed. What an amazing talent you have.
Paraphrasing Miss Betty Davis; "Fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride."
Looking forward to the next incarnation of Cheese culture.
Wow! Gonna miss this site.
Good luck on your other endeavors.
I have one word for this announcement - Bullshit!
Have to change my damned morning routine again! Best of luck Stilt! I'll look forward to the next bump in your road!
I HAD kinda wondered what you were gonna do once you didn't "have Obama to kick around any more," as it were.
While it is the nation's good fortune that you won't need to perform the same service for Hitlery, I will miss my thrice-weekly dose of political snark.
Still, here's to eight years of a job well done-and the...hope? No, that word has been contaminated. The expectation that you won't need to pick up the cudgels again any time soon.
(raises a glass)
I JUST FOUND YOU...(am still reading all the back pages)...AND YOU ARE LEAVING ME?
Oh, well...its okay. Want to tell you HOW MUCH I have treasured your every well-crafted slap at the Illegal Immigrants who have resided feloniously (sp?) in Our House for the past 8 years. I never thought there could every be a WORSE president than Bill Clinton, and am amazed to admit that thanks to Ole' Barry Sorento, I now remember Clinton with near fond nostalgia. My world will be a little sadder without your twice-weekly stabs at the politicos Left and Right.
May your every new venture prosper. Peace Out and God Bless
Hi Stilton,
Thank you so much for helping me maintain my sanity and sense of humor over the last 8 years.
You of all people recognized how hard that was.
As a side benefit my skepticism about what passes for "news" has been keenly honed.
Enjoy your new path.
Stilton, Thanks for all you have done for all these years. Best wishes from Grafton Cheddar...
Congratulations on your respite from The One (thank you Oprah Winfrey) and from the blasphemy of Lefties (thank you, Jamie Foxx “It’s like church over here! First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama! Barack Obama! Y'all stand up ...” [November 25, 2012])
Give your liver a rest and enjoy your time off.
Yes the Demwits have temporarily lost control and the Evil One (insert name of your most detestable Ćbama or Clinton) has failed to retain power, but there is still the matter of all those remaining so-called Republicans that bent over backwards to appease the POTUS and his puppetmaster George Soros.
Perhaps a new blog to keep their feet to the fire entitiled "RINO-Serious?" or some such would be called for.
This blog has been a Godsend. I'm glad you're keeping the archives up because, as noted above, there are still people just now finding you here and there is much to learn (and relearn) within the archives. Thanks for helping me cope these past 8 years, and know that whatever you do next ... we'll find you! A reunion of some kind in the future sounds like a grand idea ... but I don't think you'll be able to consume all the drinks we owe you in this lifetime!
"...who have destroyed black families, the educational system, and the nation's inner cities in order to provide an unending source of enslaved voters who must rely on government entitlements for survival."
Bitterly ironic and lost on those who see themselves as championing our black community that it was the democrats who maintained and fought to protect the institution of slavery and it was the democrats who perpetuated it through de jure, quasi servitude through enforced, post bellum segregation and who as the quote above so succinctly describes, continue to segregate and 'enslave' a minority in return for their votes. Why the black community fails to recognize this remains a mystery, at least to me.
But on another tack, as comments above note, just because we are now nearing the end of an error, does not mean we can put down our guard. The greatest electoral mistake since the peanut farmer from Plains, Ga, is like a visible tumor, a visible manifestation of a malevolent malignancy deeper within. The "progressives" aka as neo-collectivists are down, but not out and there will still be a need after 01/20 for them, to be confronted and shown for what they are. And for that reason, I would hate to see Hope 'N Change fade away.
Thank you for many rays of satire over these eight years of Hoax and Chains. Sorry to see you go, especially just when I was getting up the nerve to ask Busty Ross for her phone number.
Good luck and God bless.
So sorry this will end. Thank you for keeping us sane in an insane world and allowing us a place to vent. Miss you already.
So, if the Hildabeast had won the election HnC would continue; but The Donald won so ..... Sad as it is I'll still take The Donald ...... Fair winds and following seas Stilt.......
You will be missed... THANKS for your time it kept things light at times when so much was dark
i was kind of hoping that you would run a "best of" for awhile until you were really certain that you wanted to stop and for those of us that didn't find you in the beginning.
thanks for everything
You will be missed, I went to your site daily if not weekly to keep in touch with your keen wit. I passed your links on to people and to lamestream websites to make their heads explode.
Firstly, I agree that the horrific kidnapping and torture incident in Chicago, and the vile, putrid response from the lefty media is the PERFECT example of Obama's "legacy".
Next, I second Andrew's suggestion for a jello wrestling match between Busty Ross and Lefty Lucy. I may be old and married, but I'm not yet dead.
Finally, to echo all of the previous comments, thank you so much for helping those of us with an appreciation of our constitution, and the genius of our founders, weather the awful eight years we have just experienced. I am looking forward to any and all projects you undertake in the future. I have enjoyed the informed comments from your other readers through the years, and may God Bless America.
Nooooo....say it ain't so.
Okay, we all have to move on. I for one will miss H&C.
Thank you!
During the trials and tribulations of the past 8 years I have, on a daily basis, turned to Hope n' Change for not only laughs but keen political insight. I agree... there will be no dearth of laughter-spawning events during the Trump presidency, and I hope you find a way to keep us grounded. There's a certain peril in forgetting that the pendulum swings both ways, and there must be guardians to keep us centered lest we come to repeat the Pogo refrain, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
Sincere thanks for your work, and best wishes for your future endeavors!
You'll be back in two years when Obama announces his run for President.
I have enjoyed this site so much. You have a wit and way with words that always makes me laugh out loud, sometimes in a bitter sweet way, because so much of it is sarcastically true. Hope n' Change is one of the highlights of my week, and I always anxiously look forward to seeing it in my inbox. Possibly, one of my favorite characters I will miss is Left Lucy. I've known a few that are kind of like her, and as infuriating as they can be, she really hits the liberal cluelessness nail on the head.
I have made backdrops on my computer of most of the cartoons (for my own personal use is all). There are four cartoons per desktop, and I have made 188 of these. (Some of the cartoons are duplicates). Don't worry, I don't distribute those to anyone, they are only for my computer. However, I have passed on many single cartoons to friends, and tried to make them aware of your site and how fun it is.
Thank you for all of the time that you have spent with this project. I will miss it, but will have the archives. I do also enjoy the Earl of Taint per your recommendation.
My best wishes to you and your family in your new endeavors. I'm sure you will be successful.
Thanks Again,
You're a gem Stilton, thank you for everything!
Say it ain't so, Stilty, say it ain't so!!!!!
Well, we are dealing with humans here, so I suspect that in the future we will have a Jack Nicholson moment (I'm baaaaack!). But if not, thank you for making our political lives just a little more endurable. You will be missed.
But that raises another question, where else can I go where it is so easy to post comments without having to go on Facebook? I hate FB and I refuse to get an account.
Well, Cousin Stilton, yours was an entertaining breathe of fresh air in an environment that, frankly, stunk to high heaven. Keep on keeping on, brother! Hope N Change will be missed!
I'm feeling a little separation anxiety, Stilton. I may need to find a safe space!!
Thanks for all your humor and insight during the the reign of terror of Queen Barry the First--Lord of the Teleprompter and Keeper of the Royal Wookiee, Heir of Narcissus, hailed as the Lightbringer (by people basking in the glow of the cities burning during his tenure).
I'm looking forward to your future musings. Best to you and your family in 2017!
Fox Chicago's Anita Padilla was interviewing a 'community organizer'/'black activist' on the 4 pillars of society this morning. If I could have screamed at her and she heard me, I would have. Of course he was babbling the typical black nonsense (if they use many big words they think they sound intelligent) and she asked "do you think the charges of Hate Crime are good? Should they be charged with it?" (or something like that) REALLY?! White on black better or they riot; black on white, are you sure? Is it really needed? While I dont think anyone should be charged with 'hate' crime because every crime is hate. I am tired of the thought that only whites can be charged with it.
Gonna miss the HnC. Thank yoj Stilt from one Hoosier to another.
Direct the cartoons toward Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the clown car that is stuffed with whack job Democrats.
I had been afraid that with the retirement of our Dear Misleader that H&C would also be retired, though I had hoped that it would transmogrify into a blog keeping a sharp eye on the new prez and the shenanagans in the Congress and lame brain media. Alas, not to be. Be well, Stilton. Stay strong and sharp. Sobriety is now an option, perhaps one more easily endured in these coming days. At least we'll still have Johnny and fiends to remind us of your humor.
Stay well and take care! We'll miss you!
Boy, first Sowell, then Achewood, now this.
Excellent work these past eight years. I look forward to following you around the web in your other endeavors.
That came out kinda wrong...
...or did it?
Keep your hand in gear and your wit sharp. I'll bet you good money Barry is not going to leave quietly. I'm sure he'll give you plenty of fodder over the next 4 years to comment on.
Thank you Stilt, for being there when we couldn't trust the news and when we needed something to make us smile after reading the bad stuff. You were a breath of fresh air. I will miss your humor and wise understanding of political BS. I will be praying for God to bless whatever you do from here on out. I am grateful for what you learned from your talented father. He would be proud of you, I am sure. My father had a great sense of humor and wrote poetry, on political stuff sometimes. I miss him as I know that you miss your dad. How fortunate we were to be exposed to so much wit and wisdom. I wish you the best and will keep watching for you to share yourself with us again. God bless.
Noooooooooooooo ! I can't even imagine not having Hope and Change to look forward to.
How about compiling all the comics and commentary into 8 books; one for each year?
You could contact a literary agent or self publish. They'd be a great addition to
any history buff's book collection, and would make good gifts.
No. Just bloody no. Your slant on the political circus in DC has been MOST amusing as well as illuminating and explanatory.
You're on my daily list - and I just lost Brigid and Steve DenBeste. Have mercy.
The Old Man
Wednesdays and Fridays the first thing I look for is my Hope 'n Change political cartoon. I cannot imagine not having them in my inbox twice a week. I know it is time for you to move on to other areas but I hope you will consider another blog to cheer we conservatives up at least once a week. Maybe The Deplorable Files would be a good name for it. Anyway, I do wish you the best of success in your venture, whatever it may be. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face when sometimes it was very hard to smile.
Throughout these entire 8 years (when you published daily) until now, your cartoons & commentary along with ,Rush, have kept me somewhat hopeful for a better Ameeica to bequeath to our progeny. Ongratulations on being awarded; you deserve so much more. I'm one very grateful American. God bless.
It's really ironic that while the sociopathic killer 20150617 (Remember I refuse to refer to these people by name because part of what gets their rocks off is by how high their Google hit count gets) is on trial, a quartet of sociopaths not only kidnap and torture some innocent special needs kid, but are bold enough to live stream the event. It's interesting to contrast these two crimes; not so much by the crimes themselves, but by how the Progressive establishment reacted to them.
In the case of 20150617, the outrage was swift and unambiguous: This was an indictment of privileged white male racist gun-owning culture. And the remediation to be done obvious: We needed to immediately purge society of the undue influence of whites, males, racists, gun owners, and anything that Progressives don't like that could even remotely be connected to any of the above. And of course, there was never any doubt that this was a "hate crime".
On the other hand, after the perpetrators responsible for the kidnap, beating & continued torture of the poor, white, and mentally challenged victim were rounded up, not only were authorities hesitant to speculate a motive for the crime, (because apparently broadcasting ones self saying "F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!" live on Facebook while beating someone senseless seems too ambiguous to the authorities in Chicago) they even had trouble with these people being considered actual criminals! As they demurred and refused to speculate on a possible motive, with Chicago Police Department Commander Kevin Duffin instead said that “Kids make stupid decisions... they’re young adults and they make stupid decisions.” He added, He added, “That will certainly be part of whether or not we determine this a hate crime or whether or not this is stupid ranting and raving.”
When I think of all of the "stupid decisions" I both witnessed and made as a "young adult", kidnapping & torture for no good reason beyond hate wasn't on anyone's map. But apparently it is in Chicago, which helps explain why the city is a more dangerous place to live than Baghdad. And Police Department Commander Kevin Duffin certainly is a good example why. How can a society combat evil when they are so determined to refuse recognizing it in the face?
So now the authorities have demurred again, and have stated that they will prosecute this as a "hate crime", because they are just aware enough to realize that not doing so exposes the whole "hate crime" paradigm as the Orwellian Progressive fraud that we've always said it is.
But don't hold your breath on that. No doubt that the eventual defense of these thugs will be that they're the real victims here, mainly of whites, males, racists, gun owners, and anything that Progressives don't like. The charges will be reduced, because, bless their souls, they don't want to wreck their futures, and aren't they the real victims here anyway?
And of course, unlike with 20150617, there will be no mandated soul searching or demands that society "tone down" it's anti-Trump rhetoric. Of course not. The Progressive left sees this as totally justified.
@Stilton, you totally nail Obama's complicity in all of this. And of course, just like the Clintons didn't bother to return to Little Rock after their reign at the White House other than to sanctify their presidential shrine, we all know the Obama's won't be spending any time "community organizing" on the south side of Chicago ever again.
Russian Hacking: Nobody seemed excited about this when Hillary's victory was assumed. And why aren't they excited about the Chinese hacking that has already been proven? (Got that you 4-million federal workers? Hillary is far more important than you are!)
Thank God Johnny Optimism doesn't live on the south side. It could have been him!
Change: Change is hard, but inevitable and necessary. Although we will certainly miss it, I do think that Hope-n-Change succeeded in its mission to inform, entertain, amuse, annoy, and contribute to alcohol consumption. I for one stand and applaud. Job well done, and Thank You!
I'm going to miss you in my InBox three times a week!
First James Taranto gets promoted out of the WSJ's Best of the Web and now this? It is too much for me to handle...this definitely calls for a retreat to my safe place den!
Thank you for your good addition, while it lasted, while you lasted - it must have been hard work to be so consistently spot-on.
As much as none of us want this to end, it must anyway, one way or another. Seems to be a cartoonist tradition; Larsen, Watterson, quickly come to mind. How Michael Ramirez keeps going every day is astounding.
The good side is the hope of staying in touch and seeing your ongoing efforts.
Thanks again for the humor and insight in an original format. It was easy to engage others where they were not approachable with a written message alone, and a plain comic would not tell the whole story.
I'm repeating what has already been mentioned by others, but it bears repetition.
I bet you will have lots of material with Oblamebush sticking around in D.C. and trying to cause as much trouble for President Trump as he can. We here in our house will continue to look for entertainment from you in the future.
Oh boy, I am bummed, Stilton. While I applaud you for doing some things you have put off and want to do, I will sorely miss your humor and insight on all things political and otherwise. I will also miss the commenters such as Mr. Econ, Pete from Detroit Judi King, Fred Ciampi and the many others whose input I have cherished. I also miss Jim Hvlac wherever he went. Maybe we shall all meet again.
New site:
Playing the Trump Card
I was heartbroken to learn I won't have your site to check everyday! Your insights into Barry always helped the doom and gloom he and his ilk produced. God Bless you in all your new endeavors!
Doctor Jarlsberg,
As bummed as I am that I won't have Hope'n'Change Cartoons to look forward to every week, you are way past due for a break from it. I acknowledge that it must be a huge task to come up with something three times a week, and Lord only knows how you pulled off the Monday through Friday gig so long. All is very, very much appreciated, and will be sorely missed!
Just think, you can now hoist a glass of whiskey for enjoyment rather than necessity. Heck, you might even be able to take a step up from Black Velvet to the Maker's Mark or even some 18 year MacAllan, now that consumption isn't a requirement!
As for Chicago, the four POS douche nozzles are shining examples of O'Liar's fine work as POTUS. Eight long years of his reign of ineptitude, horrible leadership, and war on white people brought this kind of crap to the surface. He almost singlehandedly erased decades of civil rights progress. Good riddance, BO!
Hey! Yesterday, I saw photos of moving vans in front of the White House! YEEEE HAWWWW!!!!
Stilton, we have been following your wonderful web site since early into it. I happened on to it when I first goggled ‘Hope and Change’. I think it was shortly after I heard obummer tell Joe the Plumber “we need to spread the wealth around.” I knew he was going to be trouble before then, but that remark only confirmed it.
Hope N Change will certainly be missed by all of us and we all wish you well. I will be watching my inbox for any news from you.
My mind still holds this thought;
The first time in history a billionaire is moving
into public housing
vacated by a black family
God Bliss you.
The very best to you in your future endeavors. And a pox in the nether regions to those bureaucrats that twist and turn o'care. If Ms. Ross is seeking further employment, I would be delighted to construct a first class letter of recommendation. Love and hugs to all.
We'll be here waiting if the buffarilla decides to run.
I join the others in moaning "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Oh, all right then, go ahead and live your life that's been on hold for the last 8 years.
I signed up to follow you on Facebook, and sincerely hope that, once you get rested and get some stuff done, you resurface here on the web. Thanks for all the spot-on commentary of the craziness that is America (and thanks, too, too all the commentators that added their bits after your part. It's been a great community of snarky, funny people).
I am not at all sure that I could have gotten through thew last 8 years without your help. I will really miss reading your blog and appreciating your sense of humor.
All the best. I'll look forward to the results of your next endeavor.
@Readers- I'm overwhelmed and humbled by all the nice things being said here! As I've said before, I really consider HnC a community at this point, and I'm hoping in some form or fashion we can keep that going. I don't know if my future projects (and trust me, there WILL be future projects) will be political in nature or not. I can pretty much guarantee that humor will be involved. Maybe I'll create a Youtube channel where I just bitch about things (grin).
We still have at least a couple of weeks to go here, and I'm guessing we won't be lacking for material for cartoons, commentary, and kicking around here in the comments section. And I intend to make the most of it!
Discontinue, quit, cold turkey, etc? WOW.
I wish you a VERY WELL DESERVED break and a YUUUUGE "Job Well Done" but then maybe if you still have the interest, perhaps one HNC one a week or so? I don't see how you're going to stop completely.
Meanwhile: To the gallery: Hey folks, where the Hell are we going to hang out now?
I knew this day was coming.
Looked for your regular cartoons and will follow you wherever you go (don't be scared, just to see what you come up with in the future).
Best of Luck to you, family and Penny.
The selfish part of me is angry that HnC will be no more. The selfless side completely understands and says 'Thank You' for educating and entertaining me for these past few years. Best wishes Dr. You're truly unique. Bless you.
Besides Stilton's exceptionaly humorous and concise takes on current events, I also have highly enjoyed the feeling of comraderie with all of the other posters on this blog. We, the few, the chosen, do seem to agree on most issues.
That makes this blog a special "safe place" for me.
Perhaps one of us should start a new blog so we can all bitch at Stilton for stopping his.
Honestly, this has been my first or second stop each and every day, when I do my morning web surfing, for long enough now that I suspect even my coffee will no longer give much comfort after this ends.
Mr. Jarlsberg,
I'm really going to miss your cartoons and commentary. I have been reading your blog for a few years now and look forward to it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Your sense of humor has been a great stress reliever and has helped me get through the frustrating years of Obama. And as a conservative living in hopelessly liberal Minnesota, it is comforting to know there are people like you and the other readers of this blog who think like I do.
If you could recommend a similar blog to help fill the void, I would appreciate it. Good luck with your future projects and thanks again for the years of informative and entertaining commentary.
Other great blogs...
Knowledge is Power/Sondrakistan
Grouchy Old Cripple in Atlanta
Don Surber
Stilton, I'm going to miss Hope n Change, but at least Johnny Optimism will go on. Many THANKS for all these many years!
Can you create a compilation and see it in print? I'd buy many copies!!!! Please.
Apologies for typos. I meant to post, can you compile all the past years' work and sell it in print? I'd buy many copies!! Please do!!
Thank you for the fun and adventure. God bless you & yours, and enjoy your future endeavors. I'll miss your blog, but that's for me to adjust to.
Will still check back from time to time after Inauguration day. Just in case.
Well doc I got a lot to say about this but....... Let's just leave it at thank you and God bless.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for 8 years of laugh out loud 'toons and commentary! I will miss you. You were the best part of many days. Bob.
A great site that really helped us survive the last eight years. An idea for a future site: lampooning the left's reaction to The Trump administration. They aren't going to go away anytime soon.
Best of luck, and many thanks.
Covering Trump's antics PLUS the Left harping on losing. THAT's a six-day-a-week job. I too respect your decision; I'm sure something good will come of it.
A possible Youtube channel? YES! Get together with Pat Condell and a few other wizzened sages and produce a channel for the rest of us! I'll drink to that! And I'll watch it at the same time!
Good Lord, SJ! There will still be MUCH more cannon fodder in the years to come! The DNC, Schumer, Kalifornia, SJWs...the list is practically endless. Not having your delicious brand of snark and wit to carry us thru each day is going to be very difficult. That said? Thank You SO much for your years of service and enjoy your idle time. We'll miss you.
Noted that key Democrats have come up with another catchy slogan, which is perfect when applied to themselves. They are indeed making us sick again. After creating this monster unilaterally, it's obvious they did not get the message from election day and are not going to work toward any better bi-partisan solution. They are indeed an enemy.
@Readers- Some more random points to sprinkle in with another round of sincere "thank you's" about the nice remarks...
Some other good blogs have been mentioned above, and I'd like to give special attention to another one - The Daily Gouge. Usually 3 times weekly and packed with good information and incisive wit. Also, since it's run by a buddy of mine, if I feel like I've got to create a cartoon or burst, odds are it will appear over there.
Regarding HnC in book form, I'll certainly be looking at the possibility - though truth be told, many of my cartoons and commentaries lose some "zing" with age. I tend to write about immediate events and the zeitgeist of the moment; when time passes the subtlety of some of my references tends to dissipate. Still, I'll be investigating options - I've got a metric ton of material to work with, and it seems like I should do SOMEthing with it!
Checked out The Daily Gouge. Although quite witty and conservative, there appears to be no comment section - which is 93.247% of the reason I loved this blog.
Loved the cartoons and commentary! Hilarious stuff! Sorry to see it go. Another good one that I miss is Diversity Lane.
Anyhow, good luck on new projects, and I hope for more good laughs from your insightful political humor.
Without HNC it will back to "You don't always get what you want; but you get what you need". As mentioned above The Daily Gouge is good. For over-the-top zany try Earl of Taint. I've no idea what's going to happen there without the Obamas. Diogenes Middle Finger is excellent and quite varied. Woodsterman is light and fun. Patriot Retort more serious but good. It comes to mind I've been spending a hellofalot of time on all this when I can. Stilt may be a leader in moving on; but we sure better keep an eye on these sons & daughters of bitches Democrats.
Thanks for the laughs!
I will miss this site and the comments. All good things must come to an end. I've waited 8 LONG years to see Obastard leave the White House. But it also means the end of good things....much like the end of Sauron also brought the end of the Time of Elves in the Lord of the Rings. I've read this page for years and will miss it along with all the comments. Stilt, I'm sorry you and your family has had to suffer lo these years as victims of Obamadontcare. Please stay funny.
"Just a spoon full of Stilton made the medicine go down, the medicine go down, in the most delightful way......"
OK it wasn't really delightful but it helped a hell of a lot.
Hey Doc, I was one of the first to find you and did my best to get your word out to the world. I hope you will come back from time to time to share your insight. Best of luck. Peace.
AdiĆ³s y Vaya con Dios.
Your finely honed form of wiseassery will be much missed on the interweb. Your's is one of the very few that cause me to say "Jeez, I wish I'd said that".
I had been wondering if you were going to continue with the Hope n' Change blog title after B O finally left office...
This blog has been the highlight of my weeks for the past 8 years, and I will miss it! But, movin' on is what we all must do, and this is perfect timing for you to do it. I'm on the mailing list, and I am so looking forward to see whatever you decide to do next.
Hoping for the best of Change for you, Stilton!
Man. :(
I am sorry you're going, and wish there was a way to convince you that, no matter who gets in office, we need your brand of truth, justice, and the American way to keep our spirits up.
God bless your new adventures! Thank you for everything!
Ms Pony
Dear S.J.-
Thanks for the laughs and commentary, going to miss it.
On the brighter side, at least you don't have to produce eight years of 'toons entitled "I'm with her!" (Shudder)
Stilton: I am truly saddened that you are officially retiring 'Hope 'n' change'. Your social commentary is great (just the titles are sooo clever). I love Lefty Lucy...she could have her own 'opposition' commentary.
My husband can attest that your commentary has provided much-needed comedy medicine.
Best of luck in all you do (and please don't forget about your fans,
@Anne- Not to worry, I'll never forget my fans - although I frankly recoil at the word "fans" and prefer "friends." I'm glad you enjoy the titles of the cartoons - I actually try to make those an additional layer (sometimes two) of the joke.
And I have to admit that somehow, somewhere, it's likely that Lefty Lucy may pop up again. Not that I have any secret plans - it's just that I feel like she's a great character who still has things to say. Not smart things, but still...
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