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Being an incurable optimist, Barack Obama believes "When life gives you blockades, make blockade aid."
And that's exactly what he's doing: giving $400 million taxpayer dollars to the Palestinians to show how sorry the U.S. is that 9 political "activists" were killed in the Gaza blockade while in the process of beating and stabbing Israeli soldiers.
The money is intended to build housing, schools, water facilities, and healthcare systems...all of which sounds pretty good until you realize that this theoretically frees up the Palestinians to spend their own money on other things. Things that go "boom" in a variety of deadly and heartbreaking ways.
And just to make absolutely sure our former allies understand that they're being thrown under the bus, Barack Hussein Obama said that the U.S. will "work with Israel to loosen its "unsustainable" grip on Gaza."
Really? That's working with Israel? Makes you wonder what working against Israel would look like!
Oh yeah...it would look like we're funding her enemies.
heheee, good jogged
Don't forget the Rosie O'Donnell wing
It's just amazing.
Like these guys sit around thinking of new ways to aggravate the bejeezus otu of us Every flippin' DAY! Bad enough if we were giving SURPLUS funds, but NO - we're BORROWING every PENNY of that $400M, and we're going to have to pay interest on it as well!
Then again, you HAVE to expect "Progressives" to reward bad behavior. That, and punishing excellence are what they DO...
Holey CRAP I'm tired of this stuff already!
Pete(Detroit)- I enjoyed your response because it sounds exactly like the shrieking I do in my own home before taking a deep breath and trying to work on a cartoon that is more than just "ARGHHHH!" And most days, it isn't easy.
I was really disappointed in the Israelis on this one. I would have so much preferred that they would have simply blown the ship out of the water after warning it to divert to their port and its refusal to do so. That would have been so much cleaner, without that messy deck fight and all. That ship could have disappeared beneath the waves in a matter of minutes with a few good missile hits and it would have been all over. Then they could have simply said that there was an error in the count on the number of ships in the convoy and argue about that. It would have been much better from a PR standpoint.
As for Obama's response, it is fully consistent. Any excuse to damage the US is never missed. This is just one more opportunity. We should never be surprised when he takes an opportunity to hurt the nation he is sworn to uphold.
When will we get out the pitchforks and the tar?
Pete, somehow I've been noticing the headlines on Fox News are getting more and more and MORE annoying....and you kinda wonder how stupid the country has to be to just keep letting it go on like this.
We can only hope and pray that Barry has an "unsustainable grip" on the White House and on our wallets.
Stilton, we appreciate your hard work and dedication. If, someday, I open this website and your cartoon is only a single frame that says, "ARRRRRRRGHH," we will fully understand.
What Pete(Detroit) said...I could not say it any better.
I was just a lad when Carter had the country veering sharply into the abyss, and he couldn't even be the opening act for this clown. It makes me shudder in fear to think that there is some powerful machine behind this puppet that got him to where he is. And that the American public, for whatever psychosis was affecting us, fell for it and let him in.
Slowly our allies will become our enemies by this man's hand (or whomever is directing it, secreted away from any blame). Our enemies? They will remain as such. Our society will be in the death spiral the USSR found itself in shortly after that bloody October, with those who can and do produce, dead or unwilling to produce for the hangers on...
All I can say is make sure we take the trash out in every election up to and including 2012, folks, or there will be nothing but trash left by 2013...
I wonder how many teachers in the US could keep their jobs if $400 billion were allocated to our schools - I guess Obama believes the Palestenian kids are more important than American kids.
Barack Hussein doesn't get it that businesses will pass their higher taxes on to the consumers, and he definitely doesn't get it that the Palestinians will take that $400 million US tax dollars and spend their own money on weapons which they will use on Israel. The big question is, WHY doesn't he get it?? Is it simply the ultra-liberal dream world he lives in, or is he really out to destroy America and her allies? Or are those one and the same goals?
Wow. I mean, wow. I really enjoy mostly everything I read at this site, but, wow. You do know that Palestinian's "things' DON'T go "boom". But Israel's do. I know you guys think Israel is a big huge victim because that's what you see on the news (which is from Israeli sources). You complain about the money being sent to Palestinians, but ignore the billions of dollars per year that is being sent to Israel, along with military equipment, so that Israel can drop white phosphorus on schoolyards in Gaza, and demolish entire neighborhoods of houses for no reason other than collective punishment. Ask yourself this... how many of YOUR tax dollars were used to murder Rachel Corrie? Israel is full of terrorists and we are over there fighting wars for them, our citizens bleeding and dying for them, and you seem to want to cheer them on.
Oh wait... you're a Jew. Nevermind. Continue your brainwashing.
Third anonymous down - it sounds like you're on the wrong website. Sorry for the confusion.
Anonymous (the second one above this post)- Palestinian's things DO go boom...specifially rockets fired into civilian areas of Israel. And just what do you think Hamas is up to? Printing flyers and running bake sales? And generally, when "collective punishment" is applied to a neighborhood, it's preceded by an attack on Israelis.
Oh wait...you're a Jew hater. Nevermind. Continue your bigotry.
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