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On Friday, the Whitehouse giddily touted 431,000 new jobs in May as proof that the economy is bouncing back. And Wall Street responded by plunging over 300 points, as stock brokers swan-dived out windows. But why?
Because fully 411,000 of those "new jobs" were just temporary positions for census takers - people who are being paid in tax dollars without creating anything, manufacturing anything, adding any value to the economy, and whose jobs will soon disappear.
The numbers indicate that real businesses still aren't hiring...and many experts believe it's because they're afraid of the myriad hardships that Washington is sending their way via increasing taxes, the costs and confusions of Obamacare, and the looming threat of "Cap and Trade."
In other words, the president's policies are very accurately described as "job-killing." And unfortunately, those policies are working very well indeed.
"Hope and Change" = "Buddy can you spare me a dime."
Hopefully Dems and RHINOs will be added to the unemployed ranks...
AngieComics- unfortunately, they'd only feel it if they become members of the unpaid unemployed. Which tends not to happen when politicians get bounced...but we can still enjoy the sound of the screen door hitting their keesters in November.
Readers- D'OH!!! There's something wrong with the "comments" function on Blogger today, and the comments that people posted earlier today suddenly vanished. Usually I've got them backed up elsewhere...but Blogger didn't forward them to me via email.
If I get my hands on them, I'll repost them - but at least I DID read and appreciate them, and specifically recall that the comments from "Dr.D" and "AngieComics" were particularly good.
Sorry about the inconvenience (or is it a government conspiracy?)
Readers- Okay, NOW the comments are not only back, but some of them are repeated two or three times. I'm just going to back...away...slowly... (grin)
A different blog noted that Blogger was down for a good part of the day. The system must have been overloaded with the Helen Thomas resignation news.
It's even worse than you report:
Census workers are hired, fired, rehired, repeat ad nauseum to fluff the numbers.
Pat R.
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