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After the increasingly (if unconvincingly) manly president consulted a team of oil engineering experts to figure out "whose ass to kick," he decided that the answer is...yours.
Obama's interior department issued a prohibition against all deep-water drilling for at least the next 6 months, and cited the experts as the reason for the moratorium. But now those same experts are speaking out to say they were against any such moratorium, that they were misled, and they feel betrayed by the administration.
According to these experts, "A blanket moratorium is not the answer. It will not measurably reduce risk further and it will have a lasting impact on the nation's economy which may be greater than that of the oil spill. We do not believe punishing the innocent is the right thing to do."
Even worse, the engineers say that it's actually safer to let existing wells continue to pump, rather than attempt to shut them down and risk new blowouts.
Put another way, the experts feel that Obama's policies offer a greater threat to our nation than the oil spill itself, both economically and environmentally.
And ain't that a kick in the ass.
I think most ALL of Obama's policy's offer great threats to our nation!
In a great twist of irony (which has become the norm of late) President Barack Obama has surrounded himself with a record number of advisors and yet seems perfectly content to IGNORE any advice which may come into conflict with his (or whoever pulls his strings) agenda.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear Israel has decided to cut all ties with the USA pending the removal of the Commander in Grief.
And I thought that this administration was going to be "all about the science". These people can't even spell irony.
Back in 2006 I was really hoping we would elect a Dick fir the CIC but I wasn't thinking about electing a dick. I was hoping for Dick Cheney.
Pardon me but I am reminded of the joke about the guy in the bar with a 10 inch tall man on his shoulder that jumps down and knocks everything over. Finally somebody asked why he's hanging around with this 10 inch tall troublemaker and the guy says "I found this lamp and the genie offered me a wish so I asked for a 10 inch prick and there he is.
America should have been careful what it wished for. ...just sayin'
This administration clearly has as much integrity and intellectual honesty as it does transparency.
I must say I was amused when John Bohner (I think?) got up on the floor of the House, and asked "What about the budget? This $1.5 T deficit? Who's ass is the President going to kick on that?"
Obama is acting like a school kid, pin a sign on some one's back that says kick my butt. His so called advisiors are stupid. It is stupid Obama has not talked directly with BP. With Obama's "tough talk" BP is shaking like a leaf in a storm. Obama needs to call Sarah Palin for advice. She told big oil the way it was going to be and if they didn't like it they could leave. Guess what they did not leave and they met Palin's demands. We need a leader with a backbone, not a spineless one like we have. We don't need a leader who has to wait on a public opinion poll just to see what he needs to do. Obama has found out he can't run with the big dogs, he needs to go back and get on the proch with the little pups.
Good points, Spinelessobama, but instead of Obama taking Palin's advice, I wish Palin could show Obama how to "grow a set" (and I mean balls, not boobs).
Anyway, there is nothing to stop Palin from taking control of the agenda as a private citizen. She should contact the CEO of BP herself, as well as CEOs of the other major oil producers and knock some heads together to get on top of this situation. She already has experience with these people. MOST IMPORTANTLY, THEY BETTER TAKE HER SERIOUSLY, BECAUSE WHO KNOWS, SHE COULD BE PRESIDENT SOMEDAY (stranger things have happened, case in point - Obama got elected) AND THEY MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER THAT SHE MAY INDEED BE CALLING THE SHOTS AT A FUTURE DATE. Even if she doesn't become President, she wields an incredible amount of political influence. It's a resource that should be put to use now.
Alan -
I need to think what you are saying through a bit more but, on the surface, I like it...
Palin could step in, try her hand at taking charge and - when the Obama administration (please God Obama himself) - speaks up and says "I (we) got this..." she could simply say "Really? Could've fooled me, not to mention the rest of America..."
Some folks seem to misunderstand the objective.
The objective is to cripple the economy.
That is why he didn't want to talk to the management. Until Glenn Beck called him on it.
"I wouldn't be surprised to hear Israel has decided to cut all ties with the USA pending the removal of the Commander in Grief. "
You mean we can quit sending them 3+ billion dollars a year? That would be the one positive of the Obama regime.
Someone please start a poll that says O should go jump in the lake....
The interesting thing about a Palin approach is that on the one side she would be tough, but on the other side she would not demand the impossible. With Obama, he is inclined to be both totally unreasonable, but still be a wimp -- a losing combination for certain. What a profound difference, and how glaring that would be.
The whole concept of "kicking ass" is so utterly ridiculous in this sort of situation that is is simply ludicrous to bring it up. It reflects the mind set of those who have never done real work for a living, those who are so lazy that motivating them is the essential element in getting anything done, not problem solving. That is not the situation here. Here we have a serious physical problem to be solved, one that nobody on the face of this planet has ever solved before. "Kicking ass" does not make it an old, previously solved problem with a known solution. It just makes people made, demotivated, defensive, and ticked. There is an excellent chance that some key folks may in fact simply tell you to plug the hole yourself since you are so smart. It is a really fine strategy!
Agreed, DrD, there is NO indication (to my untrained eyes) that BP is NOT trying everything they can think of.
Not BP that turned down skimmers from Europe, or Texas, or booms in Maine...
Not "I'm taking pictures of everyone who's ass Obama is kicking" (which expands to "everyone who is ass Obama is kicking") but "whose ass."
Grammar Nazi
Anonymous(Grammar Nazi)- you are entirely right, and I hang my head in shame. Thanks for the correction, and double thanks for not pouring more salt into my wounds than necessary!
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