On Saturday, Washington DC celebrated Barack Obama finally reaching "The Big Six-Oh." Of course, we're not talking his age, which is alleged to be 49, but his 60th game of golf since taking office.
While England contemplated establishing a "no fly" zone to protect violence-torn Libya, and Harry Reid was declaring that no agreements could be made on budget cuts in Washington, and Michael Moore was proclaiming the beginning of a socialist revolution in Wisconsin, and dozens of people in Louisiana were being killed by violent weather which will be really, really hard to blame on George Bush, the alleged president pulled on his checkered knickers and tam o'shanter and hit the links. Again.
He took an environmentally-questionable motorcade of 10 cars (each filled with paid government employees) to the Andrews Air Force Base golf course for his standard five hour game. During which time, he presumably actually had to be decisive enough to choose between a wood and an iron, because there's no golf club called "present."
While in office, President George W. Bush also enjoyed playing golf...but he gave it up in 2003. “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”
We think Barack Obama's habitual golfing during times of national and international crisis certainly does send a bad signal...but in this case, one that is perfectly accurate. He is a 9-to-5, Monday-thru-Friday government worker who can't be fired...and damn well won't accept a cutback in perks.
Wow, that's got to be the photoshop of the week!
Then again, it *is* only Monday...
Just curious - what do you think he took the job 'fore'?
Is there anything Obama could do (or not do) that would garner any criticism from the LSM? Oh yes, I remember, he can “not lean left enough” for them … but even then, the tingle quickly returns and the love-fest continues. They even praise his lack of taking a stand as being "brilliant"! This is the first Presidency I have witnessed where the media truly is operating as the propaganda arm of the Federal Government.
Obama's main claim to fame is being anti-Bush, so it's no wonder he'd choose golfing over making hard decisions. He's clearly got no appetite for showing moral clarity and leadership which leads me to assume he has none and can't. That's really pathetic for someone acting as the leader of the free world.
You're a bit off, the violent whether here in Louisiana Saturday, or Katrina and any other hurricanes which hit here or anywhere, were not blamed on George Bush. He was blamed for lousy response, true. But Katrina was blamed on gay folks having a festival by good pastors everywhere, like Pat Robertson. Just like the earthquake in New Zealand last week was -- the website was up in hours accusing gay folks of making the earth rumble. Birds fall out of the sky, gay folks are at fault. Indeed, we're blamed for bad weather and earthquakes near daily by some folks. They're quite vocal about it, too. It's weird. Who knew sissy smooching had such power? You'd think some of the geniuses who make the claim would just hook us up to some wires and power the world already. Then we wouldn't have to worry about Libyan oil.
So don't worry, Bush ain't to blame for bad weather. We are. Fortunately (and sadly) that's true comedy, while the president's golf game and dereliction of duty is nothing to laugh about.
Meanwhile, happy Lundi Gras!
Actually, I'd much prefer that he spend most of his time playing golf. Every hour he's out on the course is one less that he's in the Oval Office "transforming" America.
Considering he appears to work five days a week, comes in late and knocks off early, when you calculate his golf days it seems to work out to 10.8% of his time as President spent on the golf course. Just look at the country and the world around us, then look at where this turd is spending almost 11% of his time. And yet his popularity remains high because his fluffers in the MSM continue to raise callouses on their knees on his behalf. I do not fear for my country because of the evil bastards who want to bring us down. They have always been among us. I fear for it because of the stupid bastards who cannot or will not see.
Chuck- Yes, the mainstream media is Propaganda Central for this administration. But every now and then the truth leaks out even on MSNBC.
Jim Hlavac- According to Al Gore, all of the changes in weather are due to the fact that traditional weather patterns now blow in a different way. Hey wait...maybe he is blaming it on Gays!
John the Econ- It's a conundrum; Obama deserves criticism for not doing the job, but I'm truly thankful for the time he spends on the golf course, the basketball court, brewing home beer, or just staring at himself in the mirror. The less he does, the less he does wrong.
Angry Hoosier Dad- The greatest danger to our country comes from soft and slow-moving threats: the erosion of family and work ethic, the endless stream of illegal immigrants, a political system which has devolved into an "American Idol" popularity contest, and an electorate that has no understanding of history and, in their eagerness to get handouts, no ability to envision the resulting future.
Andrews Air Force Base golf course is for the use of military personnel and I suppose, federal pay check recipients. I wonder if president Out-of-bounds pays a Greens Fee? Oops, thats a dumb question. He's a Demon-crat so the government waives the golf course fees for him and lets him play on the taxpayers marker.
Stilton- At the beginning of the segment, you might forgive the host(s) for just being ignorant. There is no shame in ignorance; it just means you don’t know. Knowledge is the cure for ignorance. Niall Ferguson imparted knowledge to the listeners/host(s) and the truth was told. What you didn’t see in this particular clip, but what happened is that the after Niall was thanked and left the show, the hosts went on to reaffirm their belief that as far as they are concerned, it went pretty darned well (so the flip-flop-flip “strategy” worked). (I don't remember where I saw the whole clip.) They learned nothing, even when presented with the truth, which makes them willfully-ignorant; aka “stupid”.
There is no cure for stupid.
Stilt, this alleged government worker COULD be fired if a few Senators would just get the manhood to do it.
I heard King Hussein sliced one of his drives way off the fairway and into a deep ditch. He climbed down and lo and behold he finds a skeleton down there with an eight iron. He yells back to the Secret Service guy, "I found a dead guy down here with an eight iron"! The Secret Service guys yells back, "Do you need any help"? And King Hussein says, "Yeah, give me a seven iron you can't get out of here with an eight"!
It sure is the year of green. Obama took all our green. He could give Islam and the terrorist a green light to attack Israel and America while he is always playing on the green. The Lame Stream media is green with envy over Fox News and I only hope that tingling feeling going up Chris Matthew's leg is Gangrene.
Stilt - you hint at it, but I'll call it out - an entitlement mentality based on generations of punishing success, and rewarding bad behavior...
Pete(Detroit)- Well pardon me for being subtle! (grin) Actually, you've expressed it perfectly. And I sometimes despair about what "democracy" really means when so many have been become so venal, selfish, and short-sighted.
A lot of "white folks" don't understand why OBAMA of all people was able to get elected with strong BLACK support as well as whites when he is so absolutely NOT "black" in any cultural sense. Fact is that that is the secret to his support among many Blacks. He isn't what is known disparagingly among them as "just a N***** like me". I may have this comment removed, but I had many many experiences in business where...for example...I was offered a plant supervisor position at a Proline plant that I visited as a saleman. When I asked the plant manager why he didn't promote one of the workers and suggested one he told me that the other workers (this was a 100 percent black staff in a major black owned company) would not work for the guy if he promoted him. "it's hard to believe, but there attitude would be 'he just a n****** like me' " I had to tell him that actually I had seen that before. I used to work for Denny's as a number on line cook at a store that trained new managers. We got a black guy and Arthur, my dishwasher, just would not do what the man asked at all and in fact directly refused to do part of his job one night and said "F U" to him. I went to him and asked what the hell had got into him. The man was -- very politely --- just asking him to do something that was his job. "you don't act like this to anybody else. What's up? Have you been drinking or what the hell is the matter." That's when he said it and I almost fell over because Arthur was the nicest hardest working kid we had on staff. "I don't have to do anything he says. HE'S JUST A N***** LIKE ME." It is that Hawaiin, rich kid, trust fund baby, from Kenya and Indonesia and Hah vahd that MAKES him acceptable to the typical Black American. That is why Hermann Cain will NEVER attract Black voters. They would vote for Romney or Hitler before they would vote for a guy who worked at a Pizza Joint...... CEO or whatever.
Many things in Obamacare and other lefty projects and people are starting to come to light, thank God! Us folks out here are fed up, and we know that with time, things WILL get back on track in the right direction! Pray for our country, even pray for Obama, he certainly needs it!
Stilton, great photoshop. Like the battered wife says of the alcoholic husband, at least when he's passed out he can't hit me.
Jim H: Obama's golf, Katrina, earthquakes, Libya--amazing how the Universe endlessly revolves around your gayness. I hope you're keeping FEMA, NATO and Lady Gaga up to date.
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