In this era of trillion dollar budget deficits, Democrats and Republicans both agree that governmental spending excesses must be ended. But at what point do the cuts go too deep and jeopardize not only our way of life, but the very essence of the American spirit?
According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, that point occurs when the GOP threatens to withhold federal tax money from Nevada's annual "Cowboy Poetry Festival." The festival is currently funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, which uses taxpayer dollars to richly reward artists who can't sell their work to anyone, and who stubbornly refuse to be creative for free.
Mr. Reid says that without taxpayer dollars, the "tens of thousands of people who come (to the festival) every year would not exist." Which doesn't actually make any sense, and suggests that Mr. Reid may have taken a horseshoe to the head a few times while attending poetry readings.
Here at Hope n' Change, we're genuinely supportive of the creative arts. But we don't believe that true artists will (or even could) stop producing if tax money dries up. The saying "Ars Gratia Artis" means "Art for Art's Sake," which is what motivates the genuinely creative. If they can earn great wealth, or just enough to cover their materials, that's terrific. And if not, that's life.
Our country simply doesn't have the money to pay for "everything, all the time" anymore. So it's time to put the National Endowment for the Humanities out to pasture.
If NPR is so damn important, let the liberals fund it with donations.
Oh, I forgot....they only like to spend OTHER people's money!
Other peoples' money is just tax dollars. If the government didn't take it and give it to "artists", why those darn taxpayers would just spend it on things THEY like. What was it Slick Willie Clinton said along those lines when there was money that could have been returned to the taxpayers?
If the tens of thousands allegedly existing patrons would pony up a few bucks each the Cowboy Poetry Festival would be self-sustaining.
The same principal applies to NPR et al.
CenTexTim- Exactly. I've got nothing against a Cowboy Poetry Festival - it sounds like a good time. But it shouldn't be funded with tax money.
Likewise, NPR should haul its own weight without taxpayer support. And clean the manure out of their stall from time to time.
Oh my, Harry Reid is clueless! Here, let me help him:
The National Gay Rodeo Association (Amazing isn't it? But real, who knew?) meets in many cities across the heartland, including right there in Nevada, with 5,000 to 50,000 attendees for each event, several times a year -- within which there's plenty of poetry readings. And to my knowledge this association doesn't receive one dime of taxpayers cash or any grants; I doubt they would ask, probably wouldn't get it anyway -- "promoting" you know, is verbotten.
And if a bunch of gay guys can be cowboys and read poetry on their own dime, and make money at it -- I'm sure heterosexual liberals can also!
(And if the NGRA does gets a dime, they should give it back too!)
Country bankrupt. Infrastructure crumbling. People starving. And Harry Reid wants to make "cowboy poetry festivals" a priority?
It would be work to come up with a more absurd example of why he and those like him must be fired.
The other day a radio host expressed how absurd it is to fund an entertainment medium with tax dollars by acting out the NPR-style (dry, emotionless monotone) commentating of National Public Big Time Wrestling and National Public Monster Truck Competition. Funny stuff.
Fart jokes, Jesus Tapdancing Christ. Somebody contact the Pulitzer Prize Committee -- we just found our newest winner.
camdon- Actually, the cartoon is already under consideration for a Poolitzer Prize. Needless to say, the entire staff of Hope n' Change is honored just to be nominated.
Just a warning that I've notified the Pun Police to this post and they are dispatching an armed SWAT team to your location at this moment. Praise Our Lord Obama for his new anti-pun initiative. Have a nice day.
Oddly, when I think of cowboys, Nevada doesn't come to mind. When I think of Nevada, miles and miles of vast emptiness appears in my head...no wait, I'm imagining the inside of Reid's head. Nevermind.
camdon- Does this mean our offices will be getting a visit from Janet NoPunAtAll-o?
OK, you guys are having too much pun. (No fun intended)
It is my firm belief that the useless scum (like Reid) infesting our governments halls of power will defend any little thing that even remotely resembles "pork" because they know once the cuts begin, it will only be a matter of time before "the will of the voting tax payer" extends these cuts to even greater "pork programs" that have been inflating the national budget and killing the working class financially in the process...
It is a damn shame when an elderly retired widow who worked all her adult life has to pay thousands of dollars in income tax to the state & fed so some unemployed or welfare dependent jack-off can have the privilege of tuning in to 'All Things Considered'.
Wow! Gabby Hayes! If only HE was the senator from the great state of Nevada....
I think Dingy Harry has contracted "Bidenitus." He should really start taking a few moments to engage his brain before speaking, or (my preference) give up speaking entirely. Consider this, though... If this is what he came up with AFTER thinking about a powerful way to oppose budget cuts, what the hell would have come out of his mouth on the spur of the moment?
And were stuck with this imbecile for four more loooooong years. I think, in 2014, President Palin should advise Nevada voters to abstain from drinking or smoking doobs on election day.
Well, hopefully not four years, at least in the leadership position. Maybe in little more than a year and a half, the Senate will change. Although I'm having my doubts about the House right now. 60 billion out of 14 trillion? That's like mike moore ordering ten Big Macs and a small diet Coke.
Anybody else noticed that giant turd lately?
Stilt! you should create a "michael eats moore" character or something like that. You could have "tons" of fun with it!
You probably don't take unsolicited ideas. Just threw it out there.
I'll still respect you in the morning.
Colby- Yes, I had to go for good ol' Gabby Hayes. I just couldn't picture him taking "no consarn dad-blasted gummint money" for reciting poetry. And I'm also pretty sure he wouldn't recite any poems that weren't a little on the rough side.
Robert- Thanks for the suggestion! Currently I depict Michael Moore as a bloated walrus with a baseball cap, but I may eventually change that up. A walrus is too cute, and doesn't capture the corpulent nastiness of Moore.
Now that you say it I do remember a walrus character. A day late and a dollar short again!
OK, you guys are having too much pun. (No fun intended)
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