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On this Memorial Day, there are no words adequate to describe the price of freedom and our inconceivable debt to those living and dead, soldiers and family members, who have paid it on our behalf.
Let their service and sacrifice inspire us all to give more than we take, to put others ahead of ourselves, to be grateful each day for this nation and our freedoms, and to be ever vigilant in their defense.
This is a great clip for Memorial Day - it's by a young lady from England, in honor of her great grandfather who lost his life in World War I. Great images & backstory - take it all in if you can. Thanks to all who put their lives on the line, and thanks to all of our fellow citizens who lost someone they love - they have sacrificed so much too.
No Man's Land - cover by Holly - for my great grandad
Just in case the above link didn't work, I'm trying this again:
No Man's Land - cover by Holly - for my great grandad
Thanks SO much to all of our armed forces, past and present.
All we have to do now is get all those who do not do any military time to know where they stand. No four years active duty honorable military service, "no job", no benefits, no welfare , no social security and no heath care.. I hate draft dodgers. Vietnam Vet USN
We must always respect and honor our military, living or gone. The freedoms that we have and are desperately trying to hold onto are thanks to their sacrifice. Let us neve forget that or fail to show gratitude.
can you beleive it on this great day in Southern California where i live, my american flag on my front lawn was kicked over not once but twice after i put it back, and then was descrated and stolen from me. Can you believe the nerve of people?
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