Just when Americans are getting angry about the government's increasing efforts to see them naked, Vogue magazine has decided that Michelle Obama deserves a place in their annual list of "best dressed" women.
And why not? In the words of one Vogue editor: "whether she is frolicking on the White House lawn in Converse or at an awards dinner in Michael Kors scarlet chiffon, she always looks elegant and appropriate to the occasion and to our modern times!"
Ooh - we just had a tingle go up our leg! Or maybe it was a TSA agent's hand...
Of course, for many Americans what is "appropriate for the occasion and to our modern times" is something comfortable to wear while in the unemployment line. Or perhaps a revealing open-backed hospital gown while waiting for Obamacare's alleged efficiencies and savings to kick in.
Still, as a symbol of our nation, it's important that our First Lady always look spectacular - and you just can't put a price on that. And if you try, Robert Gibbs will issue an official denial.
Just when did the Office of the First Lady become an official designation requiring their own extensive staff and PR departments? There was a time, before Jackie Kennedy, when the wife of a president was not so constantly oogled and revered, and for what exactly? Just what were their accomplishments? What did they achieve apart from knowing which male to "ride" to stardom. Now we have Lady Gagme out there in our faces, doling out advice and chastising us like some self-appointed earth-mother.
A marriage certificate may entitle them to half a guy's stuff, but not a management position over other Americans. To be fair, I thought Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush were nice ladies, but I didn't give a rat's anal orifice what they thought about anything at any time. Hillary...well, whatever she thought, I made it a point to think the opposite. Pure evil harpy, that one. When we have our first female president, will the First Gentleman be similarly lauded and applauded for no good reason whatsoever? Actually, I envision Todd Palin giving somebody a bloody nose for even calling him "First Gentleman", then telling them to get that f***ing camera out of his face. Sic 'em, Todd.
Well let's not forget that before her husband was elected by the proles she was a member of the royal family on her home planet -- Kashyyyk
Here's a suggestion for the Tea Party folk: A law requiring ALL elected officials (and their entourage, including spouses) to have to go through the same TSA nightmare that the rest of us are now forced to endure each and every time they fly somewhere.
Let's have Michelle getting felt-up by a TSA stranger-agent in front of a few hundred fellow harried travelers on the evening news and see if we finally get any "change".
Wow, what a coincidence! I got third place (yesterday) for my caption to the picture that either came right before or right after this one in the weekly contest at FSM at http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.7936/pub_detail.asp. Based on my caption, I’m going with it being the picture right after this one!
And yes, she certainly is "Always elegant and appropriate" /sarc off
Brewski - "First Gentleman be similarly lauded and applauded for no good reason whatsoever?"
Dan Mulhern, husband of Gov Jennifer Granholm, has a staff of two. For what, we do NOT know. Don't hear of him going anywhere, doing anything, and even if he DID one would think he could keep his own calendar, book his own flights, pack his own bags, what EV er...
And yes, laying these 'staff' off would hardly make a dent in the chronically underfunded / over spent State budget, but the symbolism of NOT letting them go was significant...
Brewski- Good comments! I've suspected that Bill Clinton might someday be "First Gentleman," and that he'll have staff members assigned specifically to keep other members off his staff.
TheDarkKnight- loved "member of the royal family on her home planet"!
John the Econ- Forcing politicians to go through the TSA screening would also be a good test of how "secure" those naked body scan pictures really are. I'm betting that within hours, the supermarket tabloids would be showing pictures of the First Junk.
Chuck - We'd have given your caption first place. So there.
Pete (Detroit)- The psychology of skipping the "small" cuts because the "big" debts are so out of control is something that politicians really need to reign in. By themselves, that is - not by adding staff to examine the problem!
Gag! She has to be ugly enough to stop a freight train!
Pictures like this make me wonder why he hates the British so much. After all, they are the only country where the women are uglier than his w*fe.
Nancy Reagan's trip was drugs "Just say no", I don't recall Barbara Bush being very visible, and Laura Bush pushed literacy and libraries, apropos of her career as a librarian. None of these three ladies made domestic or foreign policy announcements although NR's drug slogan bordered on it. They were all gracious and warm (at least in public) and probably did quite a bit of quiet backroom diplomacy while travelling. When we have a female President, I expect the same from her husband. If it's someone like Todd Palin, I suspect that he would have lots of fun rounding up a bunch of prim and proper G20 ladies and taking them on a hunting trip or to a car race. They would all have a good time! MO OTOH is in our faces non-stop...ug.
I haven't seen many outfits on Michelle that have even remotely made me think "fashion statement"....
Hey Brewski...you are right about Todd Palin. He is obviously a very secure guy within himself, and I am sure he wouldnt want a damn thing to do with running the country. He AND his wife would rather just take the kids fishing!
I too would like to see our ELECTED officials making policy, not their stinking spouse!!
She is no fashion icon. Vogue and the MSM are just sucking up to her and that guy she married so they can get interviews and photo ops. Maybe they could pair her with People's sexiest man alive. That be something to see. What a bunch of kiss-asses.
Just thought of this...speaking of the TSA....last night, Bill OReilly obviously was not familiar with the term 'dont touch my junk', was kinda funny.
Dr. D:
You reminded me of one of Rush's phrases: "Ugly enough to make a freight train take a dirt road."
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