To prove he's ready, willing, and able to handle the really tough questions, Barack Obama has agreed to an hour-long "very special interview" with Barbara Walters on the day after Thanksgiving.
Ms. Walters, who is legendary for asking probing questions like "what kind of a tree would you be" and showing the ugly side of estrogen on the liberal squawkfest "The View," will ask the president why he forced Obamacare on an unwilling public, why he was rebuffed at the G-20 economic summit, why the economy has nosedived on his watch, and ask why the Democrats who voted with him were spanked like red-headed stepchildren in November's elections.
No, no - we're only kidding! Barbara will ask what's on his iPod, what he had for Thanksgiving dinner, and what Malia and Sasha will be getting for Christmas.
And adding to the hard-hitting journalism of the hour, Michelle Obama will also be on hand, so that Ms. Walters can comment on the huge size of the first lady's yams. And no, we're not being rude - we saw pictures of the yams being harvested from the verdant Whitehouse fields and they were the size of garden gnomes.
So mark your calendars now for this "must see" interview on the day after Thanksgiving. Which, entirely coincidentally, America's suffering merchants refer to as "Black Friday."
Yes, Stilton, like all good leftists, Baba Wawa knows the one-word answer to the question of why Obama has failed utterly on the economy, international relations and real healthcare reform: Booooosh!
As for those yams...thank goodness you said "the size of garden gnomes" and not some other classic yard decoration. Personally, that photo looks like she's holding a three-day BM, but I'm just twisted that way.
Ha...half ash... hahaha... son...hahaha... sonofa...hahahahahah....sonofaBEECH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahaha...
Aw, man...there's just too much good stuff in this post to comment on individually.
I agree with everyone above. Very funny today. But I can't get the notion of a 3-day BM out of my mind. (But it was funny too.)
Day after Thanksgiving?
*IF* I watched it (which I won't) it might serve as an experiment to see if I could throw up my Thanksgiving dinner 24 hours after I ate it!
Whew! Thank God there will be some actual CEREBRAL TV programming on that day that I can watch. I just can't decide, though. The "Dukes of Hazzard" marathon, or "The best of Keith Olbermann?"
It's things like this "special interview" that make me glad I don't have a TV.
I'm sorry...I will probably be watching a football game that day...shucks!
They just so happened to have that particular edition of "The View" on at the dr the other day and thankfully I only had to watch about 10 minutes of it...that show turns my stomach.
Suzy- It's a conspiracy! If the TV makes you sick at the doctor's office, they can bill you more money!
Oh my gosh, what a grand way to end the day. I hadn't checked my RDV of Hope and Change until this evening. It's one of the best--the carton, the commentary and all the great comments. Love it, love it, love it!!!
Cookie- Getting such a nice compliment is a grand way to end our day - so thank you!
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