READERS- Join Stilton Jarlsberg at the Hope n' Change Newsdesk as election returns roll in and expert analysis is offered through the unique perspective of four years of investigative journalism, incisive commentary, and a seemingly bottomless snifter of Chivas Regal.
Updates will be posted on this page when the spirit (and/or spirits) allow, and you can join in the fun and/or horror in the comments section as the evening wears on.
THIS IS IT, FOLKS - Let's roll!
This cartoon was inspired by a singularly dim Lib I was just debating with on Facebook. When will I ever learn...?
Just for fun, I'll be posting some cartoons from the vault from time to time throughout the day as we wait for the polls to close. Starting off with this one just days before the 2010 midterm landslide.

First of all, thank you for helping us get through the past four years.
As for the next four years, I would like to know what lies in the future for this site in the hopeful event of a Romney victory?
@Stilton: Again first and foremost, thank you for the humor/sarcasim that has helped me get through these abomnible years, providing a ray of sunshine in the darkness of abismal gloom.
I have said this before, and I will keep saying it throughout today until the results prove me either right or wrong - that the polls have been missing something very critical - I believe, like Peggy Noonan has said, that there is a vast number of people who have not been picked up on (the silent majority???) that are going to swing the hammer of defeat on this upsurper of American Spirit. It is not the American way to ride into the darkness quietly, but if my hopes and instincts are proven wrong, I will shift my focus onto the Congress Critters - though my Representative is d*** good, and Ted Cruz will ride to victory, replacing K'Bailey who ossified in her office years ago. The internet provides the means to activly support out of state candidates which I will do in 2014 and 2016. I did not survive combat to silently watch my country go down in flames.
I will be praying throughout the day for God to provide guidence to those voting today to chose the right course, and as the results come in, will cheer the Romney/Ryan ticket on to victory.
Nice to have a friendly place to hang out while we bite our nails and wait! And very appropriate to spend time here today, since the site has been such a huge antidote to the doom and gloom it has been so easy to get swamped by.
Stilt, you have created a great community, and a great reminder of the value of humor -- not just in keeping up one's spirits, but also in revealing and underlining the truth!
Even though it's Tues. I checked to see if you'd blogged on this most important day. Incredibly delighted to have this venue, especially today when a sleepless night has me edgier than ever.
Living in blue NJ doesn't help my state of mind, still casting my ballot will, hopefully, ease some of my tension.
Thanks for being here SJ!
Stilt, you have been a MWF ray of sunshine for the past year as I have watched my livelihood disappear under The One. I can't thank you enough for what you do. Now off to strike a blow for freedom at the local polling place. If Romney wins NH by one vote, I will have done my part!
I wish I had a bottomless snifter like that. Mine just has a thick layer of dust and a couple of dead bugs in the bottom.
I'm attempting to have a busy day at work to keep my mind occupied, but my mind, as usual, refuses to cooperate. I was at the polling place that I've gone to for 25 years this morning at 6:30. I have never seen the place that busy that early. Our early voting locations have been swamped ever since they opened. My 39 year old daughter and son-in-law voted for the first time in their lives. People are ENERGIZED! I just pray they are energized for love of country and the burning desire to rid it of the cancer.
I don't have any Chivas Regal for tonight, but perhaps Mrs. Colby will be generous with her fine selection of single malts!
As we say in the south, Y'all PRAY hard!
I add my thanks to you, Stilton, for sharing the products of your fertile and twisted imagination that it may brighten our lives. You have done more good than you may ever know. God bless you. God bless all of us.
@Kevin- I'm not sure what the future holds for this site yet, though I'll have a clearer idea soon. If Mitt Romney wins, I'll definitely want to keep chewing on lame duck Obama until he's dragged out of the Whitehouse for the last time. If Obama wins, then I'll need to give hard thought to what my personal priorities should be.
@SeaDog52- I'm feeling hopeful myself this morning because I don't think the MSM has accurately reported the real sentiment in this country. They were blindsided by the 2010 conservative tsunami, and I think they may get surprised again today.
And I applaud your dedication to continuing the good fight no matter what happens at the top of the ticket today. I plan to do the same myself, though may rethink my means of doing so.
@Sarah Rolph- I'm not sure what will be happening on the site today, other than what we're already doing...hanging out together and supporting each other through this long and suspenseful day. And I appreciate your remarks about this site being dedicated to truth for the past four years. Simply attacking Obama would have been meaningless; instead, Hope n' Change has placed importance on discussing topics which were substantiated and important. And I'm proud of the fact that there's nothing in the archives that I got wrong or needed to retract.
@Irene Peduto- Glad you're here today, and gladder still that you're able to cast that vote! Go get 'em!
@Anonymous- Okay, Irene gave us NJ and you've delivered NH...we're heading for a landslide!
@Colby- I may have taken liberties describing my bottomless snifter, as the actual glass more closely approximates a jelly jar, and the Chivas is a rare treat purchased just for today.
I think there is an energy in the air today which favors our side. The chance to change the mess this country is in is highly motivating - the chance to keep it the same, much less so.
@Angry Hoosier Dad- Thank you, sir. Sharing a bit of laughter with friends has been a pleasure and privilege. Also, when I laugh all by myself it just creeps everyone out.
I'm off to the polls. It’s a gray, rainy day here. While that is normally depressing, today it makes me happy because it is enough to keep a lazy liberal home!
I live in a traditionally Republican stronghold and my polling place was packed this morning. It's pretty obvious that the Romney/Ryan supporters are energized and positive.
So many of the hope and change college-aged airheads (my daughter being one) are going to skip it this time. Luckily, I have 3 other kids who are punching the Romney button so that gives my family a 5 - 1 margin even if she does decides to vote.
I'm steadily praying that God gives the American populace the discernment to choose wisely.
I don't post very often but I never miss reading Hope n' Change and the great comments.
Election 2012 - The Drinking Game! SCHWEEEEETTTTT!!!!
Hit my Poll @ 7am, some line, by 7:15 I had my ballot in hand, was waiting for my turn in a booth. OMF'gG! - I had a sample printed, and filled in, and it STILL took me over 5 min to fill in all the dots! Judges, school board, university boards, 6 state proposals, 5 county - WHOUGH!
Lady behind me in line was appalled at being asked for ID "When did THAT start?!?!?" (Um, at LEAST 4 years ago) Turns out she was also in line for the wrong precinct, so I didn't find out if she didn't HAVE ID, or just didn't BRING it, but again, who the HELL does NOT have ID anymore. Then, while I was coloring my dots there was a minor fracas as one guy was "helping" his "wife" by telling her how to vote (or possibly translating the text of the proposals) and someone in line thought that was not allowed. Seriously? It may NOT be "preferred" but it's certainly legal! (Especially here in Dearborn-istan!) ANY way, been there, done that, seen it all, in and out in 30 min, actually even made it in to work on time. Hopefully, after class this evening, there will be some meaningful results!
And by meaningful, I mean landslide tidal wave washing the filth out of the White House and flushing this spinning Crap Weasel to the waste heap of history for all time!
I VOTED and the place was a beehive of activity. I live in a 55+ community so the seniors were out in droves so early this morning. I'm hopeful many of them see the light especially where it concerns their children & grandchildren. Still & yet, NJ is so blue it's almost black. Have you heard, in the MSM, about the allegations facing our illustrious Senator Melendez? I'm thinkin' not! The protection offered to the Dems is an outrage! God help America.
Thanks to all of you for being here - for one another - especially to SJ for providing us the material & the forum.
I voted absentee over a month ago. Its a waiting game now. God save us if American's supporting the great pretender get another 4 years. You would think after all that's happened would be enough to sober the minds of those people.
Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the Gates debacle, 0bamacare, bowing to foreign leaders, apologizing to terrorists, throwing taxpayer money at BS bail outs & green scams, appointing kooks to positions of power, pandering to extremist fringe groups, siding with & protecting criminals, the endless vacations and golf trips, being unable to complete a sentence not fed to him by a teleprompter, the endless stream of lies and obfuscation, etc etc.
I feel like a kid who's asked for a Christmas present that's way beyond his family's means.
@Chuck- Aha! The drizzle factor comes into play!
@Greg- I can't quite imagine what would really fire people up to vote for Obama. Even the young and naive should be believing the evidence of their own eyes. By the way, I know of a number of young people who are voting for Romney because they don't want another four years of joblessness - and living with their parents.
@Pete D- You paint a nice picture of the sometimes messy business of voting. I did the early voting thing, and it was relatively dull except for this one guy jumping up and down and shouting "YES! YES! YES!" after voting. Oh wait, that was me.
@Irene Peduto- I hope that seniors got the message that Romney/Ryan want to save Medicare, and that Obama and the Dems seemingly have every intent of letting the system collapse. But as you point out, the MSM hasn't really shined a light on this topic.
@Necron99- Nice listing of a few (and only a few) of this president's massive failings.
Personally, I feel like a post-op patient in a hospital waiting for lab results: either "we got the tumor in time" or "it's metastasized out of control so we sewed you back up."
I had the pleasure of voting for Romney last Friday and am praying hard for a Romney win. If yard signs are any indication, NC is definitely leaning Romney. I have seen dozens of Romney signs and NOT ONE Obama sign anywhere! Oh, I forgot - we had to pay for our Romney signs. I guess the government wasn't hand delivering free Obama signs to supporters... these folks seem to only support Obama when there are free cell phones and other goodies to be had.
I, too, will be lifting a glass to toast Romney tonight. I will also be toasting you, Stilt, for all the great cartoons and commentary over the past four years. May God continue to bless you with an abundance of talent and good humor!
If there's anyone here from N.J., what did you think about Gov. Christie buddying up to obama last week? I know he desperately needs the federal aid, but personally, the optics of it made me wretch. I can't stand the thought that it may have helped obama gain votes.
abbeyroadwalker -
Not from NJ, but yeah, the optics were ODD. Seemed to me he was posturing himself for a re-elect to Gov in '14 (I think, yes?) and then a run for Pres from there - as a Dem. Anti-gun and Pro-islam stances might be tough to defend as a Repub - conservative he is NOT. But as a 'centrist' Dem? I think eh could sell it...
@abbeyroadwalker - I'm from NJ & I was initially delighted to see the Gov. get $$ for this very financially strapped, ruined State. Now I see that it seems to have helped O - although Christie was on tv to say he supports Romney in this election, I'm guessin' that the MSM didn't report that - it wouldn't be helpful for their man. Such a disgrace - but I digress. Christie also spoke w/ O yesterday so he could also speak with Springsteen - that, for me, is toooo much. I love what Christie's done for NJ, but his chummy behavior with O to get to speak with his long-time idol, Springsteen, crossed the line of sanity. That is what the MSM will show - not his allegiance to Romney.
I'm from the South, where they burned Beatles records in 1966. I thought that was silly, but on the other hand, I just might go out tomorrow and torch any springsteen CDs I have.
Christie should have pulled a Bobby Jindal and said, "Its cool, we got this."
It boggles my mind how the states that produced our Founding Fathers back in the 1700's have become the epitome of what they rebelled against!
Voted (with my youngest son) and feel better. No line outside the building, but from what I hear, the parking lot was overflowing by 6:30 (polls opened at 7:00). There was a steady flow of cars/people at my polling station. I only saw one car with an Obama/Biden sticker, but the fact is that Georgia is a pretty solid red state. Still, I did notice in the last few elections that my particular district and county leans left (primarily due to the demographics, I'm sad to say).
I wish everyone really would take to heart the message of Martin Luther King and judge people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin! How anyone with a brain and heartbeat can support the poser in the Whitehouse is beyond me. Of course, much of his support comes from those without a brains or heartbeats … or so I’ve heard.
It is my sincere hope that the left has finally overplayed its hand so that the silent majority is finally fully aware of their ultimate agenda (and the dirty, complicit media). Time will tell. If we lose this one, I don’t think there will be a next one (at least not one that has any more meaning than an election in Cuba) and the Republic will have been lost. The first Republic, that is. There are many who say it’s been dead and gone for a while, and they make some valid points, but we live in hope.
@Chuck- I don't think you're overstating the importance of this election. It's going to be a loooong day.
Chuck, agreed - FAR too many O supporters w/o brains, or breath.
Always remember, the reason we HAVE a 2nd amend is that the FFathers knew it was possible we'd need to do it again... hopefully, not w/in our lifetimes, but...
I can't wait to see the look on Obama's face when he loses the election!
I love how when Obama was leading in the polls, the media narrative was that Obama was ahead by miles but since the polls have shown Romney to be leading, the media have been saying it is a "dead heat" and that the election is "too close to call".
My (somewhat optimistic) prediction for the election results: Romney will win 80% of the vote. The Democrats and the media will claim that the Republicans rigged the election and/or that evil white Republicans intimidated black and hispanic voters and prevented them from voting, and then drove home in their Humvees and muscle cars, killing polar bears and running over poor people.
If you want to stay aware of the latest New Black Panther style electioneering going on around the country this season, you might want to keep an eye on Already quite a handful of depressing stories on there.
I too have wondered what would become of this site in the desired outcome of a Romney / Ryan victory. I haven't posted a lot of comments, but this has been one of my favorite blog sites since I discovered it a year or two ago and visit it several times a week. The well thought out political commentary and satire on this site have been nothing short of brilliant. Excepting the occasional troll, contributors to this site truly are concerned, intelligent, and informed patriots who have tried to foment real hope and change. I love you all, though I have never met any of you and wouldn't know any of you from Adam or Eve. I would hate to see this site go dark, but if it does, then that would be a good thing, from the standpoint of helping to get rid of the anti-American Kenyan usurper currently disgracing the office of POTUS. Personally I think the site can evolve into a site that is clearly in President Romney's corner. Yet there must be some tough love if and when needed to hold Romney's feet to the fire and hold him accountable for the promises that he has made. President Romney cannot fail in his mission. Failure is not an option for a Romney administration. He must pick solid conservatives for SCOTUS, restore America's respect in the world, close the floodgates of illegal immigration, draw a line in the sand for and do a smackdown on the Islamic cult of murder, restore the trust of numerous allies that king nothing hussein has snubbed, bring justice on Holder and numerous other thugs in the Obama regime for their high crimes and misdemeanors, get us on the road to a balanced budget, sound economy, energy independence, and just so many many more issues that have to be dealt with. We cannot allow Obama or someone even worse an opportunity to disgrace the office of POTUS in 2016. Hopefully by 2016, George Soros will have confirmed his reservations in Hell, and eliminated a lot of funding for so many radical left-wing anti-American groups that are determined to turn our country into a third world sh!thole. I've waited for today for four years. Let's roll....
The wife and I voted this AM and then went to buy gas and groceries, reminding us again of why we voted Romney/Ryan and (R) all the way down the ballot.
As much as I look forward to "real change", I don't look forward to the end of Hope n' Change. Like the March of Dimes didn't end when we beat polio, I trust Stilton will retool, refocus and move forward with a new mandate to continue sharing his political humor and insight.
It's going to be big, and it's going to be too much for Dem Fraud to steal.
There's no way I can believe that, after four years of declining personal income, after four years of a horrible economy, and after watching Obama's carefully crafted mask pretty much fall off with the debates (and talk of "revenge" and "Payback" from him and Jarrett) that a majority will vote for him.
And WHEN Romney wins, life a glass in triumph, for he will have won despite the forced assembled against him; a corrupt President, a sycophantic and partisan media, and a lockstep Democratic party.
And spare a bit of smug reflection for the MSM -- who abandoned even the tiniest fig leaf of objectivity to go "all in" to protect and lie for Obama. No one will ever allow them such influence again, and they threw it away all for nothing.
It will be a good day! And to paraphrase Lord of the Rings, the fall of Mankind may come one day, but it will not be THIS day! For today we fight! And we WILL win!
Thank you all for your posts, your comments, and your thoughts. Now, let's make history, and help show the Obamas the door.
It's gonna be a long day...
@Stilton - I sooo hope you get the opportunity to do commentary on the lame duck session - remember how Clinton behaved before vacating the WH? You'll have much to blog for your fans. Look at the comments just today! Gotta love this group.
@Necron99 - would that Christie used the Jindal remark; but his love for Springsteen trumped common sense.
@ abbeyroadwalker Burning his cd's sounds great - but he was never a fav of mine so I've none of his recordings - anywhere! Also hope his political aspirations didn't get in the way. I prefer to think of him as a NJ guy who had his hand in the pocket of the Fed. Gvt. to help NJ - I can hope, right?
@Chuck - we are silent no longer - not with Hope 'n Change, Twitter, Brietbart, etc. Let's just hope they get the vote out there.
@Dobro Player - surely do hope you are right.
@tx Greg - can't watch that stuff today - it will unsettle my resolve to stay somewhat positive.
@79firebirdman - what a comprehensive analysis of "change" to come.
@My Dog Brewski - love your analogy of the March of Dimes & Hope 'N Change.
I assisted someone dislocated from Cape May, NJ to vote with a paper ballot today - she's an Independent but voted the Romney/Ryan tkt. Chalk another vote from the blue state.
79firebirdman - Holder - do you happen to know if US has an extradition treaty w/ Mexico? I'm thinking they might just want a piece of him...
Anytime two or more are gathered, there will be politics and H&C will always have a place. You may all be trying hard to forget but we still have Nancy, Harry, DiFi, BimboBoxer, DingbatDebbie, and more.
@ Stan da Man,
I don't know, pretty sure we do. One can hope, since he does have the blood of a lot of innocent Mexicans on his hands.
Here's an idea: why don't we all ask our US representatives to propose an amendment to the Constitution that defines "natural born citizen" as someone born IN THIS COUNTRY to TWO CITIZEN PARENTS? If we could do that, we could keep someone like Barack Hussein out of the White House forever! It might keep Marco Rubio out too, but it will definitely keep Barack from running again.
Here's a mood lifter from last week!
Mrs. Colby just emailed me that Romney is winning big in MI. I know exit polls are not exactly scientific, but it felt good to hear that. Whatcha think, Detroit Pete?
If we win this despite the odds, perhaps one day you and I can afford the bottomless bottle of good Scotch. Cheers!
@Earl Allison,
I like the way you talk! Huzzah! In my feeble little brain, there is no way for polls to predict the amount of crossover votes. I just have a sneaking hunch there are a shipload of Democrats abandoning ship today. I personally know four of them. We shall see... May God bless this once great country again!
@Stan da Man,
Dreamer! That POS deserves to face a Mexican court AND a U.S. court, but... I personally entertain the fantasy that involves him by himself on a deserted island with Brian Terry's family and friends.
I knew you were a man after my own heart based on your commentary from the last (almost) 4 years. I've started the evening with a single malt that I hope is in celebration of a new CINC. Enjoy the Chivas.
Don't know about the rest of you, but as for me, when Romney-Ryan are officially and safely in the winner's seat, I'm going to take some cash out of the bank, go buy a nice new HDTV, a great big stack of CDs and DVDs, a new stereo, a case of wine and a refrigerated wine cooler to keep them chilled, book a Christmas Cruise, a week at DisneyWorld, and maybe even a new Ford or Lincoln. In other words, I'm going to celebrate the lifting of tyranny and invest in America with all my heart..!!
@Stan da Man- I'm hoping that the 2nd Amendment doesn't become a critical issue anytime soon. But if it does, I'm glad we have it.
@Dobro Player- I think we always have to assume that the news for our side is somewhat better than whatever the MSM is saying. So I'm optimistic today, in an extremely nervous, hand-wringing, twitching eyelid sort of way.
@txGreg- Yeesh. And so it begins.
@79firebirdman- Thanks for the very kind words, and believe me I'll update everyone on the future of Hope n' Change when I figure it out. The site will NOT suddenly go dark unless I'm targeted by a drone.
I agree entirely about the possible election of Mitt being the beginning of positive change, and one which will have to be monitored closely by those of us with Tea Party beliefs. I'm very happy with Romney as a candidate, but that being said he still needs to prove that he's going to live up to his conservative promises.
And OH, how I'm hoping that he gets the chance.
@My Dog Brewski- A few things for sure: neither Johnny Optimism nor I are disappearing or shutting up, but there will almost certainly be change coming for Hope n' Change. I haven't even given thought to possible options yet; I have to see what the world looks like after today.
@Earl Allison- Thank you for the cheering, confident post! I agree with you, but I'm a worrier by nature. Though let me say that if Barry falls this evening, I am so going to indulge myself in schadenfreude and watch the hosts of MSNBC melt down.
@Irene Peduto- Applause for helping that person cast his/her vote!
@Stan da Man- Holder extradited to Mexico is a fantasy which I cherish, and would love to see come true.
@TheOldMan- There's no question of having enough scoundrels to go after, the question is whether I should lower my blood pressure and go back to earning a living (wry grin).
@Colby- Mmm! Romney, Scotch, crossover votes, and revenge. You hit a lot of my happy spots in your post!
Good news! The media just announced things are looking up for the economy and we have finallyt turned the corner! That makes over 200 weeks they have announced this - to my line of thinking turning that many corners means we are simply spinning in circles. Oddly the stories that followed this stunning report showed an economic down turn to the thinking public. But then they are not talking to the thinking public they are simply trying to shack the last few crap weasel voters out of the woodwork (or whatever coffins are made out of now days)
Keep the faith!
@Anonymous- I wasn't sure enough of myself to select a single malt scotch (I really need to further my education), but Chivas Regal works fine for my needs this evening. I thought about going for the 18-year old vintage, but was afraid I'd be too nervous to appreciate it properly (at least until hearing Obama's concession speech). Here's hoping we're BOTH toasting a new President-elect this evening!
@abbeyroadwalker- Your plans are more extensive than mine, but similar. In part, I see this election as making the difference between reinvesting in America, or stocking a bunker to wait for the collapse. Of the two, I'd rather buy new toys and see the economy come roaring back!
Not goin anywhere, guys...too many
things awry in the country that need to be analyzed!
Early afternoon here, and I hear from some sources that voter turnout is huge and thats encouraging, because I know for a fact that Romney supporters are very motivated...and we'll find out just to what extent in a few hours! Looking good!
Colby, MI went BIG for Reagan, bitd... I hope and PRAY RR go BIG again. I might just have to learn how to do a back flip. For darned sure, I've got some strawberries w/ a date w/ the ol' blender blades!
Ok, in truth, that's probably gonna happen anyway.
All that being said, internet feed from local news-y station is dropping badly today (high traffic, perhaps?) so I'm listening to Rush out of FL... and so have heard NOTHING in re returns...
Shi*t, if MI goes Romney, then OH probably will too, likely PA, surely WI, possibly MN? Fugg, might be the biggest blowout since '84...
Like a five-year-old hoping for a bike for his birthday all that is going through my mind right now is "PleaseletRomneywin- pleaseletRomneywinpleaseletRomneywinpleaseletRomneywinpleaseletRomneywinpleaseletRomneywinpleaseletRomneywin". Oh, and defeat the socialist proposals threatening the Michigan constitution, get whatever incumbent Democrats we can out of office, and prevent new ones from winning. Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease!
Remember the dems wanted a recount on a 55,000 vote difference from I think it was Ohio till kerry's lawyers told him that was a 'bridge too far' for even them. I don't expect there to ever be a concession speech if we win as some in the media still claim gore won the recount even today. All we can hope for is a backbone of steel in Mitt, a clear victory and an electorate that does not want the media to pick the media favorite as a victor. I would like to be able to go to sleep tonight, unlike 2004 when I was stuck with only one channel which when it became clear their boy did not win they refused to call it and simply went home.
I am going to TRY and take a nap just in case its a long night. (and because I am going crazy ahhh crazier? )
#1 personal favorite = Laphroig 10, but it is really, really smoky. Suggest finding some to try before laying out fifty bucks for a bottle.
#2 MacAllan 12 = $$ OMG smooth and tasty. 18 is probably better, but $$$$$. I once saw bottles of 30, but they were $$$$$$$$$$
#3 Glenlivet = good place to start.
Wow, I had never noticed the RR connection. May the Force be with it. One way or another we will see red tonight. Lots of red states, or we'll be pissed off, or we'll be in a drunken, bloodshot eyed stupor. I'm hoping for the best of all worlds; being in a pissed off drunken stupor because damn Illinois stayed blue.
Update from NH (Anonymous no longer!). Turnout very heavy, according to radio this PM, expected to be 70%. First time registration allowed at the polls, which might account for some of this. Hoping that most of these people are pissed off and ready to send Dear Leader packing to work on his Presidential Library (which will, no doubt, have the complete collection of JayZ and Springsteen cds.
Grafton, welcome! No offense, but I consider "day of" registration to be mildly offensive - if you seriously move in the month when you can't re-register, vote at the old address, absentee, if you have to... But hey, that's just me.
Man, I'd LOVE to see a 70 - 30 Romney blowout, WAY too much spread to steal...
Okay ... the suspense is killing me. Will "we the people" vote to continue this grand experiment, at least a while longer ... or is it over?
I'm going to need a LOT more "coffee" to make it through this!
The suspense is killin the way, doesnt Stilt have nice digs at the HopenChange headquarters?
We'll know the good news by morning hopefully!
You did what you could Stilt, and you deserve kudos for that. Though, sadly, no matter which wins, your work is not over -- for it's the system -- no longer just who thinks they're running it -- we need change of the likes neither of these two gentlemen are offering -- though I like Romney over Obama, of course.
@Readers- Sorry not to comment on your posts individually just now; I read them and enjoyed them, but the returns are starting to come in (6:22 pm TX) and I'm going to be nailed to the TV screen for who knows how long.
I'll be back here regularly, though. Here we go!
@SJ - loved the cartoon with the Dem female who fell because she voted with her lady parts! Glad you are - still & yet - keepin' 'em comin'.
Also - having read all of the comments - I must say I feel particularly good about their input - still hoping & praying - it really is a loooooong day!
@Irene ... me too. F U N N Y! And I needed it ... badly!
So far, with 7% reporting, my state is 2 to 1 for continuing the experiment. Nationally, Fox has Øbama leading 79 to 71 ... but many of the states they have called have 0% reporting. Go figure ...
Hi Guys- Taking a break from Fox News just to check in. I was surprised and pleased that my brain offered up the "lady parts" cartoon a few hours ago. I'd like to do more to help deal with the tension (yours AND mine), but I've got a pretty severe case of slammed sphincteritis right now as I watch the returns. At this moment (7:19 pm), the drift of the reporting on Fox isn't wildly encouraging, but it's still early. Sigh...
Hope your drinks, snacks, and courage are plentiful enough for a long night!
Hold the horses ... Fox now has it at 82-79 for Romney, and MSNBC has 82 - 64 Romney? What dimension am I in? Is this the one where the unicorns poop gold?
@Stilton - don't give up my friend. The night is young, and I think both sides are playing it as a "come from behind" win. The winner will be who it is. And we will adapt accordingly.
Colby, Laphroig is a personal favorite of mine as well, as is Lagavulin which has a similar peaty smokiness.
Funny story about that smoky, smoky flavor--and aroma. I once opened a bottle of Laphroig across the room from a friend who had just traveled to Ireland. She did a double-take--she couldn't imagine how the fragrace wafting up from my glass could smell so much like the place she had just returned from!
As I'm sure you know, it's the smell of burning peat -- they use compacted soil as fuel.
John Sayles commented on this after filming a movie in Ireland (the great The Secret of Roan Inish). He said there's a rumor that you can get heat from these peat fires, but it's entirely unfounded....
@Chuck- I'm suffering enough watching Fox and haven't had the nerve to go to MSNBC yet. However, I wouldn't worry overmuch about whatever they're claiming. (Gulp)
@Chuck- I hope I haven't given any signs of giving up! I HAVEN'T! It's the suspense that's gnawing at me. And I'm well aware that the dynamics can really change as the evening wears on. I'm still hoping to do the Jarlsberg family victory dance tonight! (It involves alcohol and Ritz crackers)
@Sarah Rolph- I'm glad that I can return to this blog later instead of taking notes now, because I'm definitely going to track down some of your recommendations. By the way, I vaguely remember liking The Secret of Roan Inish. It's about a creature called a Selkie, right?
Fox: 153 to 153
MSNBC: 158 to 153 (Øbama)
Me: movin' on to the harder stuff ...
Yes, the Selkie is an important part of Roan Inish. You could say it's about a little girl who gets sent to the country to live with her grandparents and thrives there, with a little help from some local Selkie magic. Or you could say it's about a gal who doesn't give up on her brother. One of my favorite scenes is the one where the grandmother hears that our young heroine claims to have seen her long-missing brother cruising the islands in his cradle boat; grandmother whips around and starts bringing in the laundry to get started toward the island. She believes her.
Painful here, Fauxcahontas is now my senator. Bah. Already did my drinking, we're onto the coffee. I am starting to get a bad feeling.... Maybe I can find some plates to break or something...
MSNBC is declaring Wisnosin for Obama: 11% counted, 46% Øbama - 53% Romney. They might be right, but seriously ... 11% and it's done ... in the opposite direction?
BTW: thanks @Emmentaler Limburger for the "Ø" usage. I've used it ever since you recommended it. I even have my word processor set to auto-correct it in the name "Øbama" ... thanks to you. Just wanted you to know.
@Sarah - "Coffee" IS drinking!
Fox: 162 - 157 (Romney)
MSNBC: 162-162
Me: Scotch
McClelland's Single Malt. Cheap but gud, eh!
In Mass., Scott Brown has lost to Warren. And so the senate Dems. welcome another lying, cheating, crook into their midst. You kool-aid drinkers in Mass. deserve what you vote for.
@Mad Dog - surely all the vote isn't counted? I'm showing only 64%.
Looks like I picked a bad week to give up sniffin glue ...
Fox: 174-173 (Romney)
MSNBC: 184-172 (Romney)
Popular vote: 1.5 million spread on both (Romney)
Me: 1/2 a bottle left. Yeah ... real gud.
Just goin' by what's posted on the FoxNews website.
@Mad Dog - me too.
After 11 now. Fox has Øbama at 244 and Romney at 193. MSNBC has Øbama at 143 and Romney at 188. Naturally, both gave Californication and Warshinton state to Ø immediately ... what are the odds. In the popular vote:
Fox: 36M to 34.5M (Romney)
MSNBC: 36.1M to 34.6M (Romney)
Stilt - As a long time follower of your blog I am very appreciative of all your hard work and effort in bringing to light the truths about this disastrous administration.
To be perfectly honest, as a 25 year old millennial I am absolutely terrified about what 4 more years of an Obama administration will mean. 20 Trillion dollars in debt? 20,000 Million dollars? $150 million dollars every hour?
I seriously cannot believe the amount of Americans that are willfully voting for the most destructive president we have ever had. I'm truely hoping for a Romney squeak out victory, but am losing hope....
Chuck, yeah, that was confusing; I meant real coffee. Can't say I'm glad to have stayed up. Looks like I may be drinking "coffee" all week....
@Sarah - why wait? Real coffee comes later (early tomorrow?). I, too, am up much later than is normal for me. Can't tear myself away just yet ... but I will.
Both Fox AND MSNBC have Øbama with a win in electoral votes right now:
Fox: 275 - 203 (Obama)
MSNBC: 274 - 203 (Obama)
and I can't believe it ...
Fox has just declared Obama as Re-elected.
The Republic is truly dead, my friends.
God bless us ...everyone.
The last hope I have left is that after his EPA shuts down all our power plants, Texas wil susceed, otherwise, I guess I'll need to learn French for the move to Quebec.
My dear friends- Well, the race has been called for Obama, and I'm prepping a cartoon to post after midnight tonight. Not sure if I have enough vocabulary left in me to write much of an editorial to go with it (I've pretty much run out of four-letter words this evening), but after catching my breath I'll have a lot to say.
I'm proud to have you good folks as friends!
It gets worse.
Øbama is impeached because of Bengazi ... and Plugs becomes pres!
I'm going to bed in the hope that I wake up in a different reality.
God bless you all.
Bush's 4th term.
I think I'm cashing out the retirement funds tomorrow and buying a boat.. Those dollars are going to be worthless the time I retire anyway at the rate they're going to have to print money to cover the debt.
It's official. The looters are the majority.
@John - Amen.
I'm still hoping for that alternate reality ...
Thank you John the Econ for being a breath of fresh air. You are right on that this election just proved that those of us that had future ambitions of creating enterprises, small businesses and growth (us Millenials) have decided that Amerika would rather follow Greece down the depths of Hell and despair under the belief that others would care for us. Us would be producers have decided to either join the ranks of the Consumers, or given up on Amerika all together. The most frightening thing about this election is not the fact that Obama won, but the fact that the electorate had the clearest example of slow growth, heavy debt and poor future prosperity towards Socialism... or a bright future of personal freedom, self reliance and hope for the future; and the American populace felt like following the same path as France & Greece (tough economic turmoil & elect a socialist). Is this the Amerika that we believes in?
Yep. The takers outnumber the makers. I do believe the founders saw this coming.
Good news: Four more years of Hope n' Change cartoons.
Bad news: Four more years of Obama driving this country off a cliff with a smile on his dumbass face.
@Stilton - I'll have to wait to see your post till tomorrow. I want to thank you for all you have done, ... all you do, ... and all you WILL do. Because as much as we have needed you before, unless reality changes (and I hope it does) we'll need you all the more going "forward". God help us. God bless us. God bless America.
Oh crap ... and the supreme court is about to go left too!. Okay, Øbama is impeached (Bengazi), Plugs has the big one (coming to you Elizabeth - no disrespect intended) and the speaker (Republican?) becomes pres.? That works ... no?
Fat fingers. Anon is me.
Thank you, Stilton and gentlebeings of the comments, for the ongoing humor, banter, and information during the last few years. This election, should the outcome not be altered, sure puts a crimp in my plans to wear all three of my Horse's Backside watches to my next eye appointment in full view if the SEIU wannabe office staff. Now, well, not a good idea. Maybe just one.
I don't even know how to think about a world without the possibilities of America as we knew it. To paraphrase Pink Floyd...I have become UNcomfortably numb.
@anonymous; yessir, I do believe you're right.
Well, just wanted to say thanks folks, seeya tomorrow and I wish you all the best.
I have no words.
The sun will rise tomorrow.
On what was once a great nation.
I hope everyone is ok. Thank y'all for all you did especially you stilton. We can go to bed with a clear conscious but I'd rather have been going to bed happy and with a clear conscious.
The one thing that comforts me is that I believe Someone greater than me is in control, I don't know His plan nor do I seek to offer him my advice (any more :-) I will trust Him and continue to do my part.
Don't get me wrong I believe that we will suffer dire consequences for what just happened. Speaking of which I must go order ammo reading supplies if there is any left.
God bless, sleep well my friends.
God help us, for we know not what we are doing.
I feel like we've committed slow national suicide. God forgive us, we have allowed the left to destroy our God-given country and soon they will begin to totally dismantle our God-given rights.
For the first time I'm grateful I'm an old gal and probably won't live long enough to see the destruction Obama will bring upon my children and grandchildren. I weep for them that they will never again know American greatness, except in their memories and dreams.
note to sj: Thank you for 4 years of sanity, humor and good sense. Can you manage 4 more?
note to self: buy ammo, go down fighting
PS: Mooshelle probably has her vacation destination list for the next 4 years already drawn up.
@Readers- I'm already onto Wednesday's post/comments but wanted to tie-up any loose ends here. Not commenting individually on your posts, but I read them all and appreciate all of the thoughts therein.
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