Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed a special prosecutor to track down and prosecute CIA operatives and employees who used "enhanced interrogation techniques" to extract life-saving information from terror suspects. These techniques included waterboarding, spoken threats, and forcing prisoners to listen repeatedly to Barney's "I Love You" song.
Holder's investigation is expected to demoralize the CIA, cripple America's intelligence-gathering abilities, and empower terrorists. Even worse, a certain dinosaur is going to "pout like it's a rainy-wainy day."
Update May 7, 2011
There's no mystery about why this cartoon was pulled from the vault (even if there's some mystery about why my artwork for Eric Holder looks more like Tony Orlando). The cruel "torture" of pouring water up terrorists' snoots is now known to have given us the critical information that we needed to track down and exterminate Osama bin Laden.
Which you would think everyone would agree is a good thing. But Eric Holder is still conducting investigations in hopes of bringing criminal charges against the CIA operatives who used legally-approved "enhanced interrogation techniques."
But surely Barack "Oh yeah, I shot bin Laden" Obama will now put the brakes on Holder's persecution of these heroes, right? Right...?
Apparently not. While doing a football-spiking "meet and greet" with 9/11 families in New York, Barack Obama was asked by Deborah Burlingame, the sister of the pilot whose jet was crashed into the Pentagon, if he would speak to Holder to at least express the opinion that the CIA agents should no longer be pursued like criminals. Obama's answer? "No, I won't"...at which point he turned from Ms. Burlingame and walked away.
The fact that Obama and Holder are still so clearly against the people who brought Osama bin Laden to justice does nothing to erase the growing rumors that the operation was essentially carried out against Barack Obama's will.
Or that even a certain purple dinosaur would consider this president to be an insufferable wimp.
Can't wait for the lid to blow off this administration. When it does, Osama bin Dead will be a footnote for the year! Holder, Obama and a host of others belong in prison.
Pretty awful stuff, with Mrs. Burlingame. Makes you wonder what he's like when he thinks the world isn't watching, doesn't it?
But, after all, this information can be seen on Fox and a Christian news site, so obviously it... didn't happen? Can't be trusted? I don't fucking know, they'll ignore it somehow.
@James- I think a lot of us have a pretty good idea exactly who Barack Obama is when he thinks no one is watching. We already know his sneering remarks about those who "cling to their god and their guns" when he's speaking to liberals behind closed doors...so I think it's safe to assume his private beliefs are even farther to the left and much more antithetical to American values.
Regarding the Burlingame snub, it was also covered by the wonderful Wall Street Journal, which has regularly published Ms. Burlingame's outstanding editorials regarding the 9/11 family members.
So it can't easily be swept under the rug...but to the best of my knowledge, the mainstream media is happily ignoring the fact that Barack Hussein Obama desires criminal prosecution for the people who helped bring down Osama bin Laden. While he's out "spiking the football," the non-journalists are spiking the story.
I really respect Burlingame and have always considered her an important advocate and spokesperson for the families affected by 9-11. She's the polar opposite of Cindy Sheehan which explains why her viewpoints are not noteworthy to the msm. Interesting to note that the msm has turned on Cindy now that she's a deather.
I am SO glad that W didn't lend any grace or dignity to this turd herding upstart...
Earl, as I recall, they turned on her ages ago, when she decided that Nancy wasn't anti-war enough and Cindy filed to run for her seat... Of course, I may be wrong, and if she's come out as a 'deather' (now, HOW did I miss THAT) I can see they'd tie her to the mocking post for that as well...
Pete - I honestly don't recall where I heard she was a deather. It's all part of last week's noise. Wish I could remember the source.
I think the art work looks more like Gabe Kaplan. Welcome back Carter!!!
@Earl & Pete(Detroit)- A quick Google search shows that Cindy Sheehan tweeted "I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you're stupid."
@Robert- You're right...there's a definite Gabe Kaplan thing going on there. I'm glad that I've subsequently updated my artwork!
I think at this point the country would vote Barney in as President (Dinosaur. Not Frank.) if it meant getting rid of this awful current admins.
At least the scriptwriters for Barney make him say useful things, sometimes even intelligent! That would be a big improvement. ;-)
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