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In the immortal words of Dave Barry, "we're not making this up." That's the real cover of this week's Newsweek magazine. Apart from all the issues mentioned in the cartoon, they could also have reported on the growing nuclear threats from Iran and North Korea, or the trade war Obama is starting with China, or maybe even a remembrance of 9/11. But nooOOooo. Their big breaking-news story is "Is Your Baby Racist?"
According to inside sources, other titles Newsweek considered include: "Kindergarten KKK," "Neonatal Nazis," and "Beware the Drooling Demon Spawn of Limbaugh!"
Haha ok it was so crazy I had to look it up before I believed you. Sorry! :-) As I was looking it up I saw it came from a chapter in a book, the chapter being called "Why Parents don't talk about Race" or something like that.
Well that's easy. Good parents don't need to talk about race because most kids don't notice color very much at all! My kids have never preferred any race over another, and its because we don't sit around "discussing race"...its because we go through life treating everyone the same. And kids usually follow the example of the parents.
In working with kids, I have seen some pretty bad things from the "other side"...meaning what some black parents are teaching THEIR kids (mostly in the welfare sections) but I won't go there today...
Suzy, trust me - I had to do some research before believing the magazine cover was real too!
In a perverse way, I think the liberals are trying to make racism the equivalent of the Christian concept of "original sin" - that is, you're unavoidably born into it (even if you've never acted on it), and you're stuck with it until you seek and find redemption. And of course, it's the liberals who offer the only "salvation" there.
White House throws Carter under the bus on race comments
Philip - Yes, the Whitehouse is throwing Carter under the bus, but Obama isn't. He ran as a healer...the "post-racial" candidate who would end the ugly politics of racism in our country. As such, he should personally be speaking up to defend Wilson and the many thousands of protestors who came to Washington.
His failure to do so amounts to violation of a significant campaign promise at the same time he's asking the American people to trust him with seismic change in our healthcare system and economy.
In other words, the longer Obama doesn't put an end to these insane and unjust accusations of racism, the more the American people will realize that he doesn't deserve the trust he hopes to capitalize on.
This boggles the mind. The left's obsession with race, born in Marxism, knows no bounds. Now that we're "born" racist, they can justify all sort of social (in)justice programs to compensate for our intrinsic evil.
Matt, you've summed it up perfectly. The left doesn't want anyone to be able to "opt out" of racial guilt, so they're trying to prove that racism is as primal and universal as DNA.
It also seems worth noting that it's handy for the pro-abortion left to posit that babies can be racist...and therefore deserving of termination even before they've done anything wrong. Or anything at all, for that matter.
Stilt - I couldn't agree with you more.
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