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The few mainstream news sources that mention this weekend's Tea Party protest in Washington DC are describing the attendance as in the "thousands." Oddly, overseas news outlets are estimating the crowd at "up to two million protestors," and have the pictures to prove it.
So once again, the question becomes are you going to believe the media...or your own lying eyes?
Move along folks, nothing to see here...
The shameful non-coverage of 9/12
Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital
Philip, thanks for the links! The second one goes to a lot of great pictures (and incidentally, readers can also see them by clicking on the "lying eyes" link up in the commentary under today's cartoon).
Not only is it astonishing that the major media would try to ignore all of this...but how impressive is it that there was a gathering of this size with no rioting, no fighting, no crowd control problems, or anything of the sort. Rather, you had a sea of people all singing The National Anthem together and gathering peacefully to remind the government that they should be of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Even Fox News didn't make a huge deal about it...hmm.
Bammy is on track to his final Narcissistic Breakdown and that will cause a lot of temporary danger but eventual resurgence of America the beautiful !
Great one sir. Fox did cover the event, but it seems it was mostly a Beck thing.
Great one, you can use this over and over with Van Jones under coverage, Acorn and just about every act committed by the Obama administration.
See the pictures :
'Time to put Nana Pelosi in a home'
Thanks for the comments (and the link to some truly hilarious signs)! It's still a bit unclear just how many people were at the rally...but it's not unclear that it was a huge number. Too many to be ignored by any legitimate media (or, for that matter, any legitimate government).
Commenting on the protestors, senior Whitehouse adviser David Axelrod said that they could be ignored because they only represent "a minority." Funny...does this administration really want to be known as the one that doesn't care about minorities?
Rush Limbaugh said today that next rally should be held right outside the major media outlets where it cannot be ignored. Like...right on CNN's front lawn or something.
Suzy, that would be interesting...yet I'm sure the story still wouldn't be accurately reported.
In January 1993 I attended the National Right To Life march on DC. The US Parks Service stated that they estimated the crowd at over a quarter-million. On the news that night, the commentator said, "Today, over 20,000 protesters marched...".
If you were going into battle, 'spose it would matter if there were 20,000 enemy, or 250,000?
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