A recent poll of the president's approval numbers showed a double-digit drop from just a few weeks ago, owing to soaring unemployment rates, expanding deficits, the failure of the "stimulus," lack of presidential support for allies or freedom fighters, and unceasing criticism of the President's policies by media powerhouse Hope n' Change Cartoons.
Okay, the poll didn't really mention Hope n' Change, but we can dream...
Update 4/16/2011
It's been almost two years since this cartoon ran, and since that time Barack Hussein Obama has stayed busy doing great things for America to build his popularity. He successfully closed Guantanamo...won the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya...balanced the budget...brought down healthcare costs with Obamacare while adding 30 million uninsured to the system (without adding a dime to the deficit!)...brought unemployment down to historic lows...ended racial tension in the United States...strengthened our nation's ties to important allies like England and Israel...shared his entirely authentic birth certificate with the world...and personally created the "Drill, Baby, Drill" campaign which has brought the price of gasoline down to $1.29 per gallon.
Oh wait! He hasn't remotely done any of those things...or even tried to! Which is why current approval polls show Obama at his lowest ratings ever.
It seems that the more people get to know Barack Obama, the fewer there are who actually like him or his policies. Including, presumably, Bo the Whitehouse dog...who now refuses to appear in photos with Obama out of fear that it could hurt his political chances of someday being Hillary Clinton's dog.
How pathetic is it when being Hillary's dog would be a huge step up from being Barack Hussein's dog? Sad but true!
Bo would have to change his name to HC. Which means YOU'd have to continue doing Hope n' Change cartoons. No rest for the honest Stilton.
You forgot capturing Bin Laden and successfully conducting a civil trial in NYC where he is found guilty and sentenced to something more harsh than "community service".
Oh, and get over the "gas price" thing, will you? For decades now whenever the price of gas was anything less than $3/gallon, the progressives have endlessly whined that we need >$6 gas so that we can be more like they fantasize their Euro-welfare-state brethren being. So when they feign sympathy for hapless consumers facing the possibility of >$4/gallon by summer, it's complete BS. The only problem is that their fantasy includes them collecting >$3/gallon in taxes on it for the expansion of the welfare state.
Bill's been Hillary's bi-ach for years...
And yes, HE's more popular than the President.
Agreed, John, "progressives" want to drive out oil as the fuel for the engine of freedom. Bad news is that there's not yet anything to replace it with - so we'll 'progress' back to horses, and wood fired trains (Imagine what THAT would do to the forests!) and foot power.
Then, think on the sanitary issues of a million horses in your city.
Yeah, right.
Lees efficient from a carbon standpoint, too...
@Earl- Why would I ever want to stop doing Hope n' Change and miss out on the big, big money I get from the Koch brothers?
@John the Econ- I didn't forget Bin Laden, I just saved him for tomorrow's cartoon...
And yes, the progressives love the idea of expensive gasoline...they just don't love the idea of paying a high political price for it.
@Pete(Detroit)- Why do I imagine that the future "low tech/green energy" solution will involve pale folks like me picking cotton in government-owned fields while singing spirituals?
Heh, SPEAKING of David Koch - did anyone see him featured on the list of top contributors to PBS a few days back?
The conservative conspiracy is the most confused movement EVER.
Personally, I fear for Bo's future when his usefulness as a prop for Turd-boy finally runs out. In fact, I care far more for the future of Bo than I do BO. I guess I just have a soft spot in my heart for dogs that I don't have for socialist wolves.
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