In these strange days of Hope and Change, good news ain't what it used to be. Specifically, the latest example of "good" news is that Barack Hussein Obama has proclaimed "I am not a dictator." The bad news is that, when the comment is understood in context, he wishes he was a dictator so he could do away with Congress, the Constitution, and Conservatives.
Specifically, the president's comment was made in response to a jaw-droppingly idiotic question from an alleged journalist who asked why Obama can't head off the sequester cuts by forcing GOP members into a meeting and not letting them go until they make a deal. To which the president lamented that "the issue is not my persuasive power" but the fact that he's not a dictator - the clear implication being that if he were, by God, he could get this country moving again!
Of course, this is far from the first time that Barry has blamed his failures on the limitations of the presidency. He has previously whined that he is not the Emperor of the United States, and his job requires him (apparently unwillingly) to execute laws that are passed. And why hasn't the president achieved immigration reform? Because "I'm not a king."
And it's not just the limitations of his office which annoy B. Hussein - it's the snippy "hey, we've got rights" attitude of the annoying American people. How else to explain his remark that he would find it "easier to be the president of China." This is a United States president who looks at Tiananmen Square and is on the side of the freaking tanks.
America is facing serious problems right now, many of them caused or made worse by this president. But the reason these problems persist is not the fact that Barack Obama is "not a dictator." Rather, the problem is he is not an even marginally competent leader.
Now that's funny!
I heard she said it reminded her of her husband's penis. When asked if it was that big, she replied... "No, but it's that dirty".
@Stilton "and his job requires him (apparently unwillingly) to execute laws that are passed."...Only when they suit his agenda or advance his plan to destroy the United States, otherwise he and the DOJ ignore them or otherwise flaunt their non compliance/enforcement. The most flagrant is the 'Defense of Marriage Act' which he said as soon as he took office that he had no intention of enforcing, then the next example is the 'WARN Act' which not only did he violate, he had every trial lawyer in the US yelling "It's Christmas" when he said that the US taxpayer will pay the fines and court costs for any company guilty of violating the WARN Act by not sending the layoff notices out just prior to the election. Remember "Sequestration Will Not Happen", yeah!, and I have this bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in.
I truly wonder if the 'Obama Legacy' will be to count up the number of laws and Constitutional Amendments this upsurper of the Presidency, this 'Constitutional Law Professor' who was not a professor will have trampled on. I believe that one of Obama's true legacies will be proving Benjamin Franklin's quote: When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.", the other will be in his own mind - for everyone else, it would be a criminal indictment.
Remember that kid back in grade school that was an insolent little whining booger eater that nobody could stand, but you had to let him play because he owned the football? Wanna bet French-fry-dick was that kid?
Great toons today, Dr, J! Keep 'em coming!
Dick Tater! Thanks for the laugh. My belly is still jiggling from this one. Bravo!
Stilton - Keep 'em comin'. Loved this cartoon/commentary. Of course the band of Stiltonites also add so much to the comments!
Yes, the president wishes he had vastly more power -- so he can screw up some more.
But you know, DOMA was mention in the comments above as some egregious breach of presidential power. However, some laws are just indefensible, and some presidents are correct like a broken clock, twice a day.
There is no way to "enforce" DOMA -- it doesn't levy a charge or state a crime. There's no enforcement provisions, and there's no penalties. No one can be brought to court for breaking the law. It has to be the strangest law not to enforce, for, enforce what? Oh, so, he's not defending the law which is under so many constitutional challenges it won't end till the law is gone, so, the money spent is wasted anyway -- finally he's fiscally prudent, and there's complaint?
Well, OK, so the Congress took up the cudgel. They're spending $3 million to "defend" the law that penalizes gay folks only (in a bill of attainder sort of way) -- but don't worry, gay folks tax dollar defend the law against us, it's not your money. Aren't we swell fellows? For fun, the BLAG, Boehner's group, wrote a brief filled with lies and mush that gay folks are a threat to society and marriage, it's mind numbing.
Meanwhile, conservatives want laws that actually work, and the Defense of Marriage Act is Orwellian named because it doesn't defend marriage, and any hetero might get divorced, shack up, be an unwed mother or abandoning dad, and mass murderers can get married too. Nor does it stop gay folks from getting married, saying their married, and exercising their 1st amendment religious rights to have clergy bless the marriage. No, the government we call on to be rational irrationally refuses to recognize in family law what gay couples already do under commercial law, and then take our taxes anyway.
I think the Gay thing and DOMA are just not in this discussion, actually, of the mad president and his corrupt and inept regime. We were here before the idiot, and we'll be here after -- on the gay thing, you deal with us, not the president.
He's not a dictator but he plays one on TV.
Nice picture. Not only does it show a dick tater, it also includes a sour puss...
I wonder if he has a shrine to Lenin in the basement of the White House?
With apologies to Paul Harvey...And God Made A Liberal
@Jim: Now, now - let's not miss the forest of the comment for the trees of the named issue: DOMA is a law on the books. Øbama is the executive tasked with enforcing the laws on the books. He cannot simply choose which ones he wants to enforce and which ones he doesn't based on his own version of morality (though there is precedent; just not as repetitive and blatant as his actions...). The decision not to enforce a law lies within the judicial branch.
Too, DOMA isn't really about any of the things you cite gay couples can do because, as you aptly point out, they do them anyway. DOMA is a fiscal policy, barring gay couples from enjoying a legal status that brings with it certain financial "perks" - like spousal health care, for instance (which, notably, vast swaths of THE PRIVATE SECTOR allow to gay couples and even unmarried heterosexual couples enjoy). Øbamacare may have made the issue of health care moot (unless the higher risk lifestyle attracts the attention of the death panels - just watch: it's coming.); however, it is still motivated more by "look what they're getting" than the oft cited "how come we can't do that" - classic use of envy and greed as political motivators...
@Mark@Bismarck- I pride myself on my subtlety.
@Dr Jazz- I'm not surprised, considering where it's been.
@Grumpy Curmudgeon- A president who complains about being constrained by laws is a danger which more people should find genuinely frightening. The Obama/Holder/Napolitano triumverate has made a mockery of our legal system and Constitution.
@Colby- I'm sure Barry was the little booger eater. After all, that's the classic Indonesian condiment used on dog meat.
@David- Some days, a cheap laugh is nearly as good as a cheap whiskey.
@Irene Peduto- Glad that you liked the cartoon, but don't start calling people here "Stiltonites" or I'll end up having the government give me the Waco treatment!
@Jim Hlavac- It drives me nuts that Conservatives are still allowing Liberals to beat them over the head with something like DOMA. When I think of problems facing my country and my family, worrying about same sex marriage is about bazillionth on my list. Okay, it's actually not even ON my list, but I wanted to write the word "bazillionth."
That being said, I don't like Barry just declaring which laws he decides won't be enforced - it makes the whole process of law making moot. And while I'm not keen on DOMA enforcement (whatever it would be), I'm not happy about Barry basically declaring "hands off" on immigration enforcement, or (via back channels) "hands off" the thieving, raping, vandalizing thugs in Occupy Wallstreet.
If B. Hussein doesn't like laws, he should work to change them. If he gives orders to circumvent the law, he should be impeached.
@Sparky Hudson- And he's pretty convincing, too.
@CenTexTim- That sounds like the worst entree on a Chinese menu.
@Snowpuss- I'm sure that Barry has a shrine in the Whitehouse, but its centerpiece is a mirror.
@Grumpy Curmudgeon- I MISS PAUL HARVEY! Sorry for shouting, but I feel very strongly about it.
@Emmentaler- Well stated, indeed.
I respectfully beg to differ, Stilton. Barry doesn't use condiments; it's so much easier to just get your ho an abortion afterwards.
And I agree 101% that the person who laid his hand on the Bible swearing to uphold the law and constitution, and then circumvented it should be making license plates, not taking luxury vacations that we pay for. Just like the Senate that is required by law to submit a budget every year, and hasn't done so in nearly FOUR years should all go to jail. Let's face it, there are now basically two people running things; Turdboy and that dung beetle Harry Reid. Thanks to the "press," Turdboy is untouchable, but we can neutralize Reid in 2014 if we work hard and keep spreading the word.
Nice link, Grunpy!
Fat finger strikes again.... "Nice link, GruMpy!"
"That sounds like the worst entree on a Chinese menu."
Chinese menu, huh? Okay...
The other day obama had lunch at Adolph Wong's German-Chinesse restaurant. The food was great, but an hour after he ate he was hungry for power...
Stilt I sent you an email... i think some DH named Chong is stealing your toons and hacking everyone's emails...
@BC- To the best of my marginally sleuthy ability, it seems that the grouping of my cartoons were sent out by a conservative writer (yay!) and I believe the effort was well-intended. Humorously, this particular group of cartoons has been floating around the Internet for a couple of years (with my credits removed) and a message that the cartoons were created by the fearless journalists in England, who aren't afraid to stand up to our pipsqueak-in-chief.
As nearly as I can tell, no harm done. In fact, this is a good time to remind everyone that I LOVE it when you share the cartoons! Just don't remove the credits or sell them.
Yep, that's why Barry idolizes Hugo Chavez. I would hate to see Barry get Hugo's power, but I wouldn't complain if he got Hugo's current state of health.
@Colby- If Amos & Andy were still in production, the jokes would write themselves.
And regarding laws, if Barry can decide to ignore laws, and illegal aliens can ignore laws, and Occupy Wall Street can ignore laws, then where the hell are the laws I can choose to ignore?!
@CenTexTim- Sadly, owing to devastating sequester cuts, I had to furlough the Hope n' Change nightclub drummer - otherwise your punchline would have gotten a rimshot.
Just to let you know, every time I receive the email with your cartoons attributed to the Brits, I correct the email, forward it to my friends encouraging them to visit here, and reply to the sender with the correct attribution and an invitation to visit here.
Just to let you know, every time I receive the email with your cartoons attributed to the Brits, I correct the email, forward it to my friends encouraging them to visit here, and reply to the sender with the correct attribution and an invitation to visit here.
Same here. And I also chide the sender for being too lazy to check things out for themselves - Especially when I get those notes from people I know to be HNCC fans. But, I guess, that's just because I'm a grouchy old white man...
In that last cartoon, isn't there supposed to be a comma between dick and tater? Enquiring minds want to know!
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