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On the heels of the historic Democratic defeat in Massachusetts which effectively scuttled Obamacare and "Cap and Trade," the president apparently felt the need to prove that his political mojo was still working.
His subsequent announcement of new, bank-bashing regulations and a war on Wall Street sent stocks crashing...which is presumably the reaction he was hoping for. All investment gains for 2010 were wiped out, as the market plunged 430 points in just 3 days.
Small wonder, then, that a recent study found that nearly 8 out of 10 investors believe the president is too anti-business. The other 2 out of 10 investors probably believe it too, but don't want to risk getting another bitch-slap.
Oh, and one other thing...

Today, Hope n' Change Cartoons is officially one year old! We're proud that we've never missed a day, though we regret that there's also never been a day when we were lacking for material.
We are grateful to other blogs and bloggers who have given us encouragement and guidance, including (but not limited to) SondraK, Autographed Letter Signed, Angie, Diversity Lane, Day by Day, Conservative Blogs Central, and The JimmyZShow - all of whom can be found in our "Great Blogs" sidebar.
Hope n' Change Cartoons is usually a labor of love...and occasionally a labor of duty. It's our goal (and challenge) to help conservatives laugh while at the same time commenting on the very serious issues of the day. Additionally, we try to link to newsworthy stories from credible sources so you'll be getting facts as well as opinion.
We are sincerely grateful for the support of our readers...and are especially appreciative to those people who re-post cartoons, share them via email, or simply encourage others to visit the site.
THANK YOU for sharing this first crazy year of Hope n' Change Cartoons with us!
-Stilton Jarlsberg, MD
We are grateful to other blogs and bloggers who have given us encouragement and guidance, including (but not limited to) SondraK, Autographed Letter Signed, Angie, Diversity Lane, Day by Day, Conservative Blogs Central, and The JimmyZShow - all of whom can be found in our "Great Blogs" sidebar.
Hope n' Change Cartoons is usually a labor of love...and occasionally a labor of duty. It's our goal (and challenge) to help conservatives laugh while at the same time commenting on the very serious issues of the day. Additionally, we try to link to newsworthy stories from credible sources so you'll be getting facts as well as opinion.
We are sincerely grateful for the support of our readers...and are especially appreciative to those people who re-post cartoons, share them via email, or simply encourage others to visit the site.
THANK YOU for sharing this first crazy year of Hope n' Change Cartoons with us!
-Stilton Jarlsberg, MD
Thank YOU for bringing it to us!
Stilt - Check this song.
Happy Birthday! And a special thanks to Obama for helping make it happen...haha.
Happy anniversary, SJ! Thanks for creating quality work. One of your creations made it to the final round in the Best Toons of 2009 voting at a couple of sites:
Happy Birthday! You're a daily read.
Stilt -
If there IS a "silver lining" to three more years of an Obama presidency it's that we've got you and your work to look forward to
Keep up the great work and thanks for a hilarious first year!
Dan M
You're doing a great job! I love waking up and looking at my RSS feed to see the new slice of Jarlsberg humor on Hope 'n' Change.
War on Wall St? The same folks who played chicken with him a year prior. The same folks who fraudulently represented, rated, sold, and shorted MBS? I could give a crap about Wall St. We need a banking system, not particular banks. It's about time someone addressed the insanity. Where are your cartoons about Bernanke, Paulson, Geithner, Frank, Dodd? FFS, Barry is small, partisan potatoes compared to those guys working hand in hand with Wall St. to destroy our country.
Anonymous- We agree with several of your points, and you will indeed find cartoons in the archives about many of the people you mention.
But "Wall Street" isn't trying to destroy our country. Are there abuses in the financial industries that need correcting? Ohhhhh yes. Are there financial sharks who should be heading to jail? Definitely. And enabling politicians who should share the same cells (even though Frank might enjoy it)? No question.
But "Wall Street" is Obama's code for America's business establishment or, to put it more directly, capitalism.
We definitely need to correct what's wrong (and should support the president if he makes positive steps in this direction), without destroying the engine that makes possible much of what is right about our country.
Happy Birthday!
Happy 1st Birthday to Hope n' Change! As always...one of my favorite sites. Thanks!
Nobody quite grasps the subtlety of sarcasm the way you do. Felice cumplianos and don't stop till they send somebody after you.
You always make my day! Congratulations on making it into your second year.
embycil- "Nobody quite grasps the subtlety of sarcasm the way you do." Now that, my friend, is praise - and I thank you!
Congrats and good work, Dr. Cheese!
Annoyed White Male
Congrats, Doc! Here's to another year of material-- hopefully at a lower cost, though!
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