As we celebrate Easter, it's a good time to remember the people who are important to us. Like the pastor you followed for 20 years, and respected enough to have him baptize your children.
Update 4/24/2011
I couldn't resist bringing back "Jeremiah Wright in a Bunny Suit" for this Easter edition of the Hope n' Change Vault. After initially showing him in this get-up, I think I used Jeremiah several more times in other scenarios...without really bothering to explain why he was still dressed like the Easter Bunny. Or, in these politically correct times, perhaps he was the "Planting Season Bunny," who distributes "Spring Spheres" (rather than Easter eggs) to kids. Sigh...
In any event, you have a much better chance of seeing the real Easter Bunny today than you do of seeing Jeremiah Wright welcomed at the Whitehouse. Rosa Parks may have made sure that Blacks don't have to go to the back of the bus, but Barack Obama has demonstrated quite clearly that it's still okay to throw them under the bus.
But putting all of that aside for now, Hope n' Change wishes all of our readers a very happy Easter, and a joyous and meaningful day to everyone no matter what their faith.
God Bless us, everyone
And let us remember the old admonition that serves well when we think of our current federal government -- "don't put all your eggs in one basket." Even if they're colored. Or if they're "spring oblong spheres."
And especially don't tell them you got a chocolate bunny for this day -- or they'll tax the ears right off of it.
Other than that, Happy Easter everyone.
He is risen. (and I ain't talking about Obama's poll numbers)
No matter what the Great Usurper says, your pastor is always a great influence in your life, your values and upon your thought process. Of course, if you have no morals, you deny him/her; something akin to .... Judas?
God Bless America...
Stilt, this story is unrelated to today's topic, but might serve as a basis for one of your future cartoons on how uncaring a uninformed this administration is. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/674360-thierry-henry-chicago-blackhawks-manny-pacquiao-and-fridays-top-sports-buzz/entry/68122-pat-tillman-on-anniversary-of-his-death-controversy-still-swirls As a retired Air Force Chief, I have nothing but disdain for these people.
He is risen indeed! Hold fast, friends. Have a blessed day.
@Ricko-Tyler- One wonders how Obama can claim that he recalls the Muslim call to prayer as one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth, but seemingly can't remember a single word spoken by Jeremiah Wright in 20 years of church services.
@robsan19- Thanks for pointing me at that story; it's interesting. And also thank you for your service to our country. I'm continually humbled by the number of military people who visit this site.
That for the better part of the last two millennia Western civilization has been virtually indistinguishable from Christianity will be denied only by either those who are ignorant of their inheritance or those who resent it. The attempt to purge Easter of every last vestige of its religious character is a function of this larger enterprise to purge the West of all remaining traces of its Christian character.
Easter is nothing less than Christ's resurrection from the dead. It is this event upon which Christianity hinges. To paraphrase Saint Paul, if Christ didn't rise from the dead, then there is no justification for our faith. Ultimately, Christmas and Easter are inseparable episodes in The Greatest Story Ever Told; we can't have one without the other. But considered abstractly, Easter is by far the most religiously significant. It is at that moment that the life and work of Christ reach their climax. It is on Easter Sunday that the tides of world history are forever turned. It is then that humanity receives its new lease on life, its liberation from both death and, thus, the fear of death.
Easter is what it is and trying to pretend it is suddenly something else is stupid. That's obvious even to an ignoble "dirt worshipper" like me - have some common sense, folks. Happy Easter to all the believers out there.
James, seems like common sense is a thing of the past...I appreciate your comment...the things of God have been and will always be under attack because although the concepts of God make the most sense, the natural mind cannot accept them; you must be born again from above. For those who do not belive this, what do you have to lose to believe
God? What have you to gain from going your own way?
@Readers- The subject of Easter continues into tomorrow's cartoon. The extent to which the Whitehouse has decided that the true subject of the day is the "Easter Bunny" has put a considerable hare up my ass. To be continued!
I frankly have no idea what religion (or not) is truely Obama's. But for someone to have Wright for his spiritual mentor, has a disturbing middle name (not his fault of course), and has held a sedar meal every year he's been in the Whitehouse, he seems to do a "passover" on the most important day for true Christians. Which of course he claims to be. I haven't listened to every word he's spoken, but I'd sure like to know if he's ever spoken the names "Jesus" or "Christ" (in a reverent way, that is).
I think he worships at the idol of Himself! As all fools do!
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