As expected, the mainstream media used the occasion of "Earth Day" to repeat and promote the many myths and distortions about man-caused climate change. And Climategate? Sorry, never heard of it.
The push is well-timed (not coincidentally) to help lay the groundwork for the introduction of "Cap and Trade" legislation next week...which some are accurately calling a "Global Warming Tax."
Here at Hope n' Change, we're all for trees, forests, clean air, clean water, recycling, energy conservation and other green-friendly ideas. But we're also rather partial to science. And when it comes to man-caused climate change - let alone a new tax to "change the change" - we think it has more than a passing resemblance to what a bear does in the woods...
Earth Day 2010: "We Cry...Because Trees Can't"
Update 4/23/2011
Today's cartoon came out of the archives because we wouldn't want "Earth Day" to go by without a mention, and also because we just can't resist one more viewing of the idiots in the videoclip who weep and wail as they share the pain of...trees.
Of course, these are the same morons who also summon up tears of outrage for unions which lose collective bargaining agreements, terrorists who are "unfairly" detained at Guantanamo, children who are given life-threatening chocolate milk in schools, or any attempt whatsoever to balance the budget.
Watch the video and study the way they combine ignorance with passion. And then remember that their votes count just as much as yours.
Now there's a reason to cry.
Hey. HEY. Who says that woman votes democrat? How could you POSSIBLY know that? You're just playing off of enviormentalist stereotypes! It's not exactly "ignorant" to be upset at the results of suburbanization either - it's a subject that I could imagine bringing forth a manly tear or two.
HOWEVER don't think I'm sticking up for those jokers too much - because crying doesn't solve anything HERE any more than it does in any other situations! If you want change, DO SOMETHING, get involved - that ridiculous little demonstration accomplishes ZILCH for the enviorment. All it does is make the whole crew feel better about themselves - it's an attention-seeking exercise, nothing more.
In fact, those people and other like them are hurting the enviormentalist cause more than they are helping it. Who would possibly take a group with such ridiculous individuals associated with it seriously?
James - "All it does is make the whole crew feel better about themselves - it's an attention-seeking exercise, nothing more.
In fact, those people and other like them are hurting the enviormentalist cause more than they are helping it. Who would possibly take a group with such ridiculous individuals associated with it seriously? "
And you wonder why we're convinced they're Democrats?
(ba-dum CHING!)
Earthers, if I may call them that, are all echo friendly indeed; "more taxes" "more taxes" echoed all over the land. "More government, more government." The echos resonate back and forth from these people all day long. What's that? Eco? Not Echo? Oops, my bad.
Of course, if they were planting trees instead of "feeling the pain" I'd feel better. Though, I did read yesterday that one of the "founders" of this malarkey "Earth Day" did, um, "compost" his girlfriend in the closet of his apartment. Which did cause some eco-issues to the people downstairs indeed. But which makes me nervous to be around his followers. Good thing this video shows them out in the forest. And I'm sure no idiots were harmed in the making of it; though perhaps a tree should have fallen first, so the viewers would not be harmed. And I would have felt their pain, truly, as the tree made the sound, briefly. But no, they got back in their V-8 SUV's and drove to Al Gore's 20,000 square foot house to release the drivel to the world.
Meanwhile, the "global warming" crowd continue to meet in far off tropical paradises in Januaries to hold their conventions; and they seem never to go to the tundra to chill. Apparently the polar bears don't like visitors.
@ Jim H. : actually, the polar bears like visitors! much easier to catch than seals, although the visitors are a bit more difficult to skin out prior to eating.
I saw an article on Fox the other day talking about some group in the UK or something...???? that were trying to decide if "Mother Earth" or "Mother Nature" deserved human rights....I didn't even read the article as it sounded worthless but it might be worth Googling in light of this comic...
Oh okay here it is:
Its very anti-capitalism...just skimmed it...really scary stuff, actually. That there are really people seriously discussing this.
@Readers- For the record, Hope n' Change is pro-environment and anti-idiot.
As far as Mother Nature being given "human rights," I don't know why she'd be willing to take the demotion.
Priceless. This could be an ONION news parody clip.
Psychodrama and amateur method acting...and a women's group ('Cyndee') caterwauling for the camera. I love the one who's channeling Spock's mind-meld with the lava monster.
You just can't make this stuff up.
And sadly yes, come '12 someone will send a (paid) bus for them so they can cancel out my vote.
"Earth First"? Cannot say for sure, but usually people of this ilk are for saving trees, but killing unborn babies. And, where's that Westboro Baptist Church when you need them, oh, they only do that to PEOPLE!
Here on Easter weekend, I know not everyone here is a believing child of God (notice I did not say 'christian', a term used much too loosely), celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; celebrating when God made a way for all of us whether we choose to take it or not, I am reminded by this video that we humans do have a need to mourn something, even it is just a dang tree!
Here's what we do: If each of us who has our heads extracted from our own backsides will commit to talk to 10 libs/mods, you know, the fools who voted for the current alleged prez, using facts and logic, relentlessly, over and over, NEVER backing up or remaining silent, THEN in 2012 and thereafter enough of those idiots will either stay home in discouragement or vote right that the "progressives" will never win another election. Or at least a national majority. The margins are THAT slim. It's up to US! GO TEAM, GO!!!
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