Attorney General Eric Holder has come under fire from a bipartisan group of Senators for his desire to abolish the Justice Department's Obscenity Prosecution Task Force, which pursues traffickers of hardcore pornographic materials.
Pornography, which regularly appears on government computers (and was only officially banned during alleged "working hours" last year), is a so-called "victimless crime" because it only affects the performers (who were frequently victims of child abuse), as well as women who are subsequently degraded by men, men who develop addictive behaviors, children who are increasingly exposed to sexualized materials of the most bizarre and brutal types, and farm animals who...well...we'd rather not say.
Holder is defending his decision to loosen his firm, "hands on" approach to porn (so to speak) by pointing out that getting rid of the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force would give him more time and money to not prosecute illegal aliens, not prosecute voter-intimidating Black Panthers, not prosecute people sending death threats to Conservatives, and not prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He will, however, be able to devote full time to his primary responsibility in Washington, which is making Barack Obama look at least somewhat Black by comparison.
Hope n' Change wishes to be very clear that we have no reason to believe that Holder is turning his back on the porn industry simply because it makes billions of taxable dollars ever year...and may be necessary for such liberal bastions as California to remain afloat. Nor would we suggest that the wealthy and oh-so-liberal porn producers are sending campaign funds to Democrats to help keep Conservatives (and morality) at legal arm's length.
But these are all old and possibly outdated concepts. Hope n' Change formed its worldview back when good was good, and bad was bad...when civility was shown, and pornography hidden...and when laws were actually enforced.
In other words, it was a time when the government considered vile magazines an obscenity... instead of our Constitution.
The history of Turd-boy's socialist radicalism, as well as his incompetence, is written in his appointments...and I don't mean his daily planner.
Continuing the decline. Just one more "law" this administration will negate simply by choosing not to enforce it. (You left DoM off your list.)
If a law needs changing, or even elimination, do that. Failure to enforse laws simply because you wish it didn't exist is NOT what our system is about.
Oh, and did you hear that it has been suggested that, to put the whole "birther" thing to rest, we should abolish the natural-born clause in the Constitution?
No, Chuck, I hadn't heard. What an abomination, if true. I'm sure Ahrnold and Jenny Granholm (lovely former governor of MI - born in Canada) would love it...
As for laws not enforced, look no further than firearms. Every time there's an incident, reactionary jerkwads start screaming for more laws. More laws will NOT help, not when enforcement ignores the laws we already have. As do the criminals, naturally. That's like WHY they're criminals, you know? They ignore laws?
What is truly obscene is the entire Obamunist (mis)administration...
What has always depressed me is that the left and popular media considers Larry Flynt a "free speech patriot" while at the same time political correctness and "hate speech" laws and codes strive to squelch the very kind of political debate that the 1st Amendment was specifically created to protect.
That's the real perversion in America.
@John the Econ,
Boy, no kidding! I'm sure glad somebody is trying to protect our children and grandchildren from he likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
I can't wait until publications like Hustler are required reading in public schools. We don't want our kids learning this stuff on the streets, you know.
Colby, I'd be a lot happier w/ relaxing nudity taboos and letting kids get turned on by things that MATTER, like brains, and personality, that don't show up in photos anyway.
Problem is, as always, quality control. Most folks willing / able to walk around nekkid, you REALLY don't want to look at.
Then there's the poor Muslims - trained to think of ankles / knees as erotic 'need to be covered' bits. ANY fitness / running / swimming mag is going to be like Hustler to them...
I just want to remind you all once again that even a little revolution is a very ugly thing. And it's just about time that we had one!
@Doktor Paulie- Why is it that Mel Brooks makes more and more sense these days?
I've always wondered why Hollywood isn't at the top of Al Queda's list of Western "abominations" to destroy? Seems it shows up in chatter, but never in a meaningful way. I would think most radical islamists would consider Hollywood the epitome of Western decadence; heck, there are plenty of times it represents that to me.
@Earl- I think Al Qaeda doesn't single out the Hollywood machine which pushes an amoral and immoral agenda, because they don't see it as being "apart" from mainstream American culture. Which, increasingly, it isn't.
Interesting that we expect the "good Muslims" to speak out against the excesses of the "bad Muslims," but so few Americans are willing to speak out against the people who are so actively corrupting our morals and culture.
Your "rants" are almost as funny as the cartoons now - the last sentence of the second paragraph made me laugh pretty hard, although I disagree with the actual point of the passage (why I should pity "victims" when they are suffering of their own free will?)
Also! I just want to say that the fact that "Mallard Fillmore" isn't on your list of reccomended comics over on Johnny Optimism makes me smile. Politics are politics, but we have to have some artistic standards, after all.
@Jamie- Glad you enjoy the rants, although I prefer to think of them as "bare knuckle editorials." (grin)
And while I don't feel a tremendous amount of pity for the people who are either in, or support, the porn industry, I believe there are other innocent victims (whether spousal relationships or the sexualization of children) as our culture slips further into an abyss.
By the way, I'm not talking about Playboy magazine and R-rated movies here...I'm talking about stuff that I don't even want to hint at that curdles minds and rots souls.
Regarding "Mallard Fillmore," I'm glad the cartoon exists...but seriously, it just doesn't make me laugh. That's one of the reasons Hope n' Change was created...because I didn't think there were enough conservative cartoons out there that were actually funny.
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