On Tuesday, McDonald's gave Barack Obama the gift of rising employment numbers by hiring 50,000 new employees in a single day.
The jobs, which start at $8 an hour, were once considered "starter positions" for teens...but at some locations, the majority of slots are filled by adults and working parents who are grateful to find any work at all in the Obamaconomy.
But how can McDonald's afford to be hiring? Part of the answer may come from the fact that the fast food giant saved a "supersized" amount of money when they were granted a waiver from Obamacare.
Of course, the idea that companies with "more money" can do "more hiring" is preposterous according to the alleged president, who is simultaneously working to raise business's taxes, healthcare costs, and energy costs. Which presumably will continue to kill professional positions across the country, and free up more applicants to work at McDonald's as counter help.
Or, if the economy continues on its current path...as meat.
I heard once, in the context of a banana republic, that government employment was hidden unemployment.
McDonald's is paying Obama back for exempting them from Obamacare, with a little more hidden unemployment.
This will make Obama's unemployment numbers look good for a "change".
I'd love to see the McDonalds employment numbers/monthly salary totals for February 2011 (2 months before all the hiring), May 2011 (a month after) and November 2011 (six months after that). What do you want to bet that the November numbers are closer to the February numbers than they are to the May numbers? But we'll never know because it would run counter to the MSM narrative.
Since we're all supposed to stop eating fries and burgers and stop drinking malts -- to stem the tide of obesity -- and thus not eat at McDonald's at all -- to whom will all these fine people be selling anything?
And if they're all in the lettuce & tomato picking department than that will take jobs away from the illegals, which could be a problem with his core constituency.
And since the new hires may well be very white, that would be racism, too.
Oh, what failures we do achieve, when we manage to deceive and poke the government's nose into the economy.
McHope 'n' Change :(
I was wondering what Jim is talking about...its like...wait...they are suing over happy meal toys and pushing salads and apple dippers and saying our kids should not eat McD's (although on the other hand, they aren't allowed to play fun, healthy games on the playground or at camp anymore either) but then Obama gave them a waiver and now they are hiring more people so....so sounds like Michelle and Barack are pulling the rope at opposite directions. Haha. Crazy stuff.
Who is John Galt?
Nice that all the unemployed Teachers still have a job where they can serve the kiddos!
Yes, it's an indication that the economy's picking up
Yes, it's amazing what happens when the gov't gets the hell out of the way, freeing up capitol for something USEFUL.
And yes, it's yet another facet of the many mirrored 'hyprocracy-go-round'...
PLEASE - Someone, SOMEWHERE can we PLEASE find some adults to run this country?
Do notice that when a non-Democrat administration is in the White House or controls Congress, all new jobs created are derided as "burger flipper" jobs; meaning that the "good" jobs don't exist anymore. Not-so strangely, that narrative faded away after 2008. So now they are actually celebrating the creation of burger flipper jobs as the only bright spot on the economic growth curve.
How times change, and stay the same all at the same time.
There's a Johnny Optimism feel to today's cartoon. Maybe Obama can arrange for free MRI's for kids in the outdoor playground tubes. And do away with those dangerous toys that lure kids to fat and sugar.
@Proof- I hadn't heard the saying "Government employment is hidden unemployment" but I love it. Especially apt now that government (ahem) "workers" outnumber all the manufacturing jobs in our country.
@Chuck- You're right, the mainstream media will only share "All The News That Fits...The Narrative."
@Jim Hlavac & Suzy- Despite Michelle Obama's valiant "War on Obesity," there will be no bad repercussions from people eating at McDonald's because the alleged president has issued a "Grease Waiver" that officially makes Big Macs and Fries calorie-free through 2012.
@John the Econ- I was thinking the same thing; the Dems used to love to sneer at "burger flippers" but I assume they'll all be bursting with pride at this sudden spurt of employment "growth."
@Earl- At least I believe the Obama administration is serious about wanting kids to avoid fat and sugar: after all, the government is going to need those kids to pay high taxes for a long, long time.
How long before we are an entire nation where the only jobs are service jobs? 1/3 of the country will work at McDonalds, 1/3 at Burger King, and 1/3 at Wendy's. All the beef will come from South America and all the produce will come from Mexifornia. The affluent among us (the McDonald's managers) will drive Chinese cars, and the rest will ride bicycles made in India. Canada will erect a giant fence to keep us the hell out.
While I was unemployed I applied for a McJob and interviewed, but I had the temerity to think I might be worth the princely sum of $10.00 per hour, so I didn't get the job. I should have remembered that thirty years in sales still only qualified me for Mcminimum wage. That was fine when I worked at the old white tile & golden arches when I was in high school, but today??
I had Subway for lunch.
Colby, don't kid yourself - I was manager at McD BITD, and guess what - STILL sucked! Pay was a LITTLE better, but longer hours, no OT... and I sure got tired of getting yelled at for other peoples screw-ups...
I.don't recall McDonald's lobbying in favor of this healthcare disaster, s if they want to opt out, more power to them.(if you lobbied for it you ought to be stuck with it!) I also know that McDONALD'S offers benefits. I think that this hiring was a direct snub to Obama's policies. I'm also glad to see 50K US workers take jobs that are available. It is almost always easier to get a job if you are already working. Good for McDONALD'S for.hiring.
Marj +1, all
What M the D said.
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