Barack Obama made a candid, honest, and truthful financial speech recently. Of course, it wasn't the lying, partisan crap which he vomited out on national television last week. Rather, as is the case with all of the alleged president's really interesting speeches, it was made behind closed doors to a friendly group of enthusiastic campaign donors.
In a previous circumstance, Mr. Obama used such an occasion to sneeringly say of people in the Midwest that "they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them." He said this for three reasons - the first being that he believes it, the second being that the uber-liberal San Francisco crowd he was addressing ate it up, and third (and most important) he didn't know he was being recorded.
And so it is that when talking to campaign donors several days ago, Mr. Obama admitted that not all money spent on government employees is a good investment. Specifically because some government workers "are slugs, and not trying to do their job." He did not single out Janet Napolitano, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, or Barney Frank by name...but it is widely known that the Secret Service will not let anyone approach those people until they've been thoroughly searched for salt shakers.
Interestingly, CBS has the original full-length audio tapes of the alleged president saying additional ugly things which are, for a change, how he really feels about the American people...but CBS is refusing to release those tapes because their tax-exempt status might be changed if they're found to be a news operation instead of a non-profit organization.
But at least Obama has cleared up that whole "slugs" question regarding government workers. And to think, until now Hope n' Change thought all of those slime trails in Washington DC belonged only to the politicians...
You got the slugs and the snails but you forgot the blood sucking leaches like Soros.
Slugs? I thought they were sloths. I was misinformed. At least they are the finest slugs money can buy. Right? Or am I misinformed on this too? Though at the rate things are going we may need slugs of a different sort. I'll start with a slug of tequila, with salt of course, and move on from there.
And people continue to be hoodwinked....
Is that going to be Obama's Campaign Mascot? I think it's great!
And I'm actually surprised that they are sticking with "Winning the Future" as the campaign slogan when it was pointed out, after they first came out with it, that it shortens to "W t F". While I personally believe it is apropos, I really thought they'd change it for something less obvious. But then again, they know their base won’t pick up on the obvious as it applies to the left.
@Chuck- I also thought that the Obama campaign would jettison "Winning The Future" when the WTF association was made. But nope, last week in his alleged budget-cutting speech, Obama said that fiscal responsibility was necessary if we're going to "win the future." And as goes the teleprompter, so goes the campaign.
Government: The employer of last resort.
It's not just that so many of these people don't do anything; it's that when they do something, it's either ridiculous at their most benign, or obstructive to honestly productive citizens at their worst.
And at other times, it's both: Thinking of the “Cape-A-Bility Challenge,” a $73,000 public-relations campaign by Workforce Central Florida featuring a cartoon character named “Dr. Evil Unemployment” and includes handing out about 6,000 red superhero capes to jobless Central Floridians.
The waste of money is bad enough. But what is even worse is the idea of a government agency treating grown adults literally like children; that there were government workers who actually thought this was a good idea. I know 8-year-olds who would have found this patronizing and insulting!
But on the other hand, perhaps the administrators at Workforce Central Florida are just ahead of the curve. After all, socialism is designed to render us as little more than infants under state care.
Hey now, slugs are just homeless snails, be nice.
I'm w/ Rick - getting rid of the slugs would be good, getting rid of the parasites is needful, getting rid of Soros would be a blessing!
John the Econ:
Please tell us you're yanking our chain about the "capes for unemployed" program. If not, then I've truly heard everything. I wonder who had the potentially dangerous job of handing out capes to unemployed people. That bit of stupidity could get someone strangled...with a cape.
@Angry Hoosier Dad- Sorry to say it, but John the Econ wasn't kidding with the "capes for unemployed" tax money boondoggle. And they really have named "Evil Doctor Unemployment" as the villain; not our debt-ridden economy and not job-killing policies from Washington. We're all living in Obama's comic book world now.
And it this sobering report, "Government Handouts" exceed Tax Revenues for the first time since 1936! Talk about unsustainable ...
Salt Shakers?
If only it were that simple....
It's all real AHD. Sane people cannot possibly make this kind of stuff up:
Even Ayn Rand couldn't conceive of this level of government absurdity. Clearly, only otherwise-useless and under-supervised state employees can. Perhaps they find unemployment to be a total joke, because they find being employed by the state to be such a comic-book-like existence.
And then the progressives wonder why the "Tea Party" folk get so angry and energized. I can only wish that the maturity-disabled and over-funded people that came up with "Evil Dr. Unemployment" get to learn that really being unemployed isn't a joke.
Who designed Dr. Evil Unemployment? What were they on? Oh, the work itself is fairly awful - completely unappelaing faux-Butch Hartman, but...what the hell is he supposed to BE? How does it make any SENSE? Is he...wearing a turtle-neck? WHY THE FUCK IS HE WEARING A TURTLE-NECK?
....Stilton, you have to make a comic about this.
Speaking of odd designs, where did you find that snail? That is the most disgusting snail ever.
My head explodes every time I watch the news these days....boom!
This is worthy of a comic. And yes, I don't get what he's supposed to be either. Is he a friend or foe of Mr. Evil Capitalist?
Or, perhaps Mr. Evil Unemployment is just a mask to disguise a certain anti-real-job growth President...
Clearly pimped from Lost In Space - "Have no fear, Smith is here!"
At least those 6,000 unemployed folks in Florida can use those capes for blankets when they become homeless, too. It can get chilly sleeping on the beach.
I KNEW this nonsense reminded me of something!
Readers- Regarding "Dr. Evil Unemployment," to my eye he looks like he's from India. Is this a slam at outsourcing, or did the government just give the design job to the low bidder...an artist from India who draws ALL people looking like that?
In any event, the Obama administration's answer to "Dr Evil Unemployment" would surely be "Dr GOOD Unemployment." He helps make sure that Americans don't have to do the jobs that Mexicans are willing to do, and that women won't accept jobs for which men might make a few pennies per hour more. "Dr Good Unemployment" makes sure that no one has to take a job that forces them to set an alarm clock, or adhere to any particular standard of grooming.
He is, in other words, a hero for our times. God help us all.
I don't know about the "jab at outsourcing". That sounds a little to clever for a group who's solution for unemployment is handing out capes.
Here's something - Dr. U is holding a pink slip! Is that meant to imply that he's an evil fat cat who fires people for no reason? Or is Dr. Evil Unemployment himself unemployed?
What kind of doctor is he?
This just makes less sense the more I think about it.
More craziness: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/cape_rdax_676x507.jpg
If they don't have jobs, why are they all dressed up for work?
It's nice to know that fascism isn't dead, just backing up for a running start. The President proposes that he be empowered to see that people who disagree with him politically should be terminated from civil service jobs and the people here can agree fast enough. Oh, sorry, it's going to be by their "job performance" -- like teacher evaluations, right A twit announces that Iraq WAS actually blood for oil -- correct that --- SHOULD have been blood for oil and the people here can't cheer fast enough or loud enough. Of course the Hannity's etc are all cheering, too so we can know that we are all on the same side. I gots news for you'se. This ain't no Atlas shrooged it be ship o'fools. Porter not Russo.
I'm with James; I don't think the people behind this are clever enough for humor beyond 1 level deep.
Either way, I think everyone involved should be made to experience real "unemployment", so they can learn first hand that a government agency that comes up with silly cartoon characters and hands out worthless superhero capes is about as useful to an unemployed person as, say a cartoon character and a worthless superhero cape.
John, well said
Jamie - Thank YOU!!! I was unaware of Dr.Horrible.
How awesome!
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