In his first press conference in eight months, Barack Obama declared his intention to be an even better president in the future and announced his second term plans ("I'll do to job creators what Israel does to Hamas leaders"), which makes this an appropriate time for Hope n' Change Cartoons to announce our second term plans.
In a nutshell, it will be "Change...but still Hope."
The battle against Obama and for America must continue, and Hope n' Change isn't leaving the fight. But we do have to adjust to the "new normal," which is that Barry isn't going anywhere for the next four years other than the golf course and the occasional taxpayer-funded vacation.
This being the case, I need to start allocating more time to earning a living (something I've put on hold for the past few years) and burying gold in mayonnaise jars in hard to find places surrounded by tripwires and rabid squirrels. (Okay, I don't actually have any gold, but some of the squirrels in my yard look pretty dangerous.)
So here's the plan: as of today, Hope n' Change Cartoons will be published only on Friday - but that doesn't mean that Barry's indiscretions and screw-ups will get a free pass the rest of the week. Far from it!
Rather, whenever an idea hits me for a cartoon, graphic, or particularly snotty remark, I'll post it immediately on Facebook (which you can see at whether you're a Facebook member or not), and then I'll repost all of that material (and probably something fresh) for a "week in review" here every Friday, where we can continue to kick things around in the comments section.
This will free me to work not only on my personal and (hopefully) profitable ventures, but also give me additional time to think of interesting wrenches to throw into the gears of the Liberal machinery. I'm not sure what form those wrenches may take yet, but I'm convinced that it's important to create new, non-electoral forms of exercising power (in entirely legal ways) with which to beat the Lefties over the head. And I approach this challenge not only with enthusiasm, but a certain evil glee. "Bwah-ha-ha" is definitely going to be a bigger part of my vocabulary.
Finally, because I lack the eloquence (and frankly, telegenic good looks) of Bill Whittle, I ask you to take a few minutes to watch this video in which Mr. Whittle perfectly expresses not only our disappointment and anger with the election results, but our individual responsibility to keep fighting as others before us have fought in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
So I'll see you on Facebook whenever the mood hits, or see you right here next Friday.
Now get out there, hold your head high, and annoy a liberal! -Stilton Jarlsberg