Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wright Wing Extremist

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Despite mounting evidence that the massacre at Fort Hood was the worst Islamic terror attack on US soil since 9/11, the president and senior members of his administration continue to dismiss reports of Major Hasan's anti-American beliefs and activities, while fretting about a potential anti-Muslim backlash which has never manifested itself in the past.

This bizarre and repugnant desire to protect the perpetrator's reputation and motives while impugning the American public comes uncomfortably close to Reverend Jeremiah Wright's portrayal of the 9/11 attacks. But of course, Barack Hussein Obama would no more disavow his spiritual mentor than he could disavow his white grandmother...


Suzy said...

Wake up, America!!!!

Philip said...

Hope & Change ! :

Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance?


Gabriel said...

It seems to me like they are viewing terrorists as victims of American society. I can't even express how horrible that is, so I won't.

Suzy said...

Ever since 9/11, they have portrayed Muslims as some sort of victim. Its sickening. If mass murder is what you have to do to get compassion from the US government, its no wonder its happening more often.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Gabriel & Suzy- freedom of religion is certainly one of the great things about our country, and the protections that are offered to all faiths must never be taken lightly.

That being said, there is certainly a broad and appropriate middle ground between a blanket condemnation of Islam, versus a "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" denial of what we can see happening all over the world.

In fact, the more our elected officials cling to their naive and dangerous denials, the less faith many Americans will have in the government's ability to handle crises and seek justice...which actually increases the possibility of an anti-Muslim backlash that no rational person wants.

Philip said...

Obama : Hasan May Have Cracked From 'Stress'...
