Friday, December 4, 2009

The Bear Truth

Click Cartoon for Larger Size
The so-called Climategate Scandal continues to grow, with more and more evidence of scientific fraud, as well as revelations that researchers actually destroyed the original weather data which could have been used to refute their bogus arguments.

Even so, the Whitehouse continues to insist that "climate change is happening," which doesn't even remotely mean that "global warming is caused by man." Even more troubling is the fact that there is currently no peer-reviewed scientific data which suggests that the climate will stop changing (for the first time since the Earth was formed) if we can simply raise taxes high enough...


Suzy said...

LOL cute comic! I want a conservative polar bear. Can he come home with me?

Suzy said...

BTW I was catching my husband up on your comics and he was laughing out loud at most of them....and then he wanted to know what you are going to do when Obama gets out of the White House, since surely it won't last much longer? haha.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Suzy- Frankly, we'd enjoy doing cartoons about other subjects (including just pointless fun). But as long as this craziness is going on in Washington, there's a duty for people to speak up wherever and however they can.

Regarding your other point, we want a conservative polar bear, too.