Friday, March 26, 2010

No, I Thought YOU Read It

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously said "we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it."

Unfortunately, it turns out the Democrats had to pass the bill so they could find out what's in it too.

Oh, they knew about the well-documented kickbacks and bribes they'd be receiving, all of which made it into law. But they didn't know that their 2000-page bill fails to give promised coverage to kids with pre-existing illnesses. They didn't know that their bill lacks the $10 billion in funding the IRS will need to monitor every American for "health insurance compliance."

And they didn't know that the healthcare bill will help fund medications like Viagra for convicted sex offenders. Of course, they know now...and have specifically voted in favor of keeping the "performance enhancing drugs" flowing.

To paraphrase the great political philosopher and screen comedian Oliver Hardy: "This is another fine print mess you've gotten us into!"


Suzy said...

Guess if all the sex offenders have Viagra, there will be no children left to need to cover under the plan.


All it does is prove what the bill's true intent was...and it was NOT to help children or the poor. Wake up America! Obama DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU!!!!! "Obamacare" is the definition of oxymoron....

Pete(Detroit) said...

I have NEVER understood why we buy viagra or rogaine for prisoners.

Or anyone else, for that matter...

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Suzy & Pete- Basically, this falls under the president's "No child's behind left" plan.

Chris Mallory said...

Not to defend child molesters or rapists, but the term "sex offender" has been warped to the point that it is worthless. Child molesters and rapists should not be free (or alive) to need viagra, but how about the man who while in college got drunk and was caught peeing in an alley? He is a sex offender in many states.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Chris- We'd agree that alley-peeing isn't even vaguely a "sex offense" (as long as the perpetrator was facing a wall, and the wall was of consenting age). Rather that being given a "sex offender" label, a first time offender should be given a dunce cap and adult diapers.

Suzy said...

Oh my word, the comments....good thing I don't like keyboard is safe.

Anonymous said...

They didn't forget. They're setting up for the next round of "necessary health care reform bills," which of course will receive much less fanfare but will be exponentially more diabolical much like how college textbooks include mistakes so that they can issue the next edition and force students & colleges to pay through the ear to get them. The people will soon demand that their Obamacare should start covering things left & right.

Philip said...

AP: Say, guess what we just found in ObamaCare!

2010CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP

AP: Forget about that fabulous growth at the end of 2009

Philip said...

Biden: People are skeptical of what we’re doing because of … Bush

Claire McCaskill: Hey, maybe we “overpromised” on ObamaCare

Keep the Hopenchange: Personal incomes drop

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Philip- Great links, apart from the fact that reading these stories makes steam whistle out of my ears! Highly recommended to all readers!

Anonymous said...

Pete(Detroit) said...
I have NEVER understood why we buy viagra or rogaine for prisoners.

Sung to Eric Clapton's tune "Cocaine"..

"If you used to have hair, and it's no longer there....Rogaine...
When you're looking down, and your hair falls to the ground...Rogaine..
No hair line, no hair line , no hair line....Rogaine"