Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Math Problem

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Liberals are gleefully pointing out that the president's school speech was entirely harmless, and that lunatic conservatives had wildly over-reacted. But...

The controversy could have been ended immediately by a release of the speech's text. Yet, the text wasn't released for days after parents and school districts started complaining. Plenty of time to do some editing and rewriting...and possibly about 12 minutes worth of shortening.


Philip said...

Obama’s advice to students : Be careful about saying nutty things online


Matt said...

I agree that the speech was likely edited, and quickly.

logdogsmith said...

The study guide was edited immediately after release, and they held off as long as they could on the speech, releasing it with no school days between release and airing.

Philip said...

Well, as said Karl Rove :

"I Bet A Dime To A Dollar That The White House Rewrote The School Speech"


Stilton Jarlsberg said...

The only way we'd ever know that the speech WASN'T edited was if it had been released right away.

Since that wasn't the case, we need to choose whether we believe that:

A) Obama spontaneously did the right and selfless thing for the first time in his administration, or...

B) Obama's team rewrote the speech to take out the politically inflammatory material.

Not really a tough choice, is it?

Philip said...

Not a tough choice, indeed.

But frankly, how could we give some credit to a Socialist rabble rouser like him ?

win said...

My take on the "Hope & Change" math equation -- in bumpersticker format:
