Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Wrong Guy to Cross

According to two recent national polls, most Americans no longer believe that Barack Hussein Obama is a Christian, and as many as 1-in-5 Americans believe the president to be a Muslim.

The Whitehouse immediately fired back to say emphatically that the president is not a Muslim ("Not that there's anything wrong with that"), and pointed out that even though the president doesn't attend church, he "prays every day" (although the Whitehouse didn't mention which way he's facing at the time), and he receives a "Christian devotional" thought-of-the-day every morning on his Blackberry!

Granted, this would be pretty convincing if these were Tweets from Jesus, or if there was any compelling reason to believe that a man who ignored the content of Jeremiah Wright's sermons for 20 years was paying more attention to his Blackberry.

Here at Hope n' Change, we absolutely support the Constitutional right of Americans to believe that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, although we won't comment on the wisdom of their doing so.

But what we will say is that the longer this president is in office, the clearer it becomes that there's a stranger in the Whitehouse.

Barack Hussein Obama before he found Blackberry.


Emmentaler Limburger said...

Beware the wolves in sheep's clothing, or in this case, beware the chameleon - 0bama is whatever faith he needs to be to survive. Today he claims to be Christian. Tomorrow?

Tim said...

There is nothing in the teaching of the United Church of Christ that is incompatible with Islam. 40% of their members are agnostic. I've heard a lot more Islam out of him than Christianity. He was raised in Indonesia, which has more Muslims than any other nation. What do you think he learned there?

Angry Hoosier Dad said...

Obama uses elements of the Bible and the Koran as it suits his needs. When it's convenient for him he talks like a Christian. At other times he talks like a Muslim. But his true faith can only be found in the Book of Barack. He is his one true god and holds no others before himself. Still, I believe he prefers Islamists over Christians and Jews.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Angry Hoosier Dad- You've very concisely summed up our exact opinion on this.

Bobo said...

Lets put Oblah-blah-blah in a room with Israeli commandos. I bet they can get to the "religion of peace" truth.

John the Econ said...

In the survey that is being quoted, I would have had to answer "I don't know". All I know for a fact is that he only joined the 1 church we know about because he was told he had to if he wanted to be networked within the Chicago African-American political community. IMHO, just showing up as "present" does not make one a Christian.

Dr.D said...

Lots of people pray to demons, and BHO is no different. The only god he worships is himself, but he is much more pro-izlam than any other religion, just as he is much more anti-American than supportive.

Bobo said...

John the Econ: Good point...actions speak louder than words and I haven't heard anything to indicate he is Christian, but his that's a whole different story in itself.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Readers- Interestingly, the number of people who believe that Obama is Christian has declined since he took office. The mainstream media is claiming it's because there are rumors being spread, and because people are (in the media's opinion) idiots.

But what people have said is that it is the evidence they've seen with their own eyes that make them question Obama's faith.

And here at Hope n' Change we'd have to go with that "I don't know" choice. We don't believe that Obama is a Christian just because he says so (we know that he's a glib and self-serving liar)...but what, if any, faith he truly subscribes to is yet another mystery.

Anonymous said...

almost FIFTY percent of blacks think he is Muslim. Explain that, New York Times.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Anonymous- Clearly the blacks polled spend too much time listening to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Fox News.

vanderleun said...

Stilton, this week you are on a roll!

vanderleun said...


Can't find a contact address. Shoot me an email at

dragohnyl said...

Dear Mr. Obama,
I am a Christian. I am also an American who has committed himself to serve and defend the Constitution as a member of the National Guard. As the former, I would hate to think that you are a Muslim. As the latter, I would die to defend your right to be one. Show proof, one way or the other, and quit sitting the fence lest Jesus (the savior of Christians, a prophet of Islam) spit you out of his mouth and us with you. Either way, I will not (and did not) vote for you. I would just respect you a whole lot more.

Anonymous said...

Actions will always speak louder than words. Besides, whether Muslim or Christian, it is clear BHO isn't too fond of the the USA, it's people or its traditions.

Colby Muenster said...

Nope... not a Muslim. They make people who don't have nuts wear burkas.